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Created June 11, 2024 12:57
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# Does something. Instances of this class can
# only be used once. The instance contains all
# the info about the execution. Repeated
# calls to do_it should in theory not be
# allowed and/or not be supported
class DoesSomething
def initialize(some,args)
@some = some
@args = args
def do_it
# ...
@competed = ...
@validation_errors = ...
def completed? = @completed
def validation_errors = @validation_errors
# Does something. Instances of this class are stateless and
# can be re-used any number of times, producing a fresh
# DoesSomethingResult each time
class DoesSomething
def do_it(some,args)
# some logic
# Class describing all possible outcomes of DoesSomething's do_it method
class DoesSomethingResult
attr_reader :validation_errors
def initialize(completed,validation_errors=[])
@completed = completed
@validation_errors = validation_errors
def completed? = @completed
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Hey. 👋

In both of these scenarios, why not use functional composition? The Pipeable gem is great at making this possible which means you can swap or mix-n-match procs, lambdas, methods, and/or classes (via the Command Pattern, that is). This would also free you up to construct classes with dependencies injected (i.e. object composition) for different behavior while essentially remaining stateless (although you could have some state within your classes as long as the state is only isolated to the class so that it remains encapsulated).

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I find that style confusing and somewhat convoluted. It puts a lot of layers of abstraction around calling methods. I had a really hard time figuring out what the Pipeable example is doing, since none of the methods that need to be called are called in the code. It just seems way overcomplicated for what is just a few lines:

class Demo
  def parse(data)
    if data ~= /Book.+Price/
    CSV.instance(data, headers: true) { |row|
      "#{ row['Book'] }: #{ row['Price'] }"

It's also very non-idiomatic for Ruby, and I think there's value in not steering away from common language idioms.

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