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Created May 15, 2016 21:24
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import XCTest
import TLIndexPathTools
@testable import NewApp
class TLToolsTests: CoreDataTestCase, TLIndexPathControllerDelegate {
var expectedProperties: [String:AnyObject]? = nil
var changeExpectation: XCTestExpectation?
var deleteExpectation: XCTestExpectation?
var insertExpectation: XCTestExpectation?
var indexPathController: TLIndexPathController!
func updateAndWait(object: NSManagedObject, changes: [String:AnyObject]) {
self.expectedProperties = changes
self.changeExpectation = expectationWithDescription("properties are correct")
NSLog("-- waiting for update to '\(changes)' --")
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1, handler: nil)
override func setUp() {
let request = Address.fetch(predicate: nil, sortAttribute: "messageCount", ascending: true)
indexPathController = TLIndexPathController(fetchRequest: request, managedObjectContext: mainContext, sectionNameKeyPath: nil, identifierKeyPath: nil, cacheName: nil)
indexPathController.delegate = self
indexPathController.ignoreFetchedResultsChanges = false
indexPathController.ignoreDataModelChanges = false
try! indexPathController.performFetch()
var itemCount: Int { return indexPathController.dataModel!.numberOfRowsInSection(0) }
func testIndexPathController() {
// check counts
XCTAssertEqual(itemCount, 0)
// insert
let address = Address.createEntity(inContext: mainContext) as! Address
address.mailbox = ""
address.messageCount = 0
insertExpectation = expectationWithDescription("item is inserted")
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1, handler: nil)
XCTAssertEqual(itemCount, 1)
// updates
updateAndWait(address, changes: ["messageCount" : 10])
updateAndWait(address, changes: ["messageCount" : 12])
updateAndWait(address, changes: ["isContact" : true])
updateAndWait(address, changes: ["messageCount" : 119])
updateAndWait(address, changes: ["messageCount" : 103])
updateAndWait(address, changes: ["mailbox" : "", "isContact" : false])
// delete
deleteExpectation = expectationWithDescription("item is deleted")
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1, handler: nil)
// check counts
XCTAssertEqual(itemCount, 0)
func controller(controller: TLIndexPathController, didUpdateDataModel updates: TLIndexPathUpdates) {
NSLog("updateModifiedItems: \(updates.updateModifiedItems)")
NSLog("has changes: \(updates.hasChanges)")
NSLog("inserted: \(updates.insertedItems)")
NSLog("modified: \(updates.modifiedItems)")
NSLog("deleted: \(updates.deletedItems)")
NSLog("moved: \(updates.movedItems)")
if updates.insertedItems.count > 0 {
if updates.modifiedItems.count > 0 {
if updates.movedItems.count > 0 {
if updates.deletedItems.count > 0 {
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