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Last active August 11, 2023 18:17
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How does React differ from other frontend frameworks/libraries?

Virtual DOM React introduces the virtual DOM, which is essentially a lightweight copy of the actual DOM that is used to optimize the performance of updating and rendering user interfaces. If you'd like to read up on the VDOM feel free but we'll dig into this concept later in the course a bit more!

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Component-Based Architecture React allows us to use a modular approach to UI development through components. Each component encapsulates its own logic, styles, and functionality, making it easier to reuse and maintain code.
Unidirectional Data Flow React enforces a unidirectional data flow, where data flows from parent components to child components. This simplifies data management and reduces side effects, making it easier to debug and reason about the application's behavior (we will dig into this a bit more when we dive deeper into state management and props).
JSX React uses JSX (JavaScript XML) syntax, which allows developers to write UI components using a syntax similar to HTML. This combination of JavaScript and HTML-like syntax makes it more intuitive to work with UI elements.
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