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Last active March 1, 2021 23:57
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Customize LearnDash Notifications (v1.4+): Subscriptions manager page slug & title
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function() {
remove_filter( 'learndash_notifications_email_content', [ 'LD_Notifications_Subscription_Manager', 'subscription_notice' ], 99 );
remove_action( 'template_redirect', [ 'LD_Notifications_Subscription_Manager', 'redirect_to_login_page' ], 10 );
remove_action( 'template_include', [ 'LD_Notifications_Subscription_Manager', 'subscription_page' ], 10 );
remove_filter( 'document_title_parts', [ 'LD_Notifications_Subscription_Manager', 'subscription_page_title' ], 10 );
remove_action( 'init', [ 'LD_Notifications_Subscription_Manager', 'save_subscriptions' ], 10 );
} );
add_filter( 'learndash_notifications_email_content', function( $content, $notification_id ) {
$content .= '<p class="subscription-manager-notice" style="font-size:14px;">';
$content .= sprintf( __( 'Don\'t want to receive this email anymore? <a href="%s">Manage Your Notification Settings →</a>', 'learndash-notifications' ), home_url( '/course-email-notifications/' ) );
$content .= '</p>';
return $content;
}, 99, 2 );
add_action( 'template_redirect', function() {
$query_vars = LD_Notifications_Subscription_Manager::get_query_vars();
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && array_search( 'course-email-notifications', $query_vars, true ) !== false ) {
$login_page = wp_login_url( home_url( '/course-email-notifications/' ) );
wp_safe_redirect( $login_page );
} );
add_filter( 'template_include', function( $template ) {
$query_vars = LD_Notifications_Subscription_Manager::get_query_vars();
if ( is_user_logged_in() && array_search( 'course-email-notifications', $query_vars, true ) !== false ) {
http_response_code( 200 );
add_action( 'wp_footer', function() {
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
$( '.select-all' ).on( 'click', function() {
if ( $( this ) .is( ':checked' ) ) {
$( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ).prop( 'checked', true );
} else {
$( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ).prop( 'checked', false );
} );
} );
$triggers = learndash_notifications_get_triggers();
$subscriptions = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'learndash_notifications_subscription', true );
<style scoped="scoped">
.primary {
margin-bottom: 30px;
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
h1 {
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 40px;
.message {
color: #fff;
padding: 5px 15px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.message.success {
background-color: green;
} {
background-color: red;
.triggers {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.item {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
.item.alternate {
background-color: #f5f5f5;
.item.submit {
margin-top: 20px;
.header {
font-weight: bold;
.child {
width: 80%;
padding: 5px 10px;
.child.cb {
width: 200px;
text-align: center;
@media screen {
<main class="learndash-notifications primary">
<h1><?php _e( 'Course Email Notifications', 'learndash-notifications' ) ?></h1>
if ( isset( $_GET['message'] ) ) {
switch ( $_GET['message'] ) {
case 'success':
$class = 'success';
$message = __( 'Your notification settings have been saved.', 'learndash-notifications' );
case 'fail':
$class = 'fail';
$message = __( 'There is something wrong. Please try again later.', 'learndash-notifications' );
$message = false;
if ( $message ) {
<div class="message <?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>"><?php echo $message; ?></div>
<div class="triggers">
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="learndash_notifications_subscription">
<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_current_user_id() ) ?>">
<?php wp_nonce_field( 'learndash_notifications_subscription', 'ld_nonce' ) ?>
<div class="item">
<div class="header child"><?php _e( 'Emails', 'learndash-notifications' ) ?></div>
<div class="header cb child">
<?php _e( 'Enabled', 'learndash-notifications' ) ?>
<div class="input">
<input type="checkbox" name="select-all" class="select-all" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Select All', 'learndash-notifications' ) ?>">
<?php $count = 0; ?>
<?php foreach ( $triggers as $key => $label ) : ?>
<?php $count++; ?>
<?php $checked = ! isset( $subscriptions[ $key ] ) || $subscriptions[ $key ] ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?>
<div class="item <?php if ( $count % 2 ) echo 'alternate'; ?>">
<div class="label child"><?php echo esc_textarea( $label ) ?></div>
<div class="cb child"><input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ) ?>" value="1" <?php echo $checked ?>></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="item submit">
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="child cb">
<input class="submit" type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save Changes', 'learndash-notifications' ) ?>">
echo ob_get_clean();
return '';
} else {
return $template;
} );
add_filter( 'document_title_parts', function( $title ) {
$query_vars = LD_Notifications_Subscription_Manager::get_query_vars();
if ( array_search( 'course-email-notifications', $query_vars, true ) !== false ) {
$title['title'] = __( 'Course Email Notification Settings' );
return $title;
} );
add_action( 'init', function() {
if ( ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) || $_POST['action'] !== 'learndash_notifications_subscription' ) {
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['ld_nonce'], 'learndash_notifications_subscription' ) ) {
$user_id = intval( $_POST['user_id'] );
if ( empty( $user_id ) ) {
$triggers = learndash_notifications_get_triggers();
$subscriptions = [];
foreach ( $triggers as $key => $label ) {
if ( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) && $_POST[ $key ] == 1 ) {
$subscriptions[ $key ] = 1;
} else {
$subscriptions[ $key ] = 0;
$update = update_user_meta( $user_id, 'learndash_notifications_subscription', $subscriptions );
if ( $update ) {
$redirect_url = add_query_arg( [ 'message' => 'success' ], home_url( 'course-email-notifications/' ) );
} else {
$redirect_url = add_query_arg( [ 'message' => 'fail' ], home_url( 'course-email-notifications/' ) );
wp_redirect( $redirect_url );
} );
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