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Created September 20, 2023 20:09
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Silly spammer forgot to configure their spammy newsletter kit
Hi ,
Thanks for subscribing to [insert the name of your newsletter or “my email list”], !
Since you’re a subscriber, I’ll send you awesome content you can’t get from a Google search or anywhere else online. You’ll receive [insert email send cadence, such as daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly] emails with [insert the type of content you’ll send subscribers, such as blog posts, best practices, videos, podcasts, etc.].
[I/We] started [insert business name] because [insert the problem your business aims to solve for your audience]. [My/Our] mission is to help you [insert how you will help subscribers] by sharing best practices, tips, and tricks [I’ve/we’ve] learned through my/our own experiences.
To make sure you don’t miss any emails from [me/us], can you add me to your address book? Here are directions that show you how to do that.
And one last thing: What questions do you have about [insert your industry or what you do]? Just reply to this email to let me know.
Thanks again! I’ll be in touch tomorrow with a helpful surprise.
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