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Created March 28, 2016 02:23
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package davex;
import java.util.Objects;
* The MATRIX Class for storing and operating weighted undirected grid
* @author Dong Fang
public class Matrix {
private int mSize;
private int[][] mMatrix;
private static final int INF = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // INFINITE value
* Init the matrix
* @param pSize
public Matrix(int pSize){
mSize = (int) Math.pow(pSize, 2);
mMatrix = new int[mSize][mSize];
* connect two point with weight and boundary check
* @param X
* @param Y
* @param Weight
* @throws Exception
public void connect(String X, String Y, String Weight) throws Exception {
if(Integer.parseInt(X) - 1 < 0 || Integer.parseInt(Y) - 1 < 0) throw new Exception("Out of Boundary");
if(Integer.parseInt(X) - 1 > mSize || Integer.parseInt(Y) - 1 > mSize) throw new Exception("Out of Boundary");
mMatrix[Integer.parseInt(X) - 1][Integer.parseInt(Y) - 1] = Integer.parseInt(Weight);
mMatrix[Integer.parseInt(Y) - 1][Integer.parseInt(X) - 1] = Integer.parseInt(Weight);
* Breadth First Search Algorithm
* @param pStartPoint start point
* @param pEndPoint end point
* @return result
public String BreadthFirstSearch(String pStartPoint, String pEndPoint){
if(Objects.equals(pStartPoint, pEndPoint)) return pStartPoint + "\t" + pEndPoint;
int[] edgeTo = new int[mSize];
boolean[] marked = new boolean[mSize];
for (int i = 0; i < mSize;i++) edgeTo[i] = -1; // init the edgeTo, set -1
Queue<Integer> queue = new Queue<Integer>();
int startPoint = Integer.parseInt(pStartPoint) - 1;
int endPoint = Integer.parseInt(pEndPoint) - 1;
marked[startPoint] = true; // mark the start point
while (!queue.isEmpty()){
int v = queue.dequeue();
for (int i = 0; i < mSize; i++){
if(mMatrix[i][v] != 0){
// if marked, then it means duplicate
// if not, then it means unvisited and mark it
edgeTo[i] = v;
marked[i] = true;
int i = endPoint;
String result = "";
while (edgeTo[i] != startPoint){
if(edgeTo[i] == -1){
result = "-1\t";
int num = edgeTo[i] + 1;
result = num + "\t" + result;
i = edgeTo[i];
return pStartPoint + "\t" + result + pEndPoint;
* Dijkstra Search Algorithm
* @param pStartPoint start point
* @param pEndPoint end point
* @return result
public String dijkstraSearch(String pStartPoint, String pEndPoint){
if(Objects.equals(pStartPoint, pEndPoint)) return pStartPoint + "\t" + pEndPoint;
int[] distTo = new int[mSize];
int[] previous = new int[mSize];
boolean[] visited = new boolean[mSize];
int startPoint = Integer.parseInt(pStartPoint) - 1;
int endPoint = Integer.parseInt(pEndPoint) - 1;
// init the status
for (int i = 0; i < mSize; i++) {
visited[i] = false; // all the points are not visited
distTo[i] = INF; // set paths of all the point are INFINITE
previous[i] = startPoint; // every point's parent is the start point
distTo[startPoint] = 0; // shortest path(weight) from the start point
previous[startPoint] = -1; // parent of the point
visited[startPoint] = true; // set the start point is visited
int current = startPoint; // init the current point
for (int i = 1; i < mSize; i++){
// core of Dijkstra Search Algorithm
int min = INF;
for (int j = 0; j< mSize; j++){
if(!visited[j] && distTo[j] < min){
// find the current minimum path and the unvisited point
min = distTo[j];
current = j;
visited[current] = true; // set the point is visited
for (int v = 0; v < mSize; v++){
if(mMatrix[current][v] > 0 && distTo[v] > distTo[current] + mMatrix[current][v]){
// calculate the path that the Current point to Adjacent point
// if the path is shorter than before, then overwrite it
distTo[v] = distTo[current] + mMatrix[current][v];
previous[v] = current;
int i = endPoint;
String result = "";
while (previous[i] != startPoint || distTo[i] == INF){
// output the path
if(previous[i] == -1 || distTo[i] == INF){
result = "-1\t";
int num = previous[i] + 1;
result = num + "\t" + result;
i = previous[i];
return pStartPoint + "\t" + result + pEndPoint;
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