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Last active June 28, 2019 04:25
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Save davfigue/7908615 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fabric deploy script for 'django + uwsgi + nginx'
# A fabric deploy script for a django project using uwsgi + nginx (is debian/ubuntu focused)
# The nginx virtual host conf and uwsgi.ini should reside in the project root:
# - virtual host conf filename should be: PROJECT_NAME_nginx.conf
# - uwsgi conf filename should be: uwsgi.ini
# The deployment is mercurial based, but the script requires little changes for using git
# deployment works as follow:
# $ fab (devel|staging|production) install_system_deps #only once
# $ fab (devel|staging|production) deploy[:branch_name]
# rollback:
# $ fab (devel|staging|production) rollback
import time
import os.path
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib import project
PROJECT_NAME = "project_name"
# Remote location deploy dir
# Sub directories to be created inside SITE_ROOT
'RELEASES': 'releases',
'VENV': 'venv',
'CONF': 'conf',
'LOG': 'log',
'STATIC': 'static'
# The place where all the code revisions will live
# Symbolic link name for the current release
# Remote config dir
CONF_DIR = os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, SUB_DIRS['CONF'])
# Python Virtual Environment for the project
VENV_DIR = os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, SUB_DIRS['VENV'])
# Temp folder
TMP_DIR = "/tmp"
# Max number of items kept in releases folder
def _create_dirs(site_root, sub_dirs):
Creates the remote directory structure for deploying the project
with settings(warn_only=True):
sudo("mkdir %s" % site_root)
with cd(site_root):
for key, dir in sub_dirs.items():
sudo("mkdir %s" % dir)
def _check_folders(site_root, sub_dirs):
Checks the existence of all needed folders
with settings(warn_only=True):
if run("test -d %s" % site_root).failed:
return False
status = True
with cd(site_root):
for key, dir in sub_dirs.items():
status &= not run("test -d %s" % dir).failed
return status
def _fix_perms(site_root):
Updates the folder permissions
sudo("chown -R %s:%s %s" % (env.user, "www-data", site_root))
sudo("chmod -R g+rw %s" % site_root)
def _create_virtual_env(venv_dir):
Creates the virtual environment for the project
#run("virtualenv --system-site-packages %s" % venv_dir)
run("virtualenv %s" % venv_dir)
def devel():
Sets the environment variables to deploy to localhost
env.hosts = ['localhost']
def staging():
Sets the environment variables to deploy to staging environment
env.hosts = ['staging-host1']
env.user = 'staging-user'
def production():
Sets the environment variables to deploy to production environment
env.hosts = ['production-host1']
env.user = 'production-user'
def _update_project(code_dir, branch, release_date):
Updates the project code in the remote host(s)
local("hg pull")
local("hg update %s" % branch)
destination_dir = os.path.join(code_dir, release_date)
run("mkdir %s" % destination_dir)
with cd(code_dir):
exclude_pattern = ['.hg/', '.hgignore', '.idea/', '*.pyc']
project.rsync_project(remote_dir=destination_dir, exclude=exclude_pattern)
_create_code_symlink(code_dir, destination_dir)
def _install_requirements(venv_dir, code_dir, release_date, project_name):
Install the requirements for the project as listed in requirements.txt file
requirements = os.path.join(code_dir, release_date, project_name, "requirements.txt")
with cd(venv_dir):
run("source bin/activate && pip install -r %s" % requirements)
def _create_code_symlink(code_dir, target):
Creates symbolic link in the releases folder
link_path = os.path.join(code_dir, CURRENT_RELEASE)
with cd(code_dir):
with settings(warn_only=True):
run("unlink %s" % link_path)
run("ln -s %s %s" % (target, link_path))
def _get_releases_list(code_dir):
Returns a list of all releases directories, ignoring the symbolic link
to the 'current' release
dirs = run("ls -r -1 %s" % code_dir)
from contextlib import nested # For executing nested contexts in python 2.5 and 2.6, deprecated for 2.7
with nested(settings(warn_only=True), hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr')):
with cd(code_dir):
# All directories but the 'current' symbolic link
releases = [os.path.join(code_dir, item) for item in dirs.splitlines() if run("test -L %s" % item).failed]
return releases
def _clean_history(code_dir, max_history):
Deletes the oldest version of code deployed in releases folder
releases = _get_releases_list(code_dir)
if len(releases) <= max_history:
print "Cleaning oldest releases:"
[run("rm -rf %s" % item) for item in releases[max_history:]]
def _link_uwsgi_conf(conf_dir, code_dir, uwsgi_ini_file):
uWSGI configuration
conf_destination = os.path.join(conf_dir, uwsgi_ini_file)
conf_source = os.path.join(code_dir, CURRENT_RELEASE, PROJECT_NAME, uwsgi_ini_file)
with settings(warn_only=True):
run("unlink %s" % conf_destination)
run("ln -s %s %s" % (conf_source, conf_destination))
def _restart_uwsgi(conf_dir, uwsgi_ini_file):
Restart the uWSGI container
pid_file_name = PROJECT_NAME + ""
pid_full_path = os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, pid_file_name)
with settings(warn_only=True):
conf_destination = os.path.join(conf_dir, uwsgi_ini_file)
if run("test -f %s" % pid_full_path).failed:
run("uwsgi --ini %s" % conf_destination)
run("uwsgi --touch-reload %s" % conf_destination)
def _link_nginx_conf(code_dir, vhost_file):
Nginx configuration
sites_available = "/etc/nginx/sites-available"
sites_enabled = "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled"
conf_source = os.path.join(code_dir, CURRENT_RELEASE, PROJECT_NAME, vhost_file)
with settings(warn_only=True):
sudo("cp %s %s" % (conf_source, sites_available))
sudo("ln -f -s %s %s" % (os.path.join(sites_available, vhost_file), os.path.join(sites_enabled, vhost_file)))
def _restart_nginx():
Simply restart the nginx service
sudo("service nginx restart")
def _collect_static_files(venv_dir, code_dir, project_name):
Collect all the static files into the final destination that will be served directly by the web server
project_root = os.path.join(code_dir, CURRENT_RELEASE, project_name)
with cd(project_root):
activate_venv = os.path.join(venv_dir, "bin", "activate")
with prefix("source %s" % activate_venv):
run("python collectstatic --noinput")
def install_system_deps():
Install the S.O needed packages (debian focus) and install 'virtualenv' and 'uwsgi' as global python packages
sudo("apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip libgmp-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev nginx")
sudo("pip install virtualenv")
sudo("pip install uwsgi")
def deploy(branch='default'):
deploy[:branch], deploys the code (in the specified branch or default) and installs the dependencies
if not _check_folders(SITE_ROOT, SUB_DIRS):
_create_dirs(SITE_ROOT, SUB_DIRS)
release_date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
uwsgi_ini_file = "uwsgi.ini"
vhost_file = "%s_nginx.conf" % PROJECT_NAME
_update_project(CODE_DIR, branch, release_date)
_install_requirements(VENV_DIR, CODE_DIR, release_date, PROJECT_NAME)
_collect_static_files(VENV_DIR, CODE_DIR, PROJECT_NAME)
_link_uwsgi_conf(CONF_DIR, CODE_DIR, uwsgi_ini_file)
_restart_uwsgi(CONF_DIR, uwsgi_ini_file)
_link_nginx_conf(CODE_DIR, vhost_file)
def rollback():
Rollbacks the code to the previous release if exists
releases = _get_releases_list(CODE_DIR)
if len(releases) < 2:
print "Cannot rollback because number of releases is: %s" % len(releases)
_create_code_symlink(CODE_DIR, releases[1])
run("rm -rf %s" % releases[0])
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