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mbinna /
Last active December 25, 2024 05:52
Effective Modern CMake

Effective Modern CMake

Getting Started

For a brief user-level introduction to CMake, watch C++ Weekly, Episode 78, Intro to CMake by Jason Turner. LLVM’s CMake Primer provides a good high-level introduction to the CMake syntax. Go read it now.

After that, watch Mathieu Ropert’s CppCon 2017 talk Using Modern CMake Patterns to Enforce a Good Modular Design (slides). It provides a thorough explanation of what modern CMake is and why it is so much better than “old school” CMake. The modular design ideas in this talk are based on the book [Large-Scale C++ Software Design](

goyalankit / bash_to_zsh_history.rb
Last active October 28, 2023 05:07
Import bash history to zsh history.
# = This script transfers bash history to zsh history
# = Change bash and zsh history files, if you don't use defaults
# = Usage: ruby bash_to_zsh_history.rb
# = Author: Ankit Goyal
# change if you don't use default values
shoooe / any.hpp
Last active July 5, 2021 02:19
A simple implementation of Boost's any, as an exercise.
#pragma once
#include <exception>
#include <memory>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <type_traits>
class any;
template<class Type> Type any_cast(any&);