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Forked from anonymous/LayoutSizingProblem.html
Created February 19, 2009 22:50
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<title>Nested Layout</title>
<style type="text/css">
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#toggle {
text-align: center;
padding: 1em;
#toggle a {
padding: 0 5px;
border-left: 1px solid black;
#tRight {
border-left: none !important;
.yui-log .myMessage
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var layoutOutter;
var layoutInner;
var logReader;
function layoutInnerRendered() {
layoutInner.on('resize', function(eventInfo) {
if (layoutInner) {
var maxHeight = computeBottomUnitMaxHeight(),
height = computeBottomUnitHeight(),
bottom = layoutInner.getUnitByPosition('bottom');
//console.log(height, ' :: ', maxHeight);
if (height > maxHeight) {
height = maxHeight;
bottom.set("height", height, true);
//console.log(height, ' :: ', maxHeight);
//This is the real bug, you can't set maxHeight after the initial set.
//Bug added:
bottom._resize.set("maxHeight", maxHeight, true);
function layoutOutterRendered() {
var el = layoutOutter.getUnitByPosition('center').get('wrap');
layoutInner = new YAHOO.widget.Layout(el, {
parent: layoutOutter,
units: [
{ position: 'center', header: 'Table', body: 'selectorDiv', gutter: '2px', resize: false },
{ position: 'bottom', header: 'Bottom', resize: true, height: computeBottomUnitHeight(), maxHeight: computeBottomUnitMaxHeight(), body: 'detailsDiv', gutter: '2px', collapse: true, collapseSize: 50, scroll: false }
layoutInner.on("render",layoutInnerRendered );
function initLayoutOutter() {
// Whole page layout
layoutOutter = new YAHOO.widget.Layout(
units: [
{ position: 'top', resize: false, body: 'topRowDiv', height:50 },
{ position: 'right', header: 'Debugging Logger', width: 300, resize: true, gutter: '2px 5px', collapse: true, scroll: true, body: 'loggerDiv', maxWidth: 1000 },
{ position: 'left', id: "layoutNavBar", header: 'Catalog', width: 200, resize: true, body: 'navbarDiv', gutter: '2px 5px', collapse: true, collapseSize: 50, scroll: true, maxWidth: 300 },
{ position: 'center', body: 'centerDiv' }
layoutOutter.on("render", layoutOutterRendered );
function computeBottomUnitMaxHeight() {
// Get the available height from the outter's center unit
var el = layoutOutter.getUnitByPosition('center').get('wrap');
var availHeight = layoutOutter.getSizes().center.h;
//console.log(el.offsetHeight, ' :: ', availHeight, ' - ', MIN_TABLE_VIEW_HEIGHT, ' = ', (availHeight - MIN_TABLE_VIEW_HEIGHT));
// Give table, ie the inner center unit, a minimum height
var maxDetailHeight = availHeight - MIN_TABLE_VIEW_HEIGHT;
//console.log("computeMax(): max: " + maxDetailHeight + " availHeight: " + availHeight, "myMessage");
return maxDetailHeight;
function computeBottomUnitHeight() {
var detailsHeight;
// Get the available height from the outter's center unit
var el = layoutOutter.getUnitByPosition('center').get('wrap');
var availHeight = el.offsetHeight;
// we'll take 1/3 for table and 2/3 for details, but give table a minimum
if ( availHeight * 0.33 > MIN_TABLE_VIEW_HEIGHT ) {
detailsHeight = availHeight * 0.66;
} else {
detailsHeight = availHeight - MIN_TABLE_VIEW_HEIGHT;
//console.log("computeH(): h: " + detailsHeight + " availHeight: " + availHeight, "myMessage");
return detailsHeight;
function onDomReady () {
logReader = new YAHOO.widget.LogReader("loggerDiv");
<body class=" yui-skin-sam">
<div style="position:absolute;width:100%;" >
<div id="topRowDiv" />
<div id="selectorDiv" />
<div id="navbarDiv" />
<div id="loggerDiv" />
<div id="detailsDiv" />
<div id="centerDiv" />
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