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Created November 27, 2015 08:04
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tests with mongodb full text search and mongoose
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
Schema = mongoose.Schema
Q = require 'q-extended'
Q.genrun ->
url = "mongodb://localhost/test"
yield Q.ninvoke(mongoose, "connect", url)
NoSchema = new Schema({}, { strict: false })
NoSchema.index({ key: 'text'});
Test = mongoose.model('Test', NoSchema)
yield Test.collection.dropAllIndexes();
yield Test.ensureIndexes()
yield Test.remove({})
yield Test.create({ key: "dog" })
yield Test.create({ key: "dog cat" })
yield Test.create({ key: "dog cat cat" })
yield Test.create({ key: "dog cats cat" })
# Test 1
console.log 'Searching for: "cat"'
result = yield Test.find(
$search: "cat"
$meta: 'textScore'
_id: 0
__v: 0
console.log result
# Notes
# 1. The score is higher when the word matches multiple times
# 2. There is no difference with singular/plural
# We could avoid 1. by de-duplicating terms but we don't have powerful
# singular/plural equivalence lookup as mongodb has
# Test 2
console.log 'Searching for: "dog"'
result = yield Test.find(
$search: "dog"
$meta: 'textScore'
_id: 0
__v: 0
console.log result
# Notes
# The score is higher if there are few 'extraneous' words
# It looks like we can't avoid this
yield mongoose.disconnect()
.catch (e) -> console.error e, e.stack.split('\n')
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