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Created August 20, 2015 19:53
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module Derive.Eq
import Data.Vect
import Language.Reflection.Elab
import Language.Reflection.Utils
import Derive.Util.TyConInfo
import Derive.Kit
declareEq : (fam, eq : TTName) -> (info : TyConInfo) -> Elab TyDecl
declareEq fam eq info =
do let paramArgs = map (\(n, t) => MkFunArg n t Implicit NotErased) (getParams info)
constrs <- traverse
(\(n, t) =>
do n' <- gensym "constrarg"
return $ MkFunArg n' `(Eq ~(Var n)) Constraint NotErased) $
filter (isRType . snd) $
getParams info
arg1 <- applyTyCon (args info) (Var fam)
arg2 <- applyTyCon (args info) (Var fam)
return $ Declare eq (paramArgs ++ constrs ++ arg1 ++ arg2) `(Bool)
makeImplicit : FunArg -> FunArg
makeImplicit arg = record {plicity = Implicit} arg
applyTyCon : List TyConArg -> Raw -> Elab (List FunArg)
applyTyCon [] acc = return $ [MkFunArg !(gensym "arg") acc Explicit NotErased]
applyTyCon (TyConIndex arg :: args) acc =
(\tl => makeImplicit arg :: tl) <$> applyTyCon args (RApp acc (Var (argName arg)))
applyTyCon (TyConParameter arg :: args) acc =
applyTyCon args (RApp acc (Var (argName arg)))
getFunArg : TyConArg -> FunArg
getFunArg (TyConParameter x) = makeImplicit x
getFunArg (TyConIndex x) = makeImplicit x
mkArg : TTName -> Raw -> FunArg
mkArg n t = MkFunArg n t Explicit NotErased
||| Make the matching clause for a single constructor
ctorClause : (fam, eq : TTName) -> (info : TyConInfo) ->
(c : (TTName, List CtorArg, Raw)) -> Elab FunClause
ctorClause fam eq info ctor =
do -- Simultaneously compute the LHS and its type using the Sigma trick
-- Begin by making non-param names unique (so we can use them for holes as well)
(cn1, ctorArgs1, resTy1) <- processCtorArgs info ctor
(cn2, ctorArgs2, resTy2) <- processCtorArgs info ctor
pat <- runElab `(Sigma Type id) $
do th <- newHole "finalTy" `(Type)
patH <- newHole "pattern" (Var th)
fill `(MkSigma ~(Var th) ~(Var patH) : Sigma Type id)
focus patH
-- First give consistent bindings to the parameters
traverse {b=()} (\(n, ty) => do claim n ty ; unfocus n) (getParams info)
-- Next create holes for arguments - do indices, then a hole for each actual arg
-- Now make holes for non-param args
traverse mkArgHole ctorArgs1
traverse mkArgHole ctorArgs2
-- Now make holes for the arguments themselves
arg1 <- newHole "arg1" resTy1
arg2 <- newHole "arg2" resTy2
-- Now apply ==, with holes for its args that we will fill with these ones. Most will be solved through unification, but not all.
holes' <- apply (mkApp (Var eq) (map (Var . fst) (getParams info)))
(replicate (length (getParams info) + 2 +
2 * length (getIndices info))
(True, 0))
-- We can find the argument positions by counting
-- holes. Drop the constraints and indices, then take
-- an arg, then drop the indices again, then take an
-- arg
focus (snd !(unsafeNth (length (getParams info) + (length (getIndices info))) holes'))
apply (Var arg1) []; solve
focus (snd !(unsafeNth (1 + length (getParams info) + 2 * (length (getIndices info))) holes'))
apply (Var arg2) []; solve
-- Now we get the actual arguments in place
focus arg1
apply (mkApp (Var cn1) (map (Var . argName . ctorFunArg) ctorArgs1)) []
focus arg2
apply (mkApp (Var cn2) (map (Var . argName . ctorFunArg) ctorArgs2)) []
solve -- the pattern hole
-- Turn all remaining holes except patH into pattern variables
traverse_ {b=()} (\h => focus h *> patvar h) !getHoles
let (pvars, sigma) = extractBinders !(forgetTypes (fst pat))
(_, lhs) <- getSigmaArgs sigma
rhs <- runElab (bindPatTys pvars `(Bool)) $
do (repeatUntilFail bindPat <|> return ())
checkEq (zip ctorArgs1 ctorArgs2)
realRhs <- forgetTypes (fst rhs)
return $ MkFunClause (bindPats pvars lhs) realRhs
where mkArgHole : CtorArg -> Elab ()
mkArgHole (CtorParameter _) = return ()
mkArgHole (CtorField arg) = do claim (argName arg) (argTy arg)
unfocus (argName arg)
ctorFunArg : CtorArg -> FunArg
ctorFunArg (CtorParameter a) = a
ctorFunArg (CtorField a) = a
checkEq : List (CtorArg, CtorArg) -> Elab ()
checkEq [] = do fill `(True) ; solve
checkEq ((CtorParameter _, CtorParameter _)::args) = checkEq args
checkEq ((CtorField a1, CtorField a2)::args) =
case erasure a1 of
Erased => checkEq args
NotErased =>
if isRType (argTy a1) then checkEq args
do [here, todo] <- apply (Var (NS (UN "&&") ["Bool", "Prelude"]))
[(False, 0), (False, 0)]
focus (snd here)
focus (snd todo)
[(_, next)] <- apply `(Delay {t=LazyEval} {a=Bool}) [(False, 0)]
focus next
checkEq args
checkArg : Elab ()
checkArg = if headVar (argTy a1) == Just fam
then do hs <- apply (mkApp (Var eq) (map (Var . fst) (getParams info)))
(replicate (length (getParams info) + 2 + 2 * (length (getIndices info)))
(True, 0))
-- take care of TC dicts
(\h => do focus (snd h); resolveTC eq)
(List.take (length (getParams info)) hs)
field1 <- snd <$> unsafeNth (length (getParams info) + length (getIndices info)) hs
field2 <- snd <$> unsafeNth (1 + length (getParams info) + 2 * length (getIndices info)) hs
focus field1; apply (Var (argName a1)) []; solve
focus field2; apply (Var (argName a2)) []; solve
else do [ty, inst, x, y] <-
apply (Var (NS (UN "==") ["Classes", "Prelude"])) (replicate 4 (False, 0))
focus (snd x); apply (Var (argName a1)) []; solve
focus (snd y); apply (Var (argName a2)) []; solve
focus (snd ty); apply (argTy a1) []; solve
-- Choose an Eq instance to compare this arg
focus (snd inst)
resolveTC eq
checkEq _ = empty
catchall : (eq : TTName) -> (info : TyConInfo) -> Elab FunClause
catchall eq info =
do pat <- runElab `(Bool) $
do apply (Var eq) (replicate (2 * length (args info) + 2) (False, 0))
traverse_ {b=()} (\h => focus h *> patvar h) !getHoles
let (pvars, lhs) = extractBinders !(forgetTypes (fst pat))
rhs <- runElab (bindPatTys pvars `(Bool)) $
do (repeatUntilFail bindPat <|> return ())
fill `(False)
return $ MkFunClause (bindPats pvars lhs) !(forgetTypes (fst rhs))
deriveEq : (fam : TTName) -> Elab ()
deriveEq fam =
do eq <- flip NS !currentNamespace <$> gensym "equalsImpl"
datatype <- lookupDatatypeExact fam
info <- getTyConInfo (tyConArgs datatype) (tyConRes datatype)
decl <- declareEq fam eq info
declareType decl
let instn = NS (SN $ InstanceN `{Classes.Eq} [show fam]) !currentNamespace
instConstrs <- Foldable.concat <$>
traverse (\ param =>
case param of
(n, RType) => do constrn <- gensym "instarg"
return [MkFunArg constrn
`(Eq ~(Var n) : Type)
_ => return [])
(getParams info)
let instArgs = map tcFunArg (args info)
let instRes = RApp (Var `{Classes.Eq})
(mkApp (Var fam)
(map (Var . tcArgName) (args info)))
declareType $ Declare instn (instArgs ++ instConstrs) instRes
clauses <- traverse (ctorClause fam eq info) (constructors datatype)
defineFunction $ DefineFun eq (clauses ++ [!(catchall eq info)])
defineFunction $
DefineFun instn !(instClause eq fam instn info instArgs instConstrs)
addInstance `{Classes.Eq} instn
return ()
where tcArgName : TyConArg -> TTName
tcArgName (TyConParameter x) = argName x
tcArgName (TyConIndex x) = argName x
tcFunArg : TyConArg -> FunArg
tcFunArg (TyConParameter x) = record {plicity = Implicit} x
tcFunArg (TyConIndex x) = record {plicity = Implicit} x
instClause : (eq, fam, instn : TTName) ->
(info : TyConInfo) ->
(instArgs, instConstrs : List FunArg) ->
Elab (List FunClause)
instClause eq fam instn info instArgs instConstrs =
do let baseCtorN = SN (InstanceCtorN `{Classes.Eq})
(ctorN, _, _) <- lookupTyExact baseCtorN
(pat, patTy) <- runElab `(Sigma Type id) $
do th <- newHole "finalTy" `(Type)
patH <- newHole "pattern" (Var th)
fill `(MkSigma ~(Var th) ~(Var patH) : Sigma Type id)
focus patH
apply (Var instn)
(replicate (length instArgs +
length instConstrs)
(True, 0))
hs <- getHoles
traverse_ (\arg => do focus arg
patvar arg)
let (pvars, sigma) = extractBinders !(forgetTypes pat)
(rhsTy, lhs) <- getSigmaArgs sigma
rhs <- runElab (bindPatTys pvars rhsTy) $
do (repeatUntilFail bindPat <|> return ())
[(_, a), (_, b), (_, c)] <- apply (Var ctorN) [(True, 0), (False, 0), (False, 0)]
focus b; callEq (return ())
focus c
callEq $ do [(_, notArg)] <- apply `(not) [(True, 0)]
focus notArg
-- the only holes left are the constraint dicts
traverse_ (\h => focus h *> resolveTC instn) !getHoles
realRhs <- forgetTypes (fst rhs)
return $ [MkFunClause (bindPats pvars lhs) realRhs]
where callEq : Elab () -> Elab ()
callEq transform =
do x <- gensym "methArg"
y <- gensym "methArg"
attack; intro (Just x)
attack; intro (Just y)
argHs <- apply (Var eq)
(replicate (2 * length (getParams info) +
2 * length (getIndices info) +
2) (True, 0))
focus (snd !(unsafeNth (2 * length (getParams info) +
length (getIndices info))
apply (Var x) []; solve
focus (snd !(unsafeNth (2 * length (getParams info) +
2 * length (getIndices info) + 1)
apply (Var y) []; solve
solve; solve -- attacks
solve -- the hole
namespace TestDecls
-- Can't derive Eq for this one!
data SimpleFun a b = MkSimpleFun (a -> b)
data MyNat = MyZ | MyS MyNat
data MyList a = Nil | (::) a (MyList a)
namespace V
data MyVect : MyNat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : MyVect MyZ a
(::) : a -> MyVect n a -> MyVect (MyS n) a
-- All elements of this should be Eq, because it's for runtime and the Nat is erased
data CompileTimeNat : Type where
MkCTN : .(n : Nat) -> CompileTimeNat
foreffect : ()
foreffect = %runElab (do --deriveEq `{SimpleFun}
deriveEq `{MyNat}
deriveEq `{MyList}
deriveEq `{MyVect}
deriveEq `{CompileTimeNat}
myNatEqRefl : (n : MyNat) -> n == n = True
myNatEqRefl MyZ = Refl
myNatEqRefl (MyS n') with (myNatEqRefl n')
myNatEqRefl (MyS n') | ih = rewrite ih in Refl
myNatListEqRefl : (xs : MyList MyNat) -> xs == xs = True
myNatListEqRefl [] = Refl
myNatListEqRefl (x :: xs) with (myNatEqRefl x)
myNatListEqRefl (x :: xs) | headEq with (myNatListEqRefl xs)
myNatListEqRefl (x :: xs) | headEq | tailEq = rewrite headEq in
rewrite tailEq in
ctnEqTrivial : (j, k : CompileTimeNat) -> j == k = True
ctnEqTrivial (MkCTN _) (MkCTN _) = Refl
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