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Created December 11, 2023 14:57
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Dogecoin create wallet from seed phrase
const bip39 = require('bip39');
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const ecc = require('tiny-secp256k1');
const {BIP32Factory} = require('bip32');
const bip32 = BIP32Factory(ecc);
const strength = 128; // Strength in bits, 128 bits results in a 12-word phrase
const mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic(strength);
console.log('Seed Phrase:', mnemonic);
const seedPhrase = mnemonic;
const seedBuffer = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(seedPhrase);
const rootNode = bip32.fromSeed(seedBuffer, bitcoin.networks.dogecoin);
// Derive an address from the HD wallet
const addressNode = rootNode.derivePath("m/44'/3'/0'/0/0");
const publicKey = addressNode.publicKey;
const dogecoinNetwork = {
messagePrefix: '\x19Dogecoin Signed Message:\n',
bip32: {
public: 0x02facafd, // This value corresponds to the public key prefix for Dogecoin
private: 0x02fac398, // This value corresponds to the private key prefix for Dogecoin
pubKeyHash: 0x1e, // This value corresponds to the public key hash prefix for Dogecoin (30 in decimal)
scriptHash: 0x16, // This value corresponds to the script hash prefix for Dogecoin (22 in decimal)
wif: 0x9e, // This value corresponds to the WIF prefix for Dogecoin (158 in decimal)
const dogecoinAddress = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({
pubkey: publicKey,
network: dogecoinNetwork,
console.log('Dogecoin Address:', dogecoinAddress.address);
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