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The Simplest PHP Markdown Parser
* =======================================================
* Author : Taufik Nurrohman
* URL :
* License : MIT
* =======================================================
* -- CODE: ----------------------------------------------
* echo MD('this is a **bold** text');
* -------------------------------------------------------
// escape
function __MDE($str, $x) {
return preg_replace('#([' . preg_quote($x, '#') . '])#', '\\\$1', $str);
// un-escape
function __MDD($str, $x) {
return preg_replace('#\\\\([' . preg_quote($x, '#') . '])#', '$1', $str);
// main function
function MD($content) {
// character(s) to escape
$x = '`~!#^*()-_+={}[]:\'"<>.';
// URL pattern
$url = '(?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'()*+,;=:\/?\#\[\]@%]+';
// empty element suffix
$suffix = '>';
// normalize white-space
$content = trim(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $content));
// parse fenced code block to indented code block
$content = preg_replace_callback('#(^|\n)([`~]{3,})(?: *\.?([a-zA-Z0-9\-.]+))?\n+([\s\S]+?)\n+\2(\n|$)#', function($m) {
$s = "\0" . str_replace('.', ' ', $m[3]) . "\0\n";
return $m[1] . $s . ' ' . str_replace("\n", "\n ", $m[4]) . $m[5];
}, $content);
// parse code block
$content = preg_replace_callback('#^(?:\0(.*?)\0\n)?( {4}|\t)(.*?)$#m', function($m) use($x) {
$s1 = ! empty($m[1]) ? ' class="' . $m[1] . '"' : "";
$s3 = str_replace("\t", ' ', htmlentities($m[3], ENT_NOQUOTES));
return '<pre><code' . $s1 . '>' . __MDE($s3, $x) . '</code></pre>';
}, $content);
// parse code inline
$content = preg_replace_callback('#(?<!\\\)`([^\n]+?)`#', function($m) use($x) {
$s = htmlentities($m[1], ENT_NOQUOTES);
return '\\<code>' . __MDE($s, $x) . '</code>';
}, $content);
// parse image and link
$content = preg_replace_callback('#(!)?\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)( +([\'"])(.*?)\5)?\)#', function($m) use($x, $suffix) {
$s2 = $m[2];
$s3 = __MDE($m[3], $x);
$s6 = ! empty($m[4]) && ! empty($m[6]) ? __MDE($m[6], $x) : "";
$s6 = $s6 ? ' title="' . htmlentities($s6) . '"' : "";
if( ! empty($m[1])) {
return '\\<img alt="' . htmlentities($s2) . '" src="' . $s3 . '"' . $s6 . $suffix;
return '\\<a href="' . $s3 . '"' . $s6 . '>' . $s2 . '</a>';
}, $content);
// parse link
$content = preg_replace_callback('#<(' . $url . ')>#', function($m) use($x) {
return '\\<a href="' . __MDE($m[1], $x) . '">' . $m[1] . '</a>';
}, $content);
// parse ATX header(s)
$content = preg_replace_callback('#^(\#{1,6})\s*([^\#]+?)\s*\#*$#m', function($m) {
$i = strlen($m[1]);
return '<h' . $i . '>' . $m[2] . '</h' . $i . '>';
}, $content);
$content = preg_replace(
// parse SEText header(s)
// parse horizontal rule
'#^ {0,3}([*\-+] *){3,}$#m',
// parse bold-italic text
// parse bold text
// parse italic text
// parse strike text
// '#(?<!\\\)(~{2})([^\n]+?)\1#',
// parse unordered-list
'#^ *[*\-+] +(.*?)$#m',
// parse ordered-list
'#^ *\d+\. +(.*?)$#m',
// parse quote block
'#^(?:>|&gt;) +(.*?)$#m',
// clean-up list ...
// clean-up quote block ...
// parse two or more white-space(s) at the end of text into a line-break
'#(\S) {2,}\n#'
'<hr' . $suffix,
// '\\<del>$2</del>',
"<ul>\n <li>$1</li>\n</ul>",
"<ol>\n <li>$1</li>\n</ol>",
"<blockquote>\n <p>$1</p>\n</blockquote>",
"\n ",
"\n ",
"$1<br" . $suffix . "\n"
// parse table
$content = preg_replace_callback('#((?:\|[^|]+?\|[^|]+?)+)\|?\n((?:\| *(?:\-+|:\-+|\-+:|:\-+:) *)+\|?)((?:\n(?:\|[^|]+?)+\|?)+)$#m', function($m) {
$a = explode('|', trim($m[2], '|'));
$str = "<table border=\"1\">\n";
$str .= " <thead>\n";
$str .= " <tr>\n";
foreach(explode('|', trim($m[1], '|')) as $k => $v) {
$aa = isset($a[$k]) ? ' ' . trim($a[$k]) . ' ' : "";
if(strpos($aa, ' :') !== false && strpos($aa, ': ') !== false) {
$a[$k] = ' align="center"';
} else if(strpos($aa, ' :') !== false) {
$a[$k] = ' align="left"';
} else if(strpos($aa, ': ') !== false) {
$a[$k] = ' align="right"';
} else if(strpos($aa, ':') === false) {
$a[$k] = "";
$str .= " <th" . $a[$k] . ">" . trim($v) . "</th>\n";
$str .= " </tr>\n </thead>\n";
$str .= " <tbody>\n";
foreach(explode("\n", trim($m[3], "\n")) as $v) {
$str .= " <tr>\n";
foreach(explode('|', trim($v, '|')) as $kk => $vv) {
$str .= " <td" . $a[$kk] . ">" . trim($vv) . "</td>\n";
$str .= " </tr>\n";
return $str . " </tbody>\n</table>\n";
}, $content);
// parse new-line to paragraph
foreach($content = explode("\n\n", $content) as &$line) {
$line !== "" // not empty
&& strpos($line, ' ') !== 0 // not a code block
&& strpos($line, "\t") !== 0 // --ibid
&& strpos($line, '<') !== 0 // not a HTML tag
) {
$line = '<p>' . trim($line) . '</p>';
$content = implode("\n\n", $content);
// clean-up code block ...
$content = preg_replace('#<\/code><\/pre>\n<pre><code(>| .*?>)#', "\n", $content);
// typography (anything outside the HTML tag)
$content = preg_replace_callback('#(^|<\/?[a-z]+[^>\n]*?>)(.*?)(<\/?[a-z]+[^>\n]*?>|$)#', function($m) {
$s = str_replace(
return $m[1] . preg_replace(
'#&amp;([a-z0-9]+|\#[0-9]+|\#x[a-f0-9]+);#' // restore the encoded html entity
$s) . $m[3];
}, $content);
// un-escape character(s)
$content = __MDD($content, $x);
// output the result
return rtrim($content);
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