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A standalone FetchedResultsDelegate like the one in JSQDataSourcesKit for working with any data source for UITableViewController or UICollectionViewController
// CollectionViewFetchedResultsStandaloneDelegateProvider.swift
// Reporty
// Created by Amitai Hoze on 06/04/2016.
// Copyright © 2016 Reporty Homeland Security Ltd. All rights reserved.
import CoreData
import Foundation
import UIKit
A `CollectionViewFetchedResultsDelegateProvider` is responsible for providing a delegate object
for an instance of `NSFetchedResultsController` that manages data to display in a collection view.
- warning: The `CellFactory.Item` type should correspond to the type of objects that the `NSFetchedResultsController` fetches.
public final class CollectionViewFetchedResultsStandaloneDelegateProvider: CustomStringConvertible {
// MARK: Properties
The collection view that displays the data from the `NSFetchedResultsController`
for which this provider provides a delegate.
public weak var collectionView: UICollectionView?
/// Returns the delegate object for the fetched results controller
public var delegate: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate { return bridgedDelegate }
// MARK: Initialization
Constructs a new delegate provider for a fetched results controller.
- parameter collectionView: The collection view to be updated when the fetched results change.
- parameter cellFactory: The cell factory from which the fetched results controller delegate will configure cells.
- parameter fetchedResultsController: The fetched results controller whose delegate will be provided by this provider.
- returns: A new `CollectionViewFetchedResultsDelegateProvider` instance.
public init(
collectionView: UICollectionView,
fetchedResultsController: NSFetchedResultsController) {
self.collectionView = collectionView
fetchedResultsController.delegate = delegate
// MARK: CustomStringConvertible
/// :nodoc:
public var description: String {
get {
return "<\(CollectionViewFetchedResultsStandaloneDelegateProvider.self): collectionView=\(collectionView)>"
// MARK: Private
private typealias SectionChangeTuple = (changeType: NSFetchedResultsChangeType, sectionIndex: Int)
private var sectionChanges = [SectionChangeTuple]()
private typealias ObjectChangeTuple = (changeType: NSFetchedResultsChangeType, indexPaths: [NSIndexPath])
private var objectChanges = [ObjectChangeTuple]()
private lazy var bridgedDelegate: BridgedFetchedResultsDelegate = BridgedFetchedResultsDelegate(
willChangeContent: { [unowned self] (controller) in
didChangeSection: { [unowned self] (controller, sectionInfo, sectionIndex, changeType) in
self.sectionChanges.append((changeType, sectionIndex))
didChangeObject: { [unowned self] (controller, anyObject, indexPath: NSIndexPath?, changeType, newIndexPath: NSIndexPath?) in
switch changeType {
case .Insert:
if let insertIndexPath = newIndexPath {
self.objectChanges.append((changeType, [insertIndexPath]))
case .Delete:
if let deleteIndexPath = indexPath {
self.objectChanges.append((changeType, [deleteIndexPath]))
case .Update:
if let indexPath = indexPath {
self.objectChanges.append((changeType, [indexPath]))
case .Move:
if let old = indexPath, new = newIndexPath {
self.objectChanges.append((changeType, [old, new]))
didChangeContent: { [unowned self] (controller) in
self.collectionView?.performBatchUpdates({ [weak self] in
completion:{ [weak self] finished in
private func applyObjectChanges() {
for (changeType, indexPaths) in objectChanges {
switch(changeType) {
case .Insert:
case .Delete:
case .Update:
case .Move:
if let deleteIndexPath = indexPaths.first {
if let insertIndexPath = indexPaths.last {
private func applySectionChanges() {
for (changeType, sectionIndex) in sectionChanges {
let section = NSIndexSet(index: sectionIndex)
switch(changeType) {
case .Insert:
case .Delete:
private func reloadSupplementaryViewsIfNeeded() {
if sectionChanges.count > 0 {
A `TableViewFetchedResultsDelegateProvider` is responsible for providing a delegate object
for an instance of `NSFetchedResultsController` that manages data to display in a table view.
- warning: The `CellFactory.Item` type should correspond to the type of objects that the `NSFetchedResultsController` fetches.
public final class TableViewFetchedResultsStandaloneDelegateProvider: CustomStringConvertible {
// MARK: Properties
The table view that displays the data from the `NSFetchedResultsController`
for which this provider provides a delegate.
public weak var tableView: UITableView?
/// Returns the object that is notified when the fetched results changed.
public var delegate: NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate { return bridgedDelegate }
// MARK: Initialization
Constructs a new delegate provider for a fetched results controller.
- parameter tableView: The table view to be updated when the fetched results change.
- parameter cellFactory: The cell factory from which the fetched results controller delegate will configure cells.
- parameter fetchedResultsController: The fetched results controller whose delegate will be provided by this provider.
- returns: A new `TableViewFetchedResultsDelegateProvider` instance.
public init(tableView: UITableView, fetchedResultsController: NSFetchedResultsController) {
self.tableView = tableView
fetchedResultsController.delegate = delegate
// MARK: CustomStringConvertible
/// :nodoc:
public var description: String {
get {
return "<\(TableViewFetchedResultsStandaloneDelegateProvider.self): tableView=\(tableView)>"
// MARK: Private
private lazy var bridgedDelegate: BridgedFetchedResultsDelegate = BridgedFetchedResultsDelegate(
willChangeContent: { [unowned self] (controller) in
didChangeSection: { [unowned self] (controller, sectionInfo, sectionIndex, changeType) in
switch changeType {
case .Insert:
self.tableView?.insertSections(NSIndexSet(index: sectionIndex), withRowAnimation: .Fade)
case .Delete:
self.tableView?.deleteSections(NSIndexSet(index: sectionIndex), withRowAnimation: .Fade)
didChangeObject: { [unowned self] (controller, anyObject, indexPath, changeType, newIndexPath) in
switch changeType {
case .Insert:
if let insertIndexPath = newIndexPath {
self.tableView?.insertRowsAtIndexPaths([insertIndexPath], withRowAnimation: .Fade)
case .Delete:
if let deleteIndexPath = indexPath {
self.tableView?.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths([deleteIndexPath], withRowAnimation: .Fade)
case .Update:
if let indexPath = indexPath {
self.tableView?.reloadRowsAtIndexPaths([indexPath], withRowAnimation: .None)
case .Move:
if let deleteIndexPath = indexPath {
self.tableView?.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths([deleteIndexPath], withRowAnimation: .Fade)
if let insertIndexPath = newIndexPath {
self.tableView?.insertRowsAtIndexPaths([insertIndexPath], withRowAnimation: .Fade)
didChangeContent: { [unowned self] (controller) in
Avoid making DelegateProvider inherit from NSObject.
Keep classes pure Swift.
Keep responsibilies focused.
@objc private final class BridgedFetchedResultsDelegate: NSObject, NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate {
typealias WillChangeContentHandler = (NSFetchedResultsController) -> Void
typealias DidChangeSectionHandler = (NSFetchedResultsController, NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo, Int, NSFetchedResultsChangeType) -> Void
typealias DidChangeObjectHandler = (NSFetchedResultsController, AnyObject, NSIndexPath?, NSFetchedResultsChangeType, NSIndexPath?) -> Void
typealias DidChangeContentHandler = (NSFetchedResultsController) -> Void
let willChangeContent: WillChangeContentHandler
let didChangeSection: DidChangeSectionHandler
let didChangeObject: DidChangeObjectHandler
let didChangeContent: DidChangeContentHandler
init(willChangeContent: WillChangeContentHandler,
didChangeSection: DidChangeSectionHandler,
didChangeObject: DidChangeObjectHandler,
didChangeContent: DidChangeContentHandler) {
self.willChangeContent = willChangeContent
self.didChangeSection = didChangeSection
self.didChangeObject = didChangeObject
self.didChangeContent = didChangeContent
@objc func controllerWillChangeContent(controller: NSFetchedResultsController) {
@objc func controller(
controller: NSFetchedResultsController,
didChangeSection sectionInfo: NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo,
atIndex sectionIndex: Int,
forChangeType type: NSFetchedResultsChangeType) {
didChangeSection(controller, sectionInfo, sectionIndex, type)
@objc func controller(
controller: NSFetchedResultsController,
didChangeObject anObject: AnyObject,
atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath?,
forChangeType type: NSFetchedResultsChangeType,
newIndexPath: NSIndexPath?) {
didChangeObject(controller, anObject, indexPath, type, newIndexPath)
@objc func controllerDidChangeContent(controller: NSFetchedResultsController) {
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