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Created July 3, 2010 14:03
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(ns enhanced-record
(:require [clojure.contrib.str-utils2 :as str2])
(:use [clojure.string :only (join)]
[clojure.contrib.pprint :only
(*simple-dispatch* use-method pprint-map pprint)]))
;;;; enhanced records
;; internal helper for maps
(defn remove-values-from-map [value-predicate m]
(select-keys m (filter #(not (value-predicate (get m %))) (keys m))))
;; internal helpers for name conversion
(defn take-even [x]
(take-nth 2 x))
(defn take-odd [x]
(take-nth 2 (drop 1 x)))
(defn camel-to-dashed
"Convert a name like 'BigBlueCar' to 'big-blue-car'."
(let [parts (drop 1 (str2/partition s #"[A-Z]"))]
(join "-" (map #(str %1 %2)
(map str2/lower-case (take-even parts))
(take-odd parts)))))
;; internal helpers for changing records via maps
(defn set-record-field
"Set a single field on a record."
[source [key value]]
(assoc source key value))
(defn set-record-fields
"Set many fields on a record, from a map."
[initial value-map]
(reduce set-record-field initial value-map))
;; NOTE: The way that fields are set in this approach is inefficient and garbage
;; objects are thrown off when setting multiple fields, but it does present the
;; abstraction we want of setting fields via maps.
;; internal helper for generating constructor function
(defmacro make-record-constructor
"Define the constructor functions used to instantiate a record."
[ctor-name default-record]
`(defn ~ctor-name
(~ctor-name ~default-record value-map#))
([initial# value-map#]
(set-record-fields initial# value-map#))))
;; internal helpers for printing
(defmacro print-record
"Low-level function to print a record to a stream using the specified constructor
name in the print output and using the provided write-contents function to write
out the contents of the record (represented as a map)."
[ctor-name record stream write-contents]
(.write ~stream (str "(" ~ctor-name " "))
(~write-contents (remove-values-from-map nil? ~record))
(.write ~stream ")")))
(defn print-record-contents
"Simply write the contents of a record to a stream as a string. Used for basic
[stream contents]
(.write stream (str contents)))
(defmacro setup-print-record-method [ctor-name type-name method-name]
`(defmethod ~method-name ~type-name [record# writer#]
(print-record ~ctor-name record# writer# (partial print-record-contents writer#))))
(defmacro setup-print-record
"Define the print methods to print a record nicely (so that records will print in
a form that can be evaluated as itself)."
[ctor-name type-name]
(setup-print-record-method ~ctor-name ~type-name print-method)
(setup-print-record-method ~ctor-name ~type-name print-dup)))
(defn generate-record-pprint
"Return a function that can be used in the pprint dispatch mechanism to handle a
specific constructor name."
(fn [record]
(print-record ctor-name record *out* pprint-map)))
;; public entry point
(defmacro defrecord2
"Defines a record and sets up constructor functions, printing, and pprinting for
the new record type."
([type-name field-list]
`(defrecord2 ~type-name ~field-list
;; invoke defrecord2 with default constructor function name
~(symbol (str "new-" (camel-to-dashed (str type-name))))))
([type-name field-list ctor-name]
;; define the record
(defrecord ~type-name ~field-list)
;; define the constructor functions
(make-record-constructor ~ctor-name
(~(symbol (str type-name "."))
~@(repeat (count field-list) nil)))
;; setup printing
(setup-print-record (quote ~ctor-name) ~type-name)
;; setup pprinting
(use-method *simple-dispatch* ~type-name
(generate-record-pprint (quote ~ctor-name))))))
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