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Created September 27, 2010 13:10
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bool b_mouse_controlled = false;
float mouse_sensitivity = 0.001f;
Vector3f camera_target;
// ignorovat eventy pokud je zdrojem posunu SetCursorPos
if (!b_mouse_controlled) {
GLint viewport[4];
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); // x, y, w, h okna
// stred okna
POINT center;
center.x = viewport[2] / 2;
center.y = viewport[3] / 2;
// odchyleni od stredu okna
int dx = LOWORD(n_l_param) - center.x;
int dy = HIWORD(n_l_param) - center.y;
if(dx || dy) {
// zmenit pohled kamery; souradnice Y musi byt invertovana
camera_target += Vector3f(dx * mouse_sensitivity, -dy * mouse_sensitivity, 0);
b_mouse_controlled = true; // pristi event chceme ignorovat
ClientToScreen(h_wnd, &center); // chceme nastavit pozici relativne k oknu
SetCursorPos(center.x, center.y);
} else {
b_mouse_controlled = false;
return 0;
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