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Created September 9, 2011 15:13
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Save david-torres/1206481 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A basic utility class written in Python that verifies an Amazon Simple Payments return url or IPN url using VerifySignature from the FPS API
import base64
import hmac
import hashlib
import urllib
import urllib2
import time
from datetime import datetime, tzinfo
from xml.dom import minidom
def upcase_compare(left, right):
left = left.upper()
right = right.upper()
if(left < right):
return -1
elif(left > right):
return 1
return 0
class AmazonSignatureUtil:
This class performs the seemingly simple task of verifying a signature
passed to the return url or IPN url from an Amazon Simple Payments button.
It calls VerifySignature from the FPS (Flexible Payments Service) API.
You will need:
An AWS account access key and secret.
sig_util = AmazonSignatureUtil('YOUR_ACCESS_KEY','YOUR_SECRET_KEY')
sig_util.verify('', {'params':'here'})
fps_sandbox_endpoint = ''
fps_prod_endpoint = ''
aws_access_key = ''
aws_secret_access_key = ''
use_sandbox = True
def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, use_sandbox=True):
self.aws_access_key = access_key
self.aws_secret_access_key = secret_key
self.use_sandbox = bool(use_sandbox)
def verify(self, url_endpoint, params):
Performs an API request to VerifySignature passing along the
parameters received from an Amazon Payment button.
url_endpoint is the full return url you provided when you made your
button. E.g.
params is a dict containing all the parameters that were passed back
to your application, including the signature you wish to verify.
params = urllib.urlencode(params)
values = {
'Action': 'VerifySignature',
'UrlEndPoint': url_endpoint,
'HttpParameters': params,
'AWSAccessKeyId': self.aws_access_key,
'SignatureVersion': 2,
'SignatureMethod': 'HmacSHA256',
'Timestamp': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()),
'Version': '2008-09-17',
data = self.get_signed_query(values)
if self.use_sandbox == True:
req = urllib2.Request(self.fps_sandbox_endpoint + '?%s' % data)
req = urllib2.Request(self.fps_prod_endpoint + '?%s' % data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
result = minidom.parseString(
# parse response
verify_sig_response = result.getElementsByTagName('VerifySignatureResponse')[0]
verify_sig_result = verify_sig_response.getElementsByTagName('VerifySignatureResult')[0]
verify_status = verify_sig_result.getElementsByTagName('VerificationStatus')[0]
if 'Success' == verify_status.childNodes[0].data:
return True
return False
except urllib2.HTTPError:
# error response, no signature match
return False
def sign_string(self, string):
Strings going to and from the Amazon FPS service must be cryptographically
signed to validate the identity of the caller.
Sign the given string with the aws_secret_access_key using the SHA1 algorithm,
Base64 encode the result and strip whitespace.
NOTE: this was borrowed from the FyPS class
sig = base64.encodestring(,
string, hashlib.sha256)
def get_signed_query(self, parameters, signature_name='Signature'):
Returns a signed query string ready for use against the FPS REST
interface. Encodes the given parameters and adds a signature
NOTE: this was borrowed from the FyPS class
keys = parameters.keys()
message = ''
for k in keys:
message += "%s%s" % (k, parameters[k])
sig = self.sign_string(message)
parameters[signature_name] = sig
return urllib.urlencode(parameters)
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ghost commented Jul 19, 2013

Note that this gist is for Signature Version 1 which is no longer supported by Amazon.

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