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Last active January 14, 2024 12:05
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Integration of TinyMCE in Rails 7 with Turbo Drive Support

Integration of TinyMCE in Rails 7 with Turbo Drive Support

Since Rails 7 the turbo-rails library is included by default. Turbo Drive intercepts link clicks and form submits. It makes sure that only the <body> part of the page is rerendered instead of the whole page.

This leads to TinyMCE not being properly detached and reattached when a Turbo Drive response is rendered. The textarea will appear without the TinyMCE editor. In this post we expand on the tinymce-rails gem with a Stimulus controller to prevent this issue. The controller helps to reattach TinyMCE and respects the settings in config/tinymce.yml.

If you want to follow along or check out the end result you can find an example respository here:


1. Add the tinymce-rails gem to your Gemfile

gem 'tinymce-rails'

Then run bundle install

2. Make the assets available

# /app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
    <%= tinymce_assets %>

3. Create the tinymce.yml config file

# /config/tinymce.yml
height: 500
menubar: false
  - undo redo | blocks | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright | bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat | help
  - insertdatetime lists media table code help wordcount

4. Create the Stimulus controller

// /app/javascript/controllers/tinymce_controller.js
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'

export default class extends Controller {
    static targets = ['input']

    connect() {
        let config = Object.assign({ target: this.inputTarget }, TinyMCERails.configuration.default )

    disconnect () {
        if (!this.preview) tinymce.remove()

    get preview () {
        return (
            document.documentElement.hasAttribute('data-turbolinks-preview') ||

The preview() method makes sure that Turbolinks is not in cache preview mode (Source)

5. Attach the TinyMCE editor to your textarea

# /app/views/example/index.html.erb
<div data-controller="tinymce">
  <%= text_area_tag :body, "Hello, World", data: { tinymce_target: 'input' }, class: "tinymce", rows: 20, cols: 60 %>
<%= tinymce %>

We need to include the <%= tinymce %> helper method to make sure the tinymce.yml config is respected.



Without the tinymce-rails gem

The tinymce-rails gem is not strictly necessary. You may also use the Tiny Cloud CDN similarly as described here.

0. Skip steps 1-3 and 5 from above

1. Add the following line to the <head> section of app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

<script src="" referrerpolicy="origin"></script>

2. Add the initialization to your Stimulus controller

    initialize() {
        this.defaults = {
            selector: '.tinymce',
            toolbar: [
                'styleselect | bold italic | undo redo',
                'image | link'
            plugins: 'lists link image table code help wordcount'

3. Replace the connect function in the Stimulus controller

    connect() {
        let config = Object.assign({ target: this.inputTarget }, this.defaults)

The settings will no longer be read from config/tinymce.yml but from the Stimulus controller instead.

4. Attach the TinyMCE editor to your textarea

# /app/views/example/index.html.erb
<div data-controller="tinymce">
  <%= text_area_tag :body, "Hello, World", data: { tinymce_target: 'input' }, class: "tinymce", rows: 20, cols: 60 %>

Note: we skip <%= tinymce %> here.

Using importmap

I would be very interested in a solution utilizing bin/importmap pin tinymce. This seems to be the favorable way going forward in Rails 7. I had no luck making it work, though.


Hope this helps someone! Happy to hear about improvements.

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Glad to hear that, @yshmarov!

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