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Created October 15, 2022 14:50
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Recolour a RWR voxel model
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XmlET
from pathlib import Path
from statistics import fmean
if __name__ == '__main__':
if (l := len(sys.argv)) != 2:
print(f"Error: incorrect number of parameters provided: expected 1, got {l-1}")
xml_fp = Path(sys.argv[1])
if not xml_fp.exists():
print(f"Error: no file found at '{xml_fp}'")
with"r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
xml_str =
print("Loading voxel XML...")
mesh_xml = XmlET.fromstring(xml_str)
print("Discovering voxels... ", end="")
voxels = mesh_xml.findall("./voxels/voxel")
print(f"{len(voxels)} found!")
voxel_colours = []
for voxel in voxels:
r, g, b = voxel.attrib["r"], voxel.attrib["g"], voxel.attrib["b"]
voxel_colours.append({"r": float(r), "g": float(g), "b": float(b)})
# calculate average colour(s)
avg_r = fmean([voxel_colour["r"] for voxel_colour in voxel_colours])
avg_g = fmean([voxel_colour["g"] for voxel_colour in voxel_colours])
avg_b = fmean([voxel_colour["b"] for voxel_colour in voxel_colours])
ar255, ag255, ab255 = round(avg_r * 255), round(avg_g * 255), round(avg_b * 255)
print(f"Average: R={avg_r:.3f}|{ar255}, G={avg_g:.3f}|{ag255}, B={avg_b:.3f}|{ab255}")
user_response = input("Target colour [R G B]: ")
str_colours = user_response.split()
if not len(str_colours) == 3:
print(f"Error: must specify RGB, e.g. 255 255 255")
tr, tg, tb = int(str_colours[0]), int(str_colours[1]), int(str_colours[2])
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Error: must specify RGB, e.g. 255 255 255")
if tr < 0 or tr > 255:
print(f"Error: R not within 0-255")
if tg < 0 or tg > 255:
print(f"Error: G not within 0-255")
if tb < 0 or tb > 255:
print(f"Error: B not within 0-255")
diff_r, diff_g, diff_b = tr - ar255, tg - ag255, tb - ab255
print(f"Difference: R={diff_r}, G={diff_g}, B={diff_b}")
drf, dgf, dbf = diff_r / 255, diff_g / 255, diff_b / 255
for voxel, colour in zip(voxels, voxel_colours):
# calculate shifted colours, clamp within 0.0-1.0, and convert to str
voxel.attrib["r"] = f"{min(max(0.0, colour['r'] + drf), 1.0):.4f}"
voxel.attrib["g"] = f"{min(max(0.0, colour['g'] + dgf), 1.0):.4f}"
voxel.attrib["b"] = f"{min(max(0.0, colour['b'] + dbf), 1.0):.4f}"
xml_fpo = xml_fp.parent / f"{xml_fp.stem}_recolour{xml_fp.suffix}"
print(f"Writing recoloured voxel model to '{xml_fpo}'")
xml_s = XmlET.tostring(mesh_xml, encoding="unicode")
with"w", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
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