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Created July 17, 2022 14:34
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Sanitises a folder of RWR profiles
import sys, time, hashlib, zipfile
from collections import Counter
from pathlib import Path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XmlET
script_dir = Path(__file__).parent
salt_file = script_dir / "salt.txt"
salt_info = "A salt is required for the hash function used to protect the player SIDs.\n" \
"This salt must remain constant once set in order for alts to be coalesced " \
"and profiles to be comparable across dates.\n" \
f"It will be stored in '{salt_file}' and loaded automatically on subsequent runs.\n" \
"It should be a decent length (12 characters minimum) alphanumeric string with symbols."
outzip_path = script_dir / f"{time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.zip"
# unnecessary attributes lists
stats_attribs = ["player_kills", "teamkills", "longest_kill_streak", "times_got_healed", "soldiers_healed",
"distance_moved", "targets_destroyed", "vehicles_destroyed", "shots_fired", "throwables_thrown"]
person_attribs = ["max_authority_reached", "authority", "faction", "name", "version", "alive", "soldier_group_id",
"soldier_group_name", "block", "squad_size_setting"]
def create_salt_file():
while True:
s = input("Salt: ")
if not s:
print("Salt must not be empty")
elif len(s) < 12:
print("Salt must be 12 characters or longer")
print(f"Writing salt to '{salt_file}'...")
salt_file.write_text(s, encoding="utf-8")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# check the number of arguments provided to the script
if (l := len(sys.argv)) != 2:
print(f"Error: incorrect number of parameters provided: expected 1, got {l - 1}")
print("Usage: <profiles_dir/>")
# construct a Path from first argument and check it exists
target_path = Path(sys.argv[1])
if not target_path.exists():
print(f"Error: '{target_path.resolve()}' does not exist")
print("Usage: <profiles_dir/>")
# check the target_path is a dir
if not target_path.is_dir():
print(f"Error: target path must be a directory")
print("Usage: <profiles_dir/>")
# check if the salt file exists and create it if it doesn't
if not salt_file.exists():
print(f"Warning: '{salt_file}' not found...")
# load the salt from the salt file
salt = salt_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip()
# setup the output zip
outzip = zipfile.ZipFile(outzip_path, mode="x", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=9)
print(f"Processing profiles in '{target_path}'...")
profile_paths, count, errors = target_path.glob("*.profile"), 0, 0
t0 = time.time()
for profile_path in profile_paths:
id_ = profile_path.stem
# print(f"Processing '{id_}'...")
person_path = target_path / f"{id_}.person"
# if associated <id_>.person doesn't exist, skip iteration
if not person_path.exists():
errors += 1
print(f"Warning: '{person_path}' does not exist, skipping...")
# load the XML elements from <id_> profile and person
with"utf-8") as profile_file,"utf-8") as person_file:
profile_xml = XmlET.fromstring(
person_xml = XmlET.fromstring(
# sanitise the profile element
# pop digest, rid, old_digest out of the attrib dict
# this ensures they will not be present in the output
profile_xml.attrib.pop("digest", None)
profile_xml.attrib.pop("rid", None)
profile_xml.attrib.pop("old_digest", None)
# replace the sid with hash(sid)
sid = profile_xml.attrib["sid"]
hash_ = hashlib.md5(f"{salt}{sid}".encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
profile_xml.attrib["sid"] = hash_
# clean up the profile element - removing superfluous data
profile_xml.attrib.pop("color", None)
stats_elem = profile_xml.find("stats")
if stats_elem is not None:
# remove unnecessary attributes from the profile/stats element
for stats_attrib in stats_attribs:
stats_elem.attrib.pop(stats_attrib, None)
# remove all monitor element children
# findall collects all matching elements before iteration begins
for monitor_elem in stats_elem.findall("monitor"):
# clean up the person element
# remove unnecessary attributes
for person_attrib in person_attribs:
person_xml.attrib.pop(person_attrib, None)
# remove person/order element
order_elem = person_xml.find("order")
if order_elem is not None:
# remove person/(equipped)item elements
for equipped_item_elem in person_xml.findall("item"):
# condense stash info
stash_elem = person_xml.find("stash")
if stash_elem is not None:
stash_item_elems = stash_elem.findall("item")
stash_items = [i.get("key") for i in stash_item_elems]
stash_item_counter = Counter(stash_items)
# remove the old item elements
for stash_item_elem in stash_item_elems:
# add the condensed data to the stash element
for key, count_item in stash_item_counter.items():
i_elem = XmlET.Element("i")
i_elem.attrib["k"] = key
i_elem.attrib["c"] = str(count_item)
# condense backpack info
backpack_elem = person_xml.find("backpack")
if backpack_elem is not None:
backpack_item_elems = backpack_elem.findall("item")
backpack_items = [i.get("key") for i in backpack_item_elems]
backpack_item_counter = Counter(backpack_items)
# remove the old item elements
for backpack_item_elem in backpack_item_elems:
# add the condensed data to the backpack element
for key, count_item in backpack_item_counter.items():
i_elem = XmlET.Element("i")
i_elem.attrib["k"] = key
i_elem.attrib["c"] = str(count_item)
# make a data element so we can output the profile and corresponding person together
data_element = XmlET.Element("data")
# write the data xml into the outzip
data_str = XmlET.tostring(data_element, encoding="unicode")
outzip.writestr(f"{id_}.xml", data_str, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=9)
count += 1
except Exception as e:
errors += 1
print(f"Warning: '{profile_path}' raised '{type(e).__name__}: {e}', skipping...")
print(f"Processed {count} successfully, {errors} skipped due to errors, in {(time.time() - t0):.2f}s")
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