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Created November 2, 2017 18:34
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Medium Engineering growth: tracks.
Works effectively within established iOS or Android architectures, following current best practices
Delivers features requiring simple local modifications
Adds simple actions that call server endpoints
Reuses existing components appropriately
Added existing button to a different iOS surface
Add follow button for publications on Android
Fetched and displayed a new stream, using existing stream item styles
Develops new instances of existing architecture, or minor improvements to existing architecture
Defines new useful and appropriate proto-generated objects
Creates simple new activities on Android
Migrates code from old patterns to new patterns
Upgraded SDWebImage to a new major version
Added support for rendering a new type of stream item
Prototyped a simple new feature quickly
Designs major new features and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of mobile platform constraints
Implements complex features with a large product surface area
Works effectively with Android reactive programming framework
Adds support for new iOS features after a major iOS version upgrade
Designed iOS caching strategy for offline reading
Built series reader on Android
Informed the team about recent best practice changes and deprecations
Builds complex, reusable architectures that pioneer best practices and enable engineers to work more effectively
Pioneers architecture migration strategies that reduce programmer burden
Fixes subtle memory management issues
Implements interactive dismissals that bring delight
Upgraded CocoaPods to a new major version
Designed architecture for fetching and rendering stream items
Migrated Android persistance layer to reactive programming
Is an industry-leading expert in mobile engineering or sets strategic mobile direction for an eng team
Defines long-term goals and ensures active projects are in service of them
Designs and builds innovative, industry-leading UI interactions
Invents new techniques to responsibly stretch limits of the Android platform
Defined and drove complete migration plan to Swift or Kotlin
Implemented Android recycler views before platform support existed
Pioneered application-level abstractions for multi-app environment
Works effectively within established server side frameworks, following current best practices
Adds NodeJS endpoints using layers architecture
Adds golang endpoints using Gotham architecture
Makes minor server changes to support client needs
Added IFTTT trigger for new bookmark to medium2
Added delete audio route to Buggle
Queried a Dynamo LSI appropriately
Develops new instances of existing architecture, or minor improvements to existing architecture
Assesses correctness and utility of existing code and avoids blind copy-pasting
Generalizes code when appropriate
Determines data needs from product requirements
Identified need for new index on Dynamo
Acted as caretaker for routes protos
Updated Facebook API version and codebase dependencies
Designs standalone systems of moderate complexity, or major new features in existing systems
Acts as primary maintainer for existing critical systems
Integrates third party services effectively
Writes playbooks for new service maintenance
Implemented Google Auth login to Medium
Implemented payments integration with Stripe
Built Textshots server
Builds complex, reusable architectures that pioneer best practices for other engineers, or multi-system services
Delivers complex systems that achieve their goals
Avoids subtle architectural mistakes when considering new systems
Makes appropriate buy vs build choices
Designed Medium's ranked feed architecture
Designed custom domains architecture
Created Gotham framework for creating Go services
Is an industry-leading expert in server side engineering or sets strategic server side direction for an eng team
Designs transformational projects of significant complexity and scope
Makes decisions that have positive, long term, wide ranging consequences
Identifies and solves systemic problems with current architecture
Researched, vetted, and selected Go as Medium's statically typed language
Defined microservices architecture and medium2 migration plan
Defined and implemented proprietary IP core to the company's success
Works effectively within established structures, following current best practices
Writes thorough postmortems for service outages
Makes simple configuration changes to services
Performs backfills safely and effectively, without causing pages
Made safe and effective Ansible changes
Implemented new ETL pipelines based on existing ones
Resolved out of disk errors independently
Develops new instances of existing architecture, or minor improvements to existing architecture
Made minor version upgrades to technologies
Builds machine learning jobs within the ML framework
Triages service issues correctly and independently
Upgraded NodeJS from 8.0 to 8.1.1
Built custom packages for RPMs
Improved ETL efficiency by improving Dynamo to S3 loading
Designs standalone systems of moderate complexity, or major new features in existing systems
Acts as primary maintainer for existing critical systems
Designs moderately complex systems
Makes major version upgrades to libraries
Designed Ansible configuration management
Built Medium's realtime stats pipeline
Designed flexible framework for writing machine learning jobs
Builds complex, reusable architectures that pioneer best practices for other engineers, or multi-system services
Designs complex projects that encompass multiple systems and technologies
Demonstrates deep knowledge of foundational systems
Introduces new databases and technologies to meet underserved needs
Designed and built BBFD
Designed AWS configuration management
Introduced Kinesis and pioneered streaming events pipeline
Is an industry-leading expert in foundational engineering or sets strategic foundational direction for an eng team
Designs transformational projects in service of long-term goals
Defines the strategic vision for foundational work and supporting technologies
Invents industry-leading techniques to solve complex problems
Invented a novel ML technique that advanced the state of the art
Defined and developed Medium's continuous delivery strategy
Developed and implemented HA strategy
Web client
Works effectively within established web client architectures, following current best practices
Makes minor modifications to existing screens
Fixes simple design quality issues
Uses CSS appropriately, following style guide
Implemented sticky footer on the post page
Hooked up the action to dismiss a post from a stream
Built PaymentHistory screen using ResponseScreen
Develops new instances of existing architecture, or minor improvements to existing architecture
Makes sensible abstractions based on template and code patterns
Specs and builds interactive components independently
Prototypes simple new features quickly
Built credit card input component
Created shared buttons template
Built modal system
Designs major new features and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of browser constraints
Provides useful design feedback and suggests feasible alternatives
Performs systemic tasks to significantly minimise bundle size
Acts a caretaker for all of web client code
Designed font loading strategy for Medium
Researched utility of service workers for Medium
Designed and implemented ResponseScreen
Builds complex, reusable architectures that pioneer best practices and enable engineers to work more effectively
Pioneers architecture migrations that reduce programmer burden
Implements complex UI transitions that bring delight
Makes architectural decisions that eliminate entire classes of bugs
Designed Medium's post morpher and delta system
Implemented Medium's scrolling text over image blur
Designed and pioneered proto-based model storage
Is an industry-leading expert in web client or sets strategic web client direction for an eng team
Invents new techniques to innovate and overcome browser constraints
Identifies and solved systemic problems with current architecture
Defines a long-term vision for web client and ensures projects are in service of it
Invented CSS in JS
Defined and drove migration strategy to Lite
Implemented unidirectional data flow to completion
Project management
Effectively delivers individual tasks
Estimates small tasks accurately
Delivers tightly-scoped projects efficiently
Writes effective technical specs outlining approach
Wrote the technical spec for featured post images
Delivered stream item support for email digests
Delivered payment history dashboard
Effectively delivers small personal projects
Performs research and considers alternative approaches
Balances pragmatism and polish appropriately
Defines and hits interim milestones
Delivered promo editor
Delivered audio uploading for web client
Executed the recommends to claps backfill
Effectively delivers projects through a small team
Delegates tasks to others appropriately
Integrates business needs into project planning
Chooses appropriate project management strategy based on context
Ran project retro to assess improvement opportunities
Completed launch checklist unprompted for well controlled rollout
Facilitated project kickoff meeting to get buy-in
Effectively delivers projects through a large team, or with a significant amount of stakeholders or complexity
Finds ways to deliver requested scope faster, and prioritizes backlog
Manages dependencies on other projects and teams
Leverages recognition of repeated project patterns
Oversaw technical delivery of Hightower
Managed infrastructure migration to VPC
Involved marketing, legal, and appropriate functions at project start
Manages major company pushes delivered by multiple teams
Considers external constraints and business objectives when planning
Leads teams of teams, and coordinates effective cross-functional collaboration
Owns a key company metric
Managed technical migration to SOA
Lead technical delivery of 10/7
Delivered multi-month engineering project on time
Communicates effectively to close stakeholders when called upon, and incorporates constructive feedback
Communicates project status clearly and effectively
Collaborates with others with empathy
Asks for help at the appropriate juncture
Updated The Watch before running a backfill
Updated project status changes in Asana promptly
Gave thoughtful check-in and check-out comments
Communicates with the wider team appropriately, focusing on timeliness and good quality conversations
Practises active listening and suspension of attention
Ensures stakeholders are aware of current blockers
Chooses the appropriate tools for accurate and timely communication
Received and integrated critical feedback positively
Created cross-team Slack channel for payments work
Spoke to domain experts before writing spec
Proactively shares information, actively solicits feedback, and facilitates communication for multiple stakeholders
Resolves communication difficulties between others
Anticipates and shares schedule deviations in plenty of time
Manages project stakeholder expectations effectively
Directed team response effectively during outages
Gave a substantial Eng All Hands presentation on React
Gave notice of upcoming related work in Eng Briefing
Communicates complex ideas skillfully and with nuance, and establishes alignment within the wider organization
Communicates project risk and tradeoffs skillfully and with nuance
Contextualizes and clarifies ambiguous direction and strategy for others
Negotiates resourcing compromises with other teams
Lead off-site workshop on interviewing
Wrote Medium's growth framework and rationale
Aligned the entire organization around claps
Influences outcomes at the highest level, moves beyond mere broadcasting, and sets best practices for others
Defines processes for clear communication for the entire team
Shares the right amount of information with the right people, at the right time
Develops and delivers plans to execs, the board, and outside investors
Organized half year check-in company offsite
Created the communication plan for a large organizational change
Presented to the board about key company metrics and projects
Delivers consistently good quality work
Tests new code thoroughly, both locally, and in production once shipped
Writes tests for every new feature and bug fix
Writes clear comments and documentation
Caught a bug on Hatch before it went live
Landed non-trivial PR with no caretaker comments
Wrote hermetic tests for the happy and sad cases
Increases the robustness and reliability of codebases, and devotes time to polishing products and systems
Refactors existing code to make it more testable
Adds tests for uncovered areas
Deletes unnecessary code and deprecates proactively when safe to do so
Requested tests for a PR when acting as reviewer
Reduced the number of zelda fitzgerald exceptions
Fixed a TODO for someone else in the codebase
Improves others' ability to deliver great quality work
Implements systems that enable better testing
Gives thoughtful code reviews as a domain expert
Adds tooling to improve code quality
Improved PRB to run the same volume of tests faster
Simplified hermetic test data modification
Created fixture system for visual quality
Advocates for and models great quality with proactive actions, and tackles difficult and subtle system issues
Builds systems so as to eliminate entire classes of programmer error
Focuses the team on quality with regular reminders
Coordinates Watch priorities and projects
Added code coverage reporting to iOS CI pipeline
Iterated repeatedly to develop Medium's underlines solution
Defined and oversaw plan for closing Heartbleed vulnerability
Enables and encourages the entire organization to make quality a central part of the development process
Defines policies for the engineering org that encourage quality work
Identifies and eliminates single points of failure throughout the organization
Secures time and resources from execs to support great quality
Negotiated resources for Fix-It week with exec team
Instituted and ensured success of a 20% time policy
Started The Watch
Identifies opportunities for organizational change or product improvements
Writes Hatch posts about improvement opportunities
Raises meaningful tensions in tactical meetings
Asks leadership team probing questions at FAM
Wrote about problems with TTR on Hatch
Wrote about content policy problems on Hatch
Reported a site issue in Github
Causes change to positively impact a few individuals or minor improvement to an existing product or service
Picks bugs off the backlog proactively when blocked elsewhere
Makes design quality improvements unprompted
Takes on trust and safety tasks proactively when blocked elsewhere
Advocated on own behalf for a change in role
Implemented flow typing for promises
Audited web client performance in Chrome and proposed fixes
Causes change to positively impact an entire team or instigates a minor feature or service
Demonstrates concepts proactively with prototypes
Fixes complicated bugs outside of regular domain
Takes ownership of systems that nobody owns or wants
Defined style guide to resolve style arguments
Proposed and implemented at-mentions prototype
Implemented video for Android independently, unprompted
Effects change that has a substantial positive impact on the engineering organization or a major product impact
Champions and pioneers new technologies to solve new classes of problem
Exemplifies grit and determination in the face of persistent obstacles
Instigates major new features, services, or architectures
Created the interviewing rubric and booklet
Implemented and secured support for native login
Migrated medium2 to mono repo and bazel
Effects change that has a substantial positive impact on the whole company
Creates a new function to solve systemic issues
Galvanizes the entire company and garners buy in for a new strategy
Changes complex organizational processes
Migrated the organization from Holacracy
Built Medium Android prototype and convinced execs to fund it
Convinced leadership and engineering org to move to Medium Lite architecture
Org design
Respects and participates in processes, giving meaningful feedback to help the organization improve
Reflects on meetings that leave them inspired or frustrated
Teaches others about existing processes
Actively participates and makes contributions within organizational processes
Facilitated effective tactical meeting with empathy
Explained tactical meeting format to a new hire
Provided feedback on sprint planning meeting
Identifies opportunities to improve existing processes and makes changes that positively affect the local team
Defines meeting structure and cadence that meets team needs
Engages in organizational systems thinking
Advocates for improved diversity and inclusion, and proposes ideas to help
Defined Frankenmeeting structure for small team
Improved Watch on-call rotation scheduling
Defined standard channels for inter-team communication
Develops processes to solve ongoing organizational problems
Creates programs that meaningfully improve organizational diversity
Solves long-standing organizational problems
Reallocates resources to meet organizational needs
Developed baseline team templates for consistency
Created bug-rotation program to address ongoing quality issues
Defined Guilds manifesto and charter
Thinks deeply about organizational issues and identifies hidden dynamics that contribute to them
Evaluates incentive structures and their effect on execution
Analyzes existing processes for bias and shortfall
Ties abstract concerns to concrete organizational actions or norms
Connected mobile recruiting difficulties to focus on excellence
Raised leadership level change discrepancies
Analyzed the hiring rubric for false negative potential
Leads initiatives to address issues stemming from hidden dynamics and company norms
Builds programs to train leadership in desired skills
Creates new structures that provide unique growth opportunities
Leads planning and communication for reorgs
Lead efforts to increase number of mobile engineers
Directed resources to meaningfully improve diversity at all levels
Built the growth framework rubric
Helps individuals identify blockers and helps them identify next steps for resolution
Notices when someone is stuck and reaches out
Helps others break down problems into feasible, tangible next steps
Talks through problems non-judgmentally
Completed training on diagnosing problems
Unblocked a group member
Reinforces and affirms positive feedback for good work
Helps individuals resolve difficult performance issues, with insight, compassion, and skill
Gathers context outside the immediate problem
Recognizes issues within local environment and suggests change
Works to encourage ownership of actions and responsibilities
Completed training on decision making
Convinced a group member to solve a problem directly, rather than doing it for them
Gave honest feedback about poor performance, with compassion
Intervenes in long-standing performance issues with targeted behavior change or performance plans
Aggregates signals of poor performance and creates process for improvement
Investigates motivation and externalities for consistent poor performance
Puts together comprehensive, achievable performance plans
Worked with group member to address persistent communication failures
Arranged a transfer to another team, resulting in improved performance
Managed group member closely to maximise chances of PIP success
Mediates escalated situations, empowers underperforming teams, and resolves conflict
Recognizes heightened situations and toxic or aggressive interactions
Inserts themself into conflict where appropriate to calm and mediate
Encourages open dialog and builds trust between parties in conflict
Empowered a team to drive forward amidst uncertainty
Protected team from externalities so they could focus on goals
Mediated sit-down between team members to address tension
Resolves complex organizational dysfunction, or persistent conflict at senior levels
Takes control of dysfunctional teams to organise chaos
Repairs broken team dynamics and builds harmony
Presides over a well-oiled team of teams
Turned around the performance of a problematic team
De-escalated serious tensions between teams
Rebuilt trust between senior team leads
Uses tools and processes to help ensure colleagues are healthy and happy
Keeps confidences unless legally or morally obliged to do otherwise
Applies the reasonable person principle to others
Avoids blame and focuses on positive change
Ensured group members were taking enough vacation
Put themself in another's shoes to understand their perspective
Checked in with colleague showing signs of burnout
Creates a positive, supportive, engaging team environment for group members
Sheds light on other experiences to build empathy and compassion
Validates ongoing work and sustains motivation
Proposes solutions when teams get bogged down or lose momentum
Coordinated a small celebration for a project launch
Connected tedious A|B testing project with overall company goals
Noted a team without a recent win and suggested some easy quick wins
Manages expectations across peers, leads in the org, promotes calm, and prevents consensus building
Trains group members to separate stimulus from response
Maintains a pulse on individual and team morale
Helps group members approach problems with curiosity
Completed training on transference and counter transference
Completed training on compromise and negotiation techniques
Reframed a problem as a challenge, instead of a barrier, when appropriate
Advocates for the needs of teams and group members, and proactively works to calm the organization
Ensures team environments are safe and inclusive, proactively
Grounds group member anxieties in reality
Tracks team retention actively and proposes solutions to strengthen it
Relieved org tension around product direction by providing extra context
Encouraged group members to focus on what they can control
Guided people through complex organizational change
Manages narratives, channels negativity into inspiration and motivation, and protects the entire team
Recognizes and points out narratives when appropriate
Works to reshape narratives from victimization to ownership
Increases the psychological safety of the entire team
Converted group member from a problem haver to a problem solver
Challenged false narrative and redirected to compassion and empathy
Cultivated and championed a culture of empathy within the entire team
Career development
Gives insight into opportunities and helps identify individuals' strengths and weaknesses
Advocates on behalf and in defense of a group member
Shares opportunities for improvements and recognises achievements
Explains appropriate available industry paths
Collected and delivered feedback
Discussed career options and areas of interest informally
Hosted a Floodgate Academy intern
Formally supports and advocates for one person and provides tools to help them solve career problems
Ensure a group member has an appropriate role on their team
Offers effective career advice to group members, without being prescriptive
Creates space for people to talk through challenges
Set up and attended regular, constructive 1:1s
Provided coaching on how to have difficult conversations
Taught group members the GROW model
Inspires and retains a small group of people and actively pushes them to stretch themselves
Discusses paths, and creates plans for personal and professional growth
Advocates to align people with appropriate roles within organization
Works with team leads to elevate emerging leaders
Reviewed individual group member progression every 6 weeks
Suggested appropriate group member for Tech Lead position
Arranged a requested switch of discipline for a group member
Manages interactions and processes between groups, promoting best practices and setting a positive example
Manages team transitions smoothly, respecting team and individual needs
Develops best practices for conflict resolution
Ensures all group members' roles are meeting their career needs
Completed training on situational leadership
Built a resourcing plan based on company, team, and individual goals
Prevented regretted attrition with intentional, targeted intervention
Supports the development of a signficant part of the engineering org, and widely viewed as a trusted advisor
Supports and develops senior leaders
Identified leadership training opportunities for senior leadership
Pushes everyone to be as good as they can be, with empathy
Provided coaching to group leads
Devised Pathwise curriculum for group leads
Advocated to execs for engineer development resources and programs
Represents Medium well externally, and influences individuals positively
Shares personal and organizational successes with their network
Attends Medium-hosted events and talks with guests
Communicates genuine and honest excitement about their work externally
Shared a Medium product launch post on Facebook
Acted as a guide for a non-friend visitor to the office
Supported PR efforts by giving a quote or having a photo taken
Participates more centrally in small events, and takes simple actions that positively influence groups of people
Takes meaningful action to introduce people to Medium
Joined public Slack group and represented Medium appropriately, and well
Organizes positive small- or medium-sized events that bring people to Medium
Volunteered as a helper for CODE2040 writing workshop
Organized a short tour of the office by college students
Talked at a Women Who Code event hosted at Medium
Works hard to positively influence large groups of people on their views of Medium
Mentors or participates in a high visibility way in an external organization
Builds fruitful partnerships with external organizations
Writes blog posts about Medium that receive moderate traffic
Represented Medium on a panel at a conference of industry experts
Established close ties with Creative Commons
Built a durable, long-standing relationship with Code2040
Establishes Medium as an great, innovative company and workplace to the whole industry
Establishes themself as an industry thought leader who attracts talent
Publishes material about Medium's organizational or technical innovations
Leverages significant following to evangelise Medium
Published a paper on Medium technology in a peer-reviewed journal
Authored joint-press release with EFF on DNT
Published “Why Content Editable Is Terrible” on the Medium engineering blog
Introduces Medium in a positive light to a wider audience outside the industry
Delivers key messages to broad, mainstream audiences
Influences people with large audiences to talk about Medium positively
Drives recognition and adoption of Medium in significant numbers
Published or interviewed in a mainstream newspaper or website outside tech
Keynoted a conference with international attention
Represented Medium in national televised media
Is available and present on current teams, and works to contribute positively to company culture
Participates in team activities and offsites
Treats colleagues and clients with respect
Joins groups or committees outside regular duties
Joined and actively participated in the web client guild
Brought a small gift back from vacation for the team
Wrote entertaining and informative Prod Ops writeups on Hatch
Steps up, builds connectedness, and takes concrete actions to promote an inclusive culture
Makes space for others to participate
Collaborates with other engineers outside direct responsibilities
Finds ways to ramp up and engage new hires quickly
Created onboarding bingo
Brought shy and introverted people into a dominant conversation
Volunteered as secretary for a team
Contributes to improving team relatedness, and helps build a culture of lending support
Takes on additional Watch shifts at short notice
Pitches in to help other teams hit deadlines, without missing own deadlines
Uses position to raise difficult issues on someone's behalf
Lead Watch cycles with little support while still contributing to projects
Started and drove the LGBTQIA ERG
Stayed positive and improved team morale during period after layoffs
Exemplifies selflessness for the team without compromising responsibilities, and lifts everyone up
Goes above and beyond on the Watch, serving the team without complaint
Implements concrete programs to signficantly improve team inclusivity
Takes on large amounts of tedious grunt work for the team without being asked
Devoted large amount of time to helping outside direct responsibilities
Refactored hundreds of legacy Shepherd nodes
Acted as sole maintainer of Boxen for years
Lives the company values, guards positive culture, and defines policies that support relatedness between teams
Brings separate teams together to build relatedness
Holds individuals, teams, and leadership accountable to Medium's values
Sets the tone, policy, and goals around maintaining an inclusive company
Organized wine and olive tasting offsite to Napa for the whole engineering org
Devised, delivered and acted on findings from an engineer happiness survey
Challenged and corrected exclusionary behaviour or policies
Brings new candidates into the pipeline and understands how to evaluate candidates at Medium
Reviews existing network for hiring leads regularly
Shadows interviews to gain familiarity with process
Reviews current job postings regularly
Completed interview calibration
Set up casual sessions to practice asking questions
Referred appropriate individuals for open positions
Interviews regularly, helps the team make meaningful hiring decisions, and helps build a diverse pipeline
Uses interview rubric to provide clear, objective feedback on candidates
Interviews candidates with empathy and treats them all with equal respect
Researches approaches for sourcing candidates and diversifying hiring
Added observable evidence for every rating
Started a monthly brunch for candidates to meet Medium employees
Tested a new service for quality and diversity of candidates
Maintains and strengthens the integrity of the current process, and regularly brings in great candidates
Teaches new interviewers how to interview with empathy
Models great interview technique and feedback when shadowed
Reverse shadows trainees and helps calibrate their feedback
Wrote new interview question which meets our question quality criteria
Brought candidates into our pipeline proactively, with a high conversion rate
Proposed useful, tangible improvements to the interview process
Actively contributes to and leads hiring decisions, and goes to great lengths to source great candidates
Documents subtle cues in interviews that indicate values alignment
Makes hiring decisions, resolving discrepancies between conflicting reports
Top-grades candidates and teases out character traits
Planned engineering summit on interview process and training
Organized and lead Medium's presence at a recruitment fair
Started CODE2040 internship program
Sets recruitment strategy, invests in long-term relationships for critical roles, and recruits at scale
Sets the tone, policy and goals around building a diverse, high-quality team
Identifies and brings in promising acquisitions
Tracks industry activity, identifying opportunities for critical roles
Talked with a senior candidate over many months to fill a critical role
Organized efforts around convincing acquired engineers to join and stay
Set goals, then tracked and reported metrics on team demographics over time
Informally mentors individuals in an ad-hoc way, supports new hires, and conveys institutional knowledge
Makes themself available for informal support and advice
Acts as sounding board for peers and more junior members
Provides sound advice when asked
Acted as an onboarding buddy
Paired with an engineer to help them with an unfamiliar area
Helped a colleague understand their feelings
Mentors people proactively, and guides people to realizations rather than providing the answer
Takes time to explain concepts and best practices
Asks questions to illuminate concepts, rather than stating them
Allows others to lead efforts when it will help their development
Shared interesting article with a team member to help with their growth
Offered unprompted feedback to help growth, with empathy
Lead from behind to support someone new to a leadership role
Teaches small groups of engineers and contributes to Medium's shared knowledge base
Avoids siloing information when it can be usefully shared with others
Works to increase the bus factor of systems
Finds tools that work best for a team member's personality
Gave a brown bag presentation on payments
Wrote Hatch post on avoiding RDS backfill issues
Wrote Medium-U content module
Encourages people to mentor each other, and creates ways for them to do so
Defines an entire curriculum for a discipline
Draws positive attention to well-modeled mentor and teaching behaviours
Creates brown bag series and lines up speakers
Created and lead Medium's Women in Eng group
Organized an Eng All Hands with an outside speaker
Designed and taught web client guild curriculum
Instills and promotes a culture of learning and development within the team
Sets incentive structures to recognise and reward mentorship
Empowers team members to develop themselves
Role models productive and healthy mentor relationships
Instituted the professional education budget for engineers
Mentored mentors
Started the eng advisor program and lined up external mentors
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