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Last active May 15, 2023 18:02
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TLA+ spec for Katzenpost dirauth protocol
NOTE that in order to use this you'll have to tell your TLA+ model checker about the
values of DirAuthNodes and Relays, for example:
DirAuthNodes <- {"n1","n2","n3","n4","n5"}
Relays <- {"r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5"}
------------------------------ MODULE dirauth ------------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, TLC, FiniteSets
CONSTANT DirAuthNodes, k, Relays
VARIABLES consensus, votes, keys, phase, descriptors, threshold, BadActors
vars == <<consensus, votes, keys, phase, descriptors, threshold, BadActors>>
Init ==
/\ consensus = <<>>
/\ votes = [n \in DirAuthNodes |-> <<>>]
/\ keys = [n \in DirAuthNodes |-> "none"]
/\ descriptors = [n \in DirAuthNodes |-> {}]
/\ phase = "KeyGeneration"
/\ threshold = (Cardinality(DirAuthNodes) \div 2) + 1
/\ BadActors = {}
BecomeBadActor(n) ==
/\ phase \in {"KeyGeneration", "DescriptorCollection", "DescriptorExchange", "Vote"}
/\ n \notin BadActors
/\ BadActors' = BadActors \union {n}
/\ UNCHANGED <<votes, consensus, keys, descriptors, phase>>
KeyGeneration(n) ==
/\ phase = "KeyGeneration"
/\ UNCHANGED <<votes, consensus, descriptors, BadActors>>
/\ keys' = [keys EXCEPT ![n] = "key"]
/\ phase' = "DescriptorCollection"
DescriptorCollection(n, m) ==
/\ phase = "DescriptorCollection"
/\ keys[n] /= "none"
/\ m \in Relays
/\ UNCHANGED <<votes, consensus, keys, BadActors>>
/\ descriptors' = [descriptors EXCEPT ![n] = @ \union {m}]
/\ phase' = "DescriptorExchange"
DescriptorExchange(n, m) ==
/\ phase = "DescriptorExchange"
/\ keys[n] /= "none"
/\ keys[m] /= "none"
/\ m /= n
/\ UNCHANGED <<votes, consensus, keys, BadActors>>
/\ descriptors' = [descriptors EXCEPT ![n] = @ \union descriptors[m]]
/\ phase' = "Vote"
Consensus ==
/\ phase = "Consensus"
/\ UNCHANGED <<votes, keys, descriptors>>
/\ LET Ups == {n \in DirAuthNodes: Len(votes[n]) > 0 /\ votes[n][Len(votes[n])] = "up"}
IN Cardinality(Ups) >= threshold
/\ consensus' = Append(consensus, "up")
/\ phase' = "KeyGeneration"
VoteGood(n, m) ==
/\ phase = "Vote"
/\ keys[n] /= "none"
/\ keys[m] /= "none"
/\ m /= n
/\ UNCHANGED <<consensus, keys, descriptors>>
/\ votes' = [votes EXCEPT ![n] = Append(@, "up")]
/\ IF \A x \in DirAuthNodes : Len(votes'[x]) > 0 \/ votes'[x][Len(votes'[x])] = "no-vote"
THEN phase' = "Consensus"
VoteBad(n, m) ==
/\ phase = "Vote"
/\ keys[n] /= "none"
/\ keys[m] /= "none"
/\ m /= n
/\ n \in BadActors
/\ UNCHANGED <<consensus, keys, descriptors>>
/\ votes' = [votes EXCEPT ![n] = Append(@, "down")]
/\ IF \A x \in DirAuthNodes : Len(votes'[x]) > 0 \/ votes'[x][Len(votes'[x])] = "no-vote"
THEN phase' = "Consensus"
NoVote(n) ==
/\ phase = "Vote"
/\ keys[n] /= "none"
/\ UNCHANGED <<consensus, keys, descriptors>>
/\ votes' = [votes EXCEPT ![n] = Append(@, "no-vote")]
/\ IF \A x \in DirAuthNodes : Len(votes'[x]) > 0 \/ votes'[x][Len(votes'[x])] = "no-vote"
THEN phase' = "Consensus"
Vote(n, m) ==
/\ VoteGood(n, m)
/\ VoteBad(n, m)
/\ NoVote(n)
Next ==
/\ threshold' = (Cardinality(DirAuthNodes) \div 2) + 1
/\ \/ \E N \in SUBSET DirAuthNodes : N /= {} /\ \A n \in N : KeyGeneration(n)
\/ \E N \in SUBSET DirAuthNodes, M \in SUBSET Relays : N /= {} /\ M /= {} /\ \A n \in N, m \in M : DescriptorCollection(n, m)
\/ \E N \in SUBSET DirAuthNodes : N /= {} /\ \A n, m \in N : DescriptorExchange(n, m)
\/ \E N \in SUBSET DirAuthNodes : N /= {} /\ \A n, m \in N : Vote(n, m)
\/ Consensus
PhaseInvariant == phase \in {"KeyGeneration", "DescriptorCollection", "DescriptorExchange", "Vote", "Consensus"}
KeysInvariant == \A n \in DirAuthNodes : keys[n] \in {"none", "key"}
VotesInvariant == \A n \in DirAuthNodes : \A v \in Seq({"up", "down"}) : v \subseteq votes[n]
ConsensusInvariant == \A v \in Seq({"up", "down"}) : v \subseteq consensus
DescriptorsInvariant == \A n \in DirAuthNodes : descriptors[n] \subseteq Relays
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ SF_vars(Next)
/\ PhaseInvariant /\ KeysInvariant /\ VotesInvariant /\ ConsensusInvariant /\ DescriptorsInvariant
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