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Last active January 4, 2024 20:43
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Optimal Visual Testing Confidence Level Identification
* Choosing the Optimal Confidence Level for Visual Testing
* David A. Armstrong II and William Poirier
* Requires Stata >= 16 because frames are used to save results.
* Requires the function matsort be installed with:
* net install matsort.pkg
capture program drop testCI
program testCI
syntax , [lev1(real .25) lev2(real .99) incr(real .01) a(real .05) easythresh(real .05) inc0 remc usemargins]
if `lev1' <= 0 | `lev1' >= 1 {
di "lev1 must be a real value between 0 and 1, exclusive. Please respecify lev1"
if `lev2' <= 0 | `lev2' >= 1 {
di "lev1 must be a real value between 0 and 1, exclusive. Please respecify lev2"
local ldist = `lev2' - `lev1'
if `incr' >= `ldist' {
di "incr is intended to be the step increasing moving from lev1 to lev2 and should be much smaller than the distance between lev1 and lev2. Please respecify incr""
if `a' > .25 {
if `a' < 1 {
di "The a parameter is the type I error on the individual pairwise tests. You have specified a type I error rate of `a', are you sure that's right?"
di "The a parameter is the type I error on the individual pairwise tests and should be between 0 and 1, exclusive. Please respecify a."
if "`usemargins'" != "" {
capture local rb = rowsof(r(b))
if "`rb'" != "" {
mat tmp = r(b)'
mat tmpV = r(V)
mat tmp = e(b)'
mat tmpV = e(V)
mat tmp = e(b)'
mat tmpV = e(V)
mat bhat = tmp
mat V = tmpV
local kv = rowsof(V)
local kv2 = `kv'
local k = rowsof(bhat)
local k2 = `k'
if "`inc0'" != "" {
local k2 = `k2' + 1
local kv2 = `kv2' + 1
mat zmat = J(1,1,0)
mat rownames zmat = zero
mat bhat = bhat \ zmat
mat zrow = J(1, `kv', 0)
mat rownames zrow = zero
mat zcol = J(`kv2', 1, 0)
mat colnames zcol = zero
mat V = V \ zrow
mat V = V , zcol
local nrt = rowsof(bhat)
mata: rn = st_matrixrowstripe("bhat")
mata: rnms = J(0,1,"")
forv i = 1/`nrt'{
mata: tmprnm = invtokens(rn[`i', ], "")
mata: tmprnm = regexr(tmprnm, "\.", "")
mata: rnms = rnms \ tmprnm
mata: rnms = rnms'
mata: rnmsl = invtokens(rnms[1, ], " ")
mata: j = rnmsl[1,1]
mata: st_local("rnms", j)
mat myV = J(rowsof(V), colsof(V), 0)
mat myB = J(rowsof(bhat), colsof(bhat), 0)
mat rownames myB = `rnms'
mat rownames myV = `rnms'
mat colnames myV = `rnms'
local nr = rowsof(bhat)
forv i = 1/`nr'{
local bb = bhat[`i',1]
mat myB[`i',1] = `bb'
forv j = 1/`nr' {
local vv = V[`i',`j']
mat myV[`i',`j'] = `vv'
mat bhat = myB
mat V = myV
local rnb: rownames bhat
if "`remc'" != "" {
mat f = J(1,1,0)
local nwb : word count `rnb'
tokenize `rnb'
forv s = 1/`nwb'{
if regexm("``s''", ".*_cons.*") == 0{
mat f = f \ bhat[`s', ....]
local rf = rowsof(f)
mat f = f[2..`rf', ....]
mat bhat = f
matsort bhat 1 "down"
local k = rowsof(bhat)
local rn : rownames(bhat)
tokenize `rn'
mat newV = V[....,"`1'"]
forval i = 2/`k'{
mat zz = V[....,"``i''"]
mat newV = newV, zz
local newrn : colnames(newV)
tokenize `newrn'
mat newV2 = newV["`1'",....]
forval i = 2/`k'{
mat zzz = newV["``i''",....]
mat newV2 = newV2 \ zzz
mat V = newV2
local np = `k'*(`k'-1)/2
local resdf = _N-rowsof(tmp)
mat pairs = J(`np', 2, 0)
local cl = 1
matrix D = J(`k', `np', 0)
local upri = `k' -1
forval i = 1/`upri' {
local lwrj = `i' + 1
forval j = `lwrj'/`k' {
matrix D[`i', `cl'] = 1
matrix D[`j', `cl'] = -1
mat pairs[`cl', 1] = `i'
mat pairs[`cl', 2] = `j'
local cl = `cl' + 1
mata: D = st_matrix("D")
mata: V = st_matrix("V")
mata: bhat = st_matrix("bhat")
mata: pairs = st_matrix("pairs")
mata: diffs = (bhat'*D)'
mata: diffV = D'*V*D
mata: diffSE = sqrt(diagonal(diffV))
local crit = invt(`resdf', 1-`a')
mata: pwtests = diffs:/diffSE :>`crit'
mata: ones = J(`np', 1, 1)
mata: st_numscalar("nsig", pwtests'*ones)
local qtl = 1-(1-`lev1')/2
mata: LL = bhat[,1] - invt(`resdf', `qtl'):*sqrt(diagonal(V))[,1]
mata: UU = bhat[,1] + invt(`resdf', `qtl'):*sqrt(diagonal(V))[,1]
mata: levs = range(`lev1', `lev2', `incr')
mata: st_matrix("levs", levs)
local nlevs = rowsof(levs)
forval l = 2/`nlevs' {
local qtl = 1-(1-levs[`l',1])/2
mata: LL = LL, bhat[,1] - invt(`resdf', `qtl'):*sqrt(diagonal(V))[,1]
mata: UU = UU, bhat[,1] + invt(`resdf', `qtl'):*sqrt(diagonal(V))[,1]
mata: maxU = colmax(UU)
mata: minL = colmin(LL)
mata: thresh = (maxU :- minL):*`easythresh'
mata: st_matrix("thresh", thresh)
mata: L = LL[pairs[,1], ]
mata: U = UU[pairs[,2], ]
mata: citests = L :>= U
mata: comptests = citests :== pwtests
mata: ones = J(`np', 1, 1)
mata: d = (L-U):*pwtests + (U-L):*(1:-pwtests)
mata: st_matrix("d", d)
local rd = rowsof(d)
local cold = colsof(d)
forv j = 1/`cold'{
local thrsh = thresh[1,`j']
forv i = 1/`rd' {
local dij = d[`i',`j']
if `dij' > `thrsh' {
mat d[`i',`j'] = `thrsh'
if `dij' < -`thrsh'{
mat d[`i',`j'] = -`thrsh'
mata: d = st_matrix("d")
mata: easy = colsum(d)'
mata: res = levs, (comptests'*ones):/`np', easy
mata: st_matrix("res", res)
mata: cm = colmax(res)
mata: st_numscalar("cm", cm[1,2])
mata: st_numscalar("maxeasy", cm[1,3])
mat res_s = J(1,3,0)
local nlev = rowsof(res)
forval i = 1/`nlev' {
local psm = res[`i', 2]
if `psm' == cm {
mat res_s = res_s \ res[`i',....]
local nrs = rowsof(res_s)
mat res_s = res_s[2..`nrs', ....]
mata: res_s = st_matrix("res_s")
mata: cms = colmax(res_s)
mata: st_numscalar("maxeasy", cms[1,3])
local nrs = rowsof(res_s)
forval i = 1/`nrs'{
if res_s[`i',3] == maxeasy {
local optlev = res_s[`i',1]
mata: levnum = range(1, `nlevs', 1)
mata: levcol = (levs :== `optlev')'*levnum
mata: alltests = pairs, pwtests, citests[,levcol]
mata: st_matrix("alltests", alltests)
mat miss = J(1,4,0)
local nrm = rowsof(alltests)
forval i = 1/`nrm' {
if alltests[`i',3] != alltests[`i',4] {
mat miss = miss \ alltests[`i',....]
local nrm = rowsof(miss)
if `nrm' > 1 {
mat miss = miss[2..`nrm', ....]
local nmt = rowsof(miss)
mata: miss = st_matrix("miss")
mata: varnames = st_matrixrowstripe("bhat")[,2]
mata: sigmat = ("Insignificant" \ "Significant")
mata: olmat = ("Overlapping" \ "Not overlapping")
mata: miss_tests = varnames[miss[,1],1], varnames[miss[,2],1], sigmat[miss[,3]:+1, 1], olmat[miss[,4]:+1, 1]
di " "
di "Optimal Levels: "
di " "
mata: res_s
di " "
di "Missed Tests (n=`nmt' of `np')"
di " "
if `nrm' > 1{
mata: miss_tests
di "No missed tests!"
frame create levels level pr_same easiness
frame change levels
mata: st_addobs(rows(res))
mata: st_store(., "level", res[,1])
mata: st_store(., "pr_same", res[,2])
mata: st_store(., "easiness", res[,3])
local fname = "result-levels-$S_TIME-$S_DATE.dta"
save "`fname'", replace
frame change default
frame drop levels
if `nr' > 1 {
frame create missed
frame change missed
gen str25 bigger = ""
gen str25 smaller = ""
gen str25 pw_test = ""
gen str25 ci_test = ""
mata: st_addobs(rows(miss_tests))
mata: st_sstore(., "bigger", miss_tests[,1])
mata: st_sstore(., "smaller", miss_tests[,2])
mata: st_sstore(., "pw_test", miss_tests[,3])
mata: st_sstore(., "ci_test", miss_tests[,4])
local fname = "result-missed-$S_TIME-$S_DATE.dta"
save "`fname'", replace
frame change default
frame drop missed
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