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David Gitlen davidagitlen

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Session 4 Practice Tasks

The assignments listed here should take you between 1.5 and 2 total hours.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

Beginner's Guide to Git

Here is a basic introduction to using Git!

What is Git?

Git is one of the most popular Version Control Systems (VCS) in use today. It is used to track changes made to files, such that previous versions of the same file can be recalled and a record of each change can be seen. This is useful not only for modulating how specific features are built out, but also for identifying points in time that problems are potentially introduced, and eventually for facilitating collaborative workflow for team projects with GitHub.

Basic Git Commands in Terminal


Day 1 - Chapters 1 & 2

  1. On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code?

     The basic purpose of HTML code on a website is to provide structure to the information that will be presented, and to appropriately describe the type of information that will be in each section of the structure.

  1. What is the difference between an element and a tag?

     While element and tag are often used interchangeably, an element in particular actually refers to both the opening and closing tag as well as the information contained between them. The tags themselves are a left-angle bracket (<), a character or string of characters, and a right-angle bracket (>).

Professional Development!

  1. What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

     I think my greatest strength is being very detail-oriented and comprehensive while also being kindhearted and compassionate. Those are things that relate to the results of my Pairin survey, things that I work on, and also things that people tend to comment on. If you are aware of others' feelings and needs and can act accordingly, while also providing an environment (interpersonally as well as physically) that is conducive to others' being at ease, it not only supports your community and helps build strong connections, but also provides for a lot of warmheartedness and helps people show up as the best they can!

  1. How do you work best?

     I tend to work best with very clear-set goals and standards, in an environment where I have open access to a good set of tools and information.

     Empathy has played an important role in my life in a few different ways. First and foremost, developing empathy and compassion for others is a central element of Buddhist mind training and meditation, so it is something that I have tried to work on every day for over fifteen years. This has helped me to make my mind more flexible and manage my own emotions more effectively, and to understand others' viewpoints and make an attempt to relate to them. Empathy has also been important in my professional life, primarily in end of life/elder/dementia care, to help the patient (as well as their families) to deal with a difficult transition and to avoid shame and self reproach over their own illness or infirmity, as well as their reactions to a loved one's decline.

     Empathy helps to build better software in a few different ways: First off, it helps to keep issues around accessibility in mind, and highlights the importance of comprehensive semantic markups fo


  • Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • How would you describe your work style? We both have a slighty introverted workstyle, but are both more than willing to express ourselves during planning and reviewing, and to tackle whatever comes up proactively.

  • What scheduling restraints do you have? What are your scheduling preferences? We both have set appointments, one that reoccurs every month or so, and one that is every Thursday. Scheduling preferences are in person morning and evening, and remote work throughout the night.

  • What is your style for giving feedback? Does anything ever hold you back from giving feedback? We're both very direct and have thick skins, and we have agreed to be open and honest with each other about quality of work and deadlines, etc.


Functional Expectations

  • Novice: Application meets all of the expectations of phase one.
  • Advanced Beginner: Application meets all of the expectations of phase two.
  • Proficient: Application meets all of the expectations of phase three.
  • Exceptional: Application adds three or more of the extensions from phase four.

What do I want mentoring in the job search?

In general, I think I would benefit from continued, targeted feedback and support on things like cold outreaches/setting up meetings, and writing cover letters. I have a lot of anxiety about the whole networking process! In particular I would like advice and coaching on highlighting/presenting the intersection of my personal skills and talents with the requirements/expectations of a job posting, and how to efficiently frame all of that within a cover letter/'elevator pitch'. Just having dedicated time to meet with an instructor and be able to talk through what I am trying to do would go a long way to bolstering my confidence.

How will I hold myself accountable to balancing time for job search and following advice?

Continuing to time-box and make a structured calendar, and putting in the time when the time is allotted. I'm trying to have faith in the process, and trust that I will continue to make progress in the job search by putting in time and effort (a