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Last active October 7, 2018 16:58
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Simplify arithmetic expressions
function simplify(e::Expr)
_simplify(e) = e
function _simplify(e::Expr)
# apply the following only to expressions that call a function on arguments
if e.head == :call
op = e.args[1] # in such expressions, `args[1]` is the called function
simplified_args = [ _simplify(arg) for arg in e.args[2:end] ]
if op == :(*)
in(0, e.args[2:end]) && return 0 # return 0 if any args are 0
simplified_args = simplified_args[simplified_args .!= 1] # remove 1s
elseif op == :(+)
simplified_args = simplified_args[simplified_args .!= 0] # remove 0s
length(simplified_args) == 0 ? 0 :
length(simplified_args) == 1 ? simplified_args[1] :
return Expr(:call, op, simplified_args...)
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The above can be used to simplify the original expression in this post:

# wrapping code between `:(` and `)` parses the code into an Expr object
julia> e = :( (1 + 0 * x) * 3 + 12 )
:((1 + 0x) * 3 + 12)

julia> simplify(e)
:(+1 * 3 + 12)

julia> eval(ans)

But it will also simplify expressions in which arbitrarily complex function calls are passed to + or *:

julia> simplify(:( (0 * f(g(x))) + 2 + (3 * h(x, y)) ))
:(2 + 3 * h(x,y))

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Julia, you will do work for me so easily!? That is are all kinds of refreshing.
(regards to your friend, david)

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