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Last active July 31, 2018 15:23
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Execution time in seconds

original list with 11 items

jpp: 0.038900841027498245
Laurent H.: 0.09572448302060366
Kevin: 0.007683080970309675
davidak: 0.027118309983052313

list with 100 items

jpp: 0.085919318953529
Laurent H.: 0.8218901020009071
Kevin: 0.007853235001675785
davidak: 0.046300466055981815

list with 1000 items

jpp: 0.2682207649340853
Laurent H.: 5.869488948956132
Kevin: 0.008967073052190244
davidak: 0.26018757303245366

list with 10000 items

jpp: 2.4661101199453697
Laurent H.: 62.00245025800541
Kevin: 0.009241680963896215
davidak: 2.5198689920362085

list with 100000 items

jpp: 24.208682479104027
Laurent H.: 680.6267002499662
Kevin: 0.009258356061764061
davidak: 26.868416464072652
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
import timeit
iterations = 10000
def invert_edge_values_jpp(l):
idx1 = next(i for i, j in enumerate(l) if j)
idx2 = next(i for i, j in enumerate(l[::-1]) if j)
l = np.array(l)
l[:idx1] = True
l[len(l)-idx2:] = True
return l
def invert_edge_values_laurent_h(l):
l = copy.deepcopy(l)
tempList = l[:]
# Iterate from the beginning (and invert) until the element differs from the first one
for i,v in enumerate(tempList):
if v == tempList[0]: l[i] = not v
else: break
# Iterate from the end (and invert) until the element differs from the last one
for i,v in reversed(list(enumerate(tempList))):
if v == tempList[-1]: l[i] = not v
else: break
return l
def invert_edge_values_kevin(l):
for i in range(len(l)):
if l[i]:
l[i] = True
for i in range(len(l)-1, -1, -1):
if l[i]:
l[i] = True
return l
def invert_edge_values_davidak(l):
l = np.array(l)
ind = np.where(l)[0]
first, last = ind[0], ind[-1]
l[:first] = True
l[last + 1:] = True
return l
if __name__ == '__main__':
# create long random list of booleans
# with some False on the edges
l = []
list_items = 100000
number_pre_false = np.random.randint(5)
number_past_false = np.random.randint(5)
number_random_bool = list_items - (number_pre_false + number_past_false)
for i in range(number_pre_false):
for i in range(number_random_bool):
l.append(np.random.rand() > 0.5)
for i in range(number_past_false):
# l = [False, False, False, True, True, True, False, False, True, False, False]
# list_items = len(l)
jpp = timeit.timeit("invert_edge_values_jpp(l)", number=iterations, globals=globals())
laurent_h = timeit.timeit("invert_edge_values_laurent_h(l)", number=iterations, globals=globals())
kevin = timeit.timeit("invert_edge_values_kevin(l)", number=iterations, globals=globals())
davidak = timeit.timeit("invert_edge_values_davidak(l)", number=iterations, globals=globals())
print("jpp:", jpp)
print("Laurent H.:", laurent_h)
print("Kevin:", kevin)
print("davidak:", davidak)
dpi = 96
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(1024/dpi, 768/dpi), dpi=dpi)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.title("Comparison of functions to invert edge values in python boolean list (with {} items)".format(list_items))
ax.set_ylabel('execution time of {} iterations in seconds'.format(iterations))
x = ['jpp', 'Laurent H.', 'Kevin', 'davidak']
y = [jpp, laurent_h, kevin, davidak], y)
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