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Created June 19, 2021 17:46
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Read genotype data for given range from VCF and convert to dosage matrix
get_cis_geno = function(tab, chrom, left, right, genome_build = "GRCh38") {
gr = GRanges(chrom, IRanges(left, right))
sp = ScanVcfParam(which = gr)
vcf = readVcf(tab, genome_build, param = sp)
gt = geno(vcf)$GT
if (nrow(gt) == 0) return(NULL)
allele1 = substr(gt, 1, 1)
class(allele1) = "numeric"
allele2 = substr(gt, 3, 3)
class(allele2) = "numeric"
allele1 + allele2
tab = TabixFile("the.vcf.gz", "the.vcf.gz.tbi")
dosage_matrix = get_cis_geno(tab, “chr1”, 100000, 101000)
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