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Last active December 24, 2015 01:59
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Simple demo of checking HTTP proxy settings and/or downloading text or HTML pages in Scala, with equivalent code in Python for comparison
import scala.sys.SystemProperties
object ProxyTester extends App {
// Uncomment if you are behind a proxy, then edit the IP and port to match your proxy
// val props = new SystemProperties
//props("http.proxyHost") = "localhost"
//props("http.proxyPort") = "8080"
// Uncomment to see all the system properties including proxy settings
//props foreach println
// Equivalent in python (assuming appropriate import from urllib2)
// print urlopen('').read()
// Or if you want to iterate over lines:
fromURL("").getLines foreach println
// Near-equivalent in python (assuming appropriate import from urllib2)
// Reads in all data, rather than returning an iterator
// for line in urlopen('').readlines(): print line,
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