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Forked from wsalesky/Build Anonymous Name
Created August 16, 2016 21:29
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xquery version "3.0";
declare namespace tei = "";
let $list := ("", "")
for $uri in $list
for $person in fn:doc('/db/apps/srophe-data/data/persons/tei/saints/tei/1210.xml')//tei:person[tei:idno/text()[.=$uri]]
let $name := $person/tei:persName[@xml:lang="en"][contains(@syriaca-tags,"#syriaca-headword")]
let $bibl := $person/tei:bibl[1]
let $newName :=
<persName xmlns="" xml:id="{concat('name',substring-after($uri,'/person/'),'-a')}"
xml:lang="en" syriaca-tags="#syriaca-headword">Anonymi {substring-after($uri,'/person/')}</persName>
let $newbio :=
<state type="group" source="#bib{substring-after($uri,'/person/')}-1"/>
let $newtrait :=
<trait xml:lang="en"><label>anonymous</label></trait>
update value $name/@syriaca-tags with '#anonymous-description',
update insert $newName preceding $name,
update insert $newbio preceding $bibl,
update insert $newtrait preceding $bibl
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@wsalesky, it wanted /text() after all, not sure why, but that made it work

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