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Created March 1, 2017 15:45
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Code for "Improving Diversity in Ranking using Absorbing Random Walks" (NAACL HLT 2007)
function [l v] = grasshopper(W, r, lambda, k)
% Reranking items by random walk on graph with absorbing states.
% (CREDIT: Jerry Zhu
% W: n*n weight matrix with non-negative entries.
% W(i,j) = edge weight for the edge i->j
% The graph can be directed or undirected. Self-edges are allowed.
% r: user-supplied initial ranking of the n items.
% r is a probability vector of size n.
% highly ranked items have larger r values.
% lambda:
% trade-off between relying completely on W and ignoring r (lambda=1)
% and completely relying on r and ignoring W (lambda=0).
% k: return top k items as ranked by Grasshopper.
% l: the top k indices after reranking.
% l(1) is the best item's index (into W), l(2) the second best, and so on
% v: v(1) is the first item's stationary probability;
% v(2)..v(k) are the next k-1 item's average number of visits during
% absorbing random walks, in the respective iterations when they were
% selected.
n = size(W,1);
% sanity check first
if (min(min(W))<0),
error('Found a negative entry in W! Stop.');
elseif (abs(sum(r)-1)>1e-5),
error('The vector r does not sum to 1! Stop.');
elseif (lambda<0 | lambda>1)
error('lambda is not in [0,1]! Stop.');
elseif (k<0 | k>n)
error('k is not in [0,n]! Stop.');
% creating the graph-based transition matrix P
P = W ./ repmat(sum(W,2), 1, n); % row normalized
% incorporating user-supplied initial ranking by adding teleporting
hatP = lambda*P + (1-lambda)*repmat(r', n, 1);
% finding the highest ranked item from the stationary distribution
% of hatP: q=hatP'*q. The item with the largest stationary probability
% is our higest ranked item.
q = stationary(hatP);
% the most probably state is our first absorbing node. Put it in l.
[v, l]=max(q);
% reranking k-1 more items by picking out the most-visited node one by one.
% once picked out, the item turns into an absorbing node.
while (length(l)<k),
% Computing the expected number of times each node will be visited
% before random walk is absorbed by absorbing nodes. Averaged over
% all start nodes. hatP defines the transition matrix, while l specifies
% the absorbing nodes.
% Compute the inverse of the fundamental matrix
if length(l) == 1
% Standard inversion if this is the first one
N = inv(eye(length(uidx)) - hatP(uidx, uidx));
% using matrix inversion lemma henceforth
N = minv(eye(length(old_uidx)) - hatP(old_uidx, old_uidx), N, find(old_uidx==l(end)));
% Compute the expected visit counts
nuvisit = 1/length(uidx) * N'*ones(length(uidx),1);
% nuvisit = N'*ones(length(uidx),1); % old version, up to scaling
nvisit = zeros(n,1);
% Find the new absorbing state
[tmpy tmpi]=max(nvisit);
function q = stationary(P)
% find the stationary distribution of the transition matrix P
% the stationary distribution is q=P'*q
q=abs(V); % to avoid an all-negative vector
q=q/sum(q); % make it a prob dist
function R = minv(A, Ainv, indx)
% Computes the inverse of a matrix with one row and column removed using
% the matrix inversion lemma. It needs a matrix A, the inverse of A and the
% row and column index which needs to be removed.
n = size(A,1);
% Compute the inverse with one row removed
u = zeros(n,1);
u(indx) = -1;
v = A(indx, :);
v(indx) = v(indx) - 1;
T = Ainv - ((Ainv * u) * (v * Ainv))/(1+v*Ainv*u);
% Compute the inverse with one column removed
w = A(:,indx);
w(indx) = 0;
R = T - ((T * w) * (u' * T))/(1+u'*T*w);
% Remove redundant rows in resulting matrix
R(indx,:) = []; R(:,indx) = [];
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