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Created May 3, 2011 18:32
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Augment 2D scatter plot with linear regression
Augment scatter plot with linear regression fit
David Andrzejewski
import numpy as NP
import numpy.random as NPR
import matplotlib.pyplot as P
import matplotlib.lines as L
from scikits.learn.linear_model import LinearRegression
def linearscatter(xpts, ypts, ax=None, **kwargs):
Augment scatter plot with linear regression
Unused kwargs will be passed along to .scatter()
if(ax == None):
ax = P.figure().gca()
# Scatter plot
P.scatter(xpts, ypts, axes=ax, **kwargs)
# Get ordinary least squares fit
model = LinearRegression(), (len(xpts),1)), ypts)
# Plot line over scatter
miny = xpts.min() * model.coef_[0] + model.intercept_
maxy = xpts.max() * model.coef_[0] + model.intercept_
ax.add_line(L.Line2D([xpts.min(), xpts.max()],
[miny, maxy],
color='r', linewidth=5))
return (ax, model)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Generate a synthetic test dataset
npts = 200
xpts = NPR.uniform(1.0, 10.0, (npts,))
coeff = 1.0
noise = NPR.standard_normal((len(xpts),))
ypts = (xpts * coeff) + noise
# Display it
(ax, model) = linearscatter(xpts, ypts, ax=None)
r2 = model.score(NP.reshape(xpts, (len(xpts), 1)), ypts)
ax.set_title('Linear regression (R2 = %.2f)' % r2)
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