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Created May 14, 2011 23:09
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Save davidandrzej/972737 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Max-WalkSAT (MWS) weighted satisfiability solver
; MaxWalkSAT weighted satisfiability solver
; A General Stochastic Approach to Solving Problems with Hard and Soft
; Constraints Henry Kautz, Bart Selman, and Yueyen Jiang. In The
; Satisfiability Problem: Theory and Applications, Dingzhu Gu, Jun Du,
; and Panos Pardalos (Eds.), DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and
; Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 35, American Mathematical Society,
; 1997, pages 573-586.
; David Andrzejewski (
; Command-line arguments
; 0 propositional clauses filename
; 1 parameter settings filename
; EX: clj mws.clj test.clauses test.param
(use '[ :only (read-lines)])
(use '[clojure.contrib.seq-utils :only (indexed)])
(use 'clojure.set)
(def rng (new java.util.Random))
(defstruct logicclause :weight :atoms)
(defstruct logicatom :inverted :predicate)
(defstruct solution :pvals :satweight :unsat)
; Parameter data structure
(defstruct parameters :numiter :prand :P)
; Parameter names and parsing functions
(def parameter-processing
"numiter" (list :numiter #(Integer/parseInt %1))
"prand" (list :prand #(Float/parseFloat %1))
"P" (list :P #(Integer/parseInt %1))))
; Verbose output of intermediate steps
(def verbosity true)
(defn affects?
"Does predicate p affect clause c?"
[p c]
(some #(= (:predicate %1) p) (:atoms c)))
(defn update-pvals
"Return pvals with flip flipped"
[pvals flip]
(assoc pvals flip (not (nth pvals flip))))
(defn eval-atom
"Evaluate atom truth value"
[pvals a]
(if (:inverted a)
(not (nth pvals (:predicate a)))
(nth pvals (:predicate a))))
(defn eval-clause
"Evalute clause truth value"
[pvals c]
(some (partial eval-atom pvals) (:atoms c)))
(defn sat-weight
"Total weight of satisfied clauses"
[clauses pvals]
(reduce + (map :weight (filter (partial eval-clause pvals) clauses))))
(defn parse-atom
"Integer < P optionally preceded by ~ for negation (EX: ~2 or 4)"
(if (. astr startsWith "~")
(struct logicatom true (Integer/parseInt (. astr substring 1)))
(struct logicatom false (Integer/parseInt astr))))
(defn parse-line
"Clause weight followed by atoms, whitespace separated"
(let [[weight & atoms] (.split line "\\s+")]
(struct logicclause (Float/parseFloat weight)
(map parse-atom atoms))))
(defn valid-line
"Is this line 1) non-whitespace? and 2) not a comment?"
[commentchar line]
(and (not (zero? (.. line trim length)))
(nil? (re-matches (re-pattern (str "^\\s*\\" commentchar ".*"))
(defn read-clause-file
"Read file with 1 line per clause"
(map parse-line (filter (partial valid-line "#") (read-lines filename))))
(defn unsat-clauses
"Which clauses are unsat for predicate values pvals?"
[pvals clauses]
(set (filter #(not (eval-clause pvals %1)) clauses)))
(defn get-pred-effect
"For this predicate, which clauses does it affect?"
[clauses p]
(set (filter (partial affects? p) clauses)))
(defn rand-select
"Randomly select an element from (non-infinite) collection"
(nth (vec coll) (. rng nextInt (count coll))))
(defn rand-pred [c]
"Randomly choose a predicate in clause c"
(let [catoms (vec (:atoms c))]
(:predicate (nth catoms (. rng nextInt (count catoms))))))
(defn flip-score
"What is the score delta of flipping predicate p?"
[pvals peffect flip]
(let [cset (nth peffect flip)]
(- (sat-weight cset (update-pvals pvals flip))
(sat-weight cset pvals))))
(defn greedy-pred
"Find the greedy local move to sat clause c"
[c pvals peffect]
(apply max-key (partial flip-score pvals peffect)
(map :predicate (:atoms c))))
(defn get-move [runparam cursoln peffect]
"Get the next local move (greedy or random)"
(let [c (rand-select (:unsat cursoln))]
(if (< (. rng nextFloat) (:prand runparam))
(rand-pred c)
(greedy-pred c (:pvals cursoln) peffect))))
(defn update-unsat
"Update set of unsatisfied clauses after flipping flip"
[unsat pvals peffect flip]
(let [affected (nth peffect flip)
newpvals (update-pvals pvals flip)]
(union (difference unsat affected)
(unsat-clauses newpvals affected))))
(defn rand-bool-vec
"A random boolean vector of length L"
(vec (for [pi (range L)] (. rng nextBoolean))))
(defn update-solution
"Update a solution by flipping"
[soln flip peffect]
(let [delta (flip-score (:pvals soln) peffect flip)]
(if verbosity (println (format "flip %d (delta=%f)" flip delta)))
(struct solution
(update-pvals (:pvals soln) flip)
(+ (:satweight soln) delta)
(update-unsat (:unsat soln) (:pvals soln) peffect flip))))
(defn max-walk-sat
"The MaxWalkSAT weighted satisfiability solver"
[runparam clauses peffect initsoln]
(loop [cursoln initsoln ; current solution
bestsoln initsoln ; best solution found thus far
ctr (:numiter runparam)] ; how many iter left?
(if verbosity (do (println (format "Best SAT weight = %f"
(:satweight bestsoln)))
(print (format "Step %d " (- (:numiter runparam) ctr)))))
; Stop when all clauses are satisfied, or we've done all iterations
(if (or (zero? ctr) (empty? (:unsat cursoln)))
(let [flip (get-move runparam cursoln peffect)
newsoln (update-solution cursoln flip peffect)]
(if (> (:satweight newsoln) (:satweight bestsoln))
(dec ctr))))))
(defn print-solution
"Print the results of a solution"
[solution clauses]
(doseq [[p pval] (indexed (:pvals solution))]
(println (format "pred %d = %b" p pval)))
(println (format "%d of %d clauses satisfied (satweight = %f)"
(- (count clauses) (count (:unsat solution)))
(count clauses) (:satweight solution))))
(defn parse-param-line
"Parse a line of the parameters file"
(let [[pname pval] (. pline split "\\=")
[psym pfcn] (get parameter-processing pname)]
(list psym (pfcn pval))))
(defn read-param-file
"Read the parameter file"
(apply struct-map parameters (mapcat parse-param-line
(read-lines pfilename))))
(let [clausefile (nth *command-line-args* 0)
paramfile (nth *command-line-args* 1)
runparam (read-param-file paramfile)
clauses (read-clause-file clausefile)
peffects (map (partial get-pred-effect clauses)
(range (:P runparam)))
pinit (rand-bool-vec (:P runparam))
initsoln (struct solution pinit
(sat-weight clauses pinit)
(unsat-clauses pinit clauses))]
(print-solution (max-walk-sat runparam clauses peffects initsoln)
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