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Created May 14, 2011 23:10
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k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) supervised classifier
; Standard k nearest neighbors classifier
; Does not handle
; > 2 classes
; even values of k
; any bad input, really
; David Andrzejewski (
; Command-line arguments
; 0 training data filename
; 1 test data filename
; 2 value of k (how many neighbors to use)
; EX: clj knn.clj train.txt test.txt 3
; Data file format is one example per line, with
; space-separated vector values. By convention, the
; first element of each vector is the class label.
(use '[ :only (read-lines)])
(use '[clojure.contrib.math :only (sqrt expt)])
(use '[clojure.contrib.seq-utils :only (indexed)])
(defstruct example :label :data)
(defn euclidean-distance
"L2 distance between 2 vectors"
[v1 v2]
(sqrt (reduce + (map #(expt (- %1 %2) 2) v1 v2))))
(defn parse-line
"parse a line of text-separated numbers"
(map #(Float/parseFloat %1) (.split line " ")))
(defn read-vector-file
"one space-separated vector per line, where the
first element of each vector is the label"
(for [line (read-lines filename)]
(#(struct example (first %1) (rest %1)) (parse-line line))))
(defn value-count
"how many times does val occur in values?"
[values val]
(count (filter (partial == val) values)))
(defn majority-label
"what is the majority label among this set of examples?"
(let [labels (map :label examples)]
(last (sort-by (partial value-count labels) (set labels)))))
(defn nearest-neighbors
"return the k nearest neighbors"
[example dataset k]
(take k (sort-by #(euclidean-distance (:data example)
(:data %1)) dataset)))
(defn classify-test
"classify each testset example"
[trainset testset k]
(for [testex testset]
(majority-label (nearest-neighbors testex trainset k))))
(defn distance-matrix
"all pairwise distances as a vector of vectors"
(vec (for [v vectors] (map (partial euclidean-distance v) vectors))))
(let [trainfile (nth *command-line-args* 0)
testfile (nth *command-line-args* 1)
k (Integer/parseInt (nth *command-line-args* 2))]
(doseq [[i label] (indexed (classify-test (read-vector-file trainfile)
(read-vector-file testfile) k))]
(println (format "Test example %d classified as %s" i (int label)))))
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