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Last active May 17, 2016 17:33
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Performance repo
function get_f(version=:paper)
κ = 0.3
η = 2
b1 = 0.0028388
A_0 = 0.02722^(1/(1-κ))
g_A0 = 0.0092/(1-0.3)
σ_0 = 0.13418
M_pre = 596.4
δ_B = 0.01
s = 3.0
if version==:code
η = 2
b1 = 0.0028388
A_0 = 0.02722^(1/(1-κ))
g_A0 = 0.0092/(1-0.3)
σ_0 = 0.13418
M_pre = 596.4
δ_B = 0.01
s = 3.0
b2 = 2
δ_u = 0.015
L_0 = 6514
L_∞ = 8600
g_L_star = 0.035
K_0 = 137
δ_K = 0.1
δ_A = 0.001
g_σ0 = -0.0073
δ_σ = 0.003
a0 = 1.17
a1 = 2
a2 = 2.8
g_Ψ_star = -0.005
T_0 = 0.76
M_0 = 808.9
δ_M0 = 0.014
δ_M∞ = 0.004
δ_M_star = 0.01
B_0 = 1.1
η_forc = 3.8
λ = η_forc / s
EF_0 = -0.06
EF_100 = 0.3
σ_forc = 0.032
σ_ocean = 0.007
Δt = 1.
ζ = 0.02
L(t) = L_0 + (L_∞-L_0) * (1-exp(-g_L_star * t))
A(t) = A_0 * exp(g_A0 * (1-exp(-δ_A * t))/δ_A)
σ(t) = σ_0 * exp(g_σ0 * (1-exp(-δ_σ * t))/δ_σ)
Ψ(t) = σ(t) / a2 * a0 * (1- (1-exp(g_Ψ_star * t))/a1)
g_L(t) = (log(L(t+Δt))-log(L(t)))/Δt
g_A(t) = (log(A(t+Δt))-log(A(t)))/Δt
B(t) = B_0 * exp(-δ_B * t)
EF(t) = EF_0 + 0.01 * (EF_100-EF_0) * min(t,100)
δ_M(t) = δ_M∞ + (δ_M0-δ_M∞) * exp(-δ_M_star * t)
ΔT(t) = max(0.7 + 0.02t - 0.00007 * t^2,0)
function transition(state,state_new, x)
c = x[1]
Λ = x[2]
k = state[1]
M = state[2]
τ = state[3]
T = state[4]
t = -log(1-τ)/ζ
μ = (Λ/Ψ(t))^(1/a2)
y = (1 - Ψ(t) * μ^a2) / (1+b1*T^b2) * k^κ
k_new = ((1-δ_K)^Δt * k + y * Δt - c * Δt) * exp(-(g_A(t) + g_L(t)) * Δt)
E = (1-μ) * σ(t) * A(t) * L(t) * k^κ + B(t)
M_new = M_pre + (M - M_pre) * (1-δ_M(t))^Δt + E * Δt
T_new = (1-σ_forc) * T + σ_forc * (η_forc * log(M_new/M_pre)/log(2.) + EF(t)) / λ - σ_ocean * ΔT(t)
t_new = t + 1.
τ_new = 1 - exp(-ζ*t_new)
state_new[1] = k_new
state_new[2] = M_new
state_new[3] = τ_new
state_new[4] = T_new
return transition
function main(n=10_000_000)
f = get_f()
state_old = [0.5, 700., 0., 0.] * 1.1
state_new = ones(4)
x = ones(2)
f(state_old, state_new, x)
@time for i=1:n
f(state_old, state_new, x)
# make sure everything is compiled
#Real perf test
# Use this to see type instabilities
# code_warntype(f, (Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}))
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