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Created April 27, 2022 02:39
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// Based on the path tracing tutorial series by demofox:
let FAR_PLANE = 1e4;
let FOV_DEGREES = 90.;
let NUM_BOUNCES = 8;
let EXPOSURE = .5;
let PI = 3.1415926536;
struct Material {
albedo: float3,
emissive: float3,
specular: float3,
percentSpecular: float,
roughness: float,
IOR: float,
struct RayHitInfo {
dist: float,
normal: float3,
material: Material,
fn WangHash(seed: ptr<function, uint>) -> uint
*seed = (*seed ^ 61u) ^ (*seed >> 16u);
*seed *= 9u;
*seed = *seed ^ (*seed >> 4u);
*seed *= 0x27d4eb2du;
*seed = *seed ^ (*seed >> 15u);
return *seed;
fn RandomFloat01(seed: ptr<function, uint>) -> float
return float(WangHash(seed)) / 4294967296.0;
fn RandomUnitVector(seed: ptr<function, uint>) -> float3
let z = RandomFloat01(seed) * 2. - 1.;
let a = RandomFloat01(seed) * 2. * PI;
let r = sqrt(1. - z * z);
let x = r * cos(a);
let y = r * sin(a);
return float3(x, y, z);
// ACES tone mapping curve fit to go from HDR to LDR
fn ACESFilm(x: float3) -> float3
let a = 2.51;
let b = 0.03;
let c = 2.43;
let d = 0.59;
let e = 0.14;
return clamp((x*(a*x + b)) / (x*(c*x + d) + e), float3(0.), float3(1.));
fn FresnelReflectAmount(
n1: float,
n2: float,
normal: float3,
incident: float3,
f0: float,
f90: float)
-> float
// Schlick aproximation
var r0 = (n1-n2) / (n1+n2);
r0 *= r0;
var cosX = -dot(normal, incident);
if (n1 > n2)
let n = n1/n2;
let sinT2 = n*n*(1.0-cosX*cosX);
// Total internal reflection
if (sinT2 > 1.0)
return f90;
cosX = sqrt(1.0-sinT2);
let x = 1.0-cosX;
let ret = r0+(1.0-r0)*x*x*x*x*x;
// adjust reflect multiplier for object reflectivity
return mix(f0, f90, ret);
fn ScalarTriple(u: float3, v: float3, w: float3) -> float
return dot(cross(u, v), w);
fn TestQuadTrace(
rayPos: float3,
rayDir: float3,
info: ptr<function, RayHitInfo>,
_a: float3,
_b: float3,
_c: float3,
_d: float3)
-> bool
var a = _a;
var b = _b;
var c = _c;
var d = _d;
// calculate normal and flip vertices order if needed
var normal = normalize(cross(c-a, c-b));
if (dot(normal, rayDir) > 0.)
normal *= -1.;
var temp = d;
d = a;
a = temp;
temp = b;
b = c;
c = temp;
let p = rayPos;
let q = rayPos + rayDir;
let pq = q - p;
let pa = a - p;
let pb = b - p;
let pc = c - p;
// determine which triangle to test against by testing against diagonal first
let m = cross(pc, pq);
var v = dot(pa, m);
var intersectPos = float3(0.);
if (v >= 0.)
// test against triangle a,b,c
var u = -dot(pb, m);
if (u < 0.) { return false; }
var w = ScalarTriple(pq, pb, pa);
if (w < 0.) { return false; }
let denom = 1. / (u+v+w);
intersectPos = u*a+v*b+w*c;
let pd = d - p;
var u = dot(pd, m);
if (u < 0.) { return false; }
var w = ScalarTriple(pq, pa, pd);
if (w < 0.) { return false; }
v = -v;
let denom = 1. / (u+v+w);
intersectPos = u*a+v*d+w*c;
var dist = 0.;
if (abs(rayDir.x) > 0.)
dist = (intersectPos.x - rayPos.x) / rayDir.x;
else if (abs(rayDir.y) > 0.)
dist = (intersectPos.y - rayPos.y) / rayDir.y;
dist = (intersectPos.z - rayPos.z) / rayDir.z;
if (dist > MINIMUM_RAY_HIT_TIME && dist < (*info).dist)
(*info).dist = dist;
(*info).normal = normal;
return true;
return false;
fn TestSphereTrace(
rayPos: float3,
rayDir: float3,
info: ptr<function, RayHitInfo>,
sphere: float4)
-> bool
//get the vector from the center of this sphere to where the ray begins.
let m = rayPos -;
//get the dot product of the above vector and the ray's vector
let b = dot(m, rayDir);
let c = dot(m, m) - sphere.w * sphere.w;
//exit if r's origin outside s (c > 0) and r pointing away from s (b > 0)
if(c > 0.0 && b > 0.0)
return false;
//calculate discriminant
let discr = b * b - c;
//a negative discriminant corresponds to ray missing sphere
if(discr < 0.0)
return false;
//ray now found to intersect sphere, compute smallest t value of intersection
var fromInside = false;
var dist = -b - sqrt(discr);
if (dist < 0.)
fromInside = true;
dist = -b + sqrt(discr);
if (dist > MINIMUM_RAY_HIT_TIME && dist < (*info).dist)
(*info).dist = dist;
(*info).normal = normalize((rayPos+rayDir*dist) - * select(1., -1., fromInside);
return true;
return false;
fn TestSceneTrace(rayPos: float3, rayDir: float3, hitInfo: ptr<function, RayHitInfo>)
// to move the scene around, since we can't move the camera yet
let sceneTranslation = float3(0., 0., 10.);
let sceneTranslation4 = float4(sceneTranslation, 0.);
// back wall
let A = float3(-12.6, -12.6, 25.) + sceneTranslation;
let B = float3( 12.6, -12.6, 25.) + sceneTranslation;
let C = float3( 12.6, 12.6, 25.) + sceneTranslation;
let D = float3(-12.6, 12.6, 25.) + sceneTranslation;
if (TestQuadTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, A, B, C, D))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(.7);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(0.);
// floor
let A = float3(-12.6, -12.45, 25.) + sceneTranslation;
let B = float3( 12.6, -12.45, 25.) + sceneTranslation;
let C = float3( 12.6, -12.45, 15.) + sceneTranslation;
let D = float3(-12.6, -12.45, 15.) + sceneTranslation;
if (TestQuadTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, A, B, C, D))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(.7);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(0.);
// ceiling
let A = float3(-12.6, 12.5, 25.0) + sceneTranslation;
let B = float3( 12.6, 12.5, 25.0) + sceneTranslation;
let C = float3( 12.6, 12.5, 15.0) + sceneTranslation;
let D = float3(-12.6, 12.5, 15.0) + sceneTranslation;
if (TestQuadTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, A, B, C, D))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(.7);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(0.);
// left wall
let A = float3(-12.5, -12.6, 25.0) + sceneTranslation;
let B = float3(-12.5, -12.6, 15.0) + sceneTranslation;
let C = float3(-12.5, 12.6, 15.0) + sceneTranslation;
let D = float3(-12.5, 12.6, 25.0) + sceneTranslation;
if (TestQuadTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, A, B, C, D))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(.5, 0., 0.);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(0.);
// right wall
let A = float3( 12.5, -12.6, 25.) + sceneTranslation;
let B = float3( 12.5, -12.6, 15.) + sceneTranslation;
let C = float3( 12.5, 12.6, 15.) + sceneTranslation;
let D = float3( 12.5, 12.6, 25.) + sceneTranslation;
if (TestQuadTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, A, B, C, D))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(0., .5, 0.);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(0.);
// light
let A = float3(-5.0, 12.4, 22.5) + sceneTranslation;
let B = float3( 5.0, 12.4, 22.5) + sceneTranslation;
let C = float3( 5.0, 12.4, 17.5) + sceneTranslation;
let D = float3(-5.0, 12.4, 17.5) + sceneTranslation;
if (TestQuadTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, A, B, C, D))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(0.);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(1., .8, .5) * 20.;
if (TestSphereTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, vec4(-9., -9., 20., 3.)+sceneTranslation4))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(.9, .9, .5);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(0.);
(*hitInfo).material.specular = float3(.9);
(*hitInfo).material.percentSpecular = .1;
(*hitInfo).material.roughness = .2;
(*hitInfo).material.IOR = 1.;
if (TestSphereTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, vec4(0., -9., 20., 3.)+sceneTranslation4))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(.9, .5, .9);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(0.);
(*hitInfo).material.specular = float3(.9);
(*hitInfo).material.percentSpecular = .3;
(*hitInfo).material.roughness = .2;
(*hitInfo).material.IOR = 1.;
if (TestSphereTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, vec4(9., -9., 20., 3.)+sceneTranslation4))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(0., 0., 1.);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(0.);
(*hitInfo).material.specular = float3(1., 0., 0.);
(*hitInfo).material.percentSpecular = .5;
(*hitInfo).material.roughness = .4;
(*hitInfo).material.IOR = 1.;
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
if (TestSphereTrace(rayPos, rayDir, hitInfo, vec4(float(5*i - 10), 0., 23., 1.75)+sceneTranslation4))
(*hitInfo).material.albedo = float3(1.);
(*hitInfo).material.emissive = float3(0.);
(*hitInfo).material.specular = float3(.3, 1., .3);
(*hitInfo).material.percentSpecular = 1.;
(*hitInfo).material.roughness = float(i*i) / 16.;
(*hitInfo).material.IOR = 1.;
fn GetColorForRay(startRayPos: float3, startRayDir: float3, rngState: ptr<function, uint>) -> float3
var ret = float3(0.);
var throughput = float3(1.);
var rayPos = startRayPos;
var rayDir = startRayDir;
for (var bounceIndex = 0; bounceIndex <= NUM_BOUNCES; bounceIndex += 1)
var hitInfo = RayHitInfo();
hitInfo.dist = FAR_PLANE;
TestSceneTrace(rayPos, rayDir, &hitInfo);
if (hitInfo.dist == FAR_PLANE)
let uv = float2(atan2(rayDir.x, rayDir.z) / (2.*PI), acos(rayDir.y) / PI);
ret += textureSampleLevel(channel0, bilinear, fract(uv), 0.).rgb * throughput;
rayPos = rayPos + rayDir * hitInfo.dist + hitInfo.normal * RAY_POS_NORMAL_NUDGE;
var specularChance = hitInfo.material.percentSpecular;
if (specularChance > 0.)
specularChance = FresnelReflectAmount(
1., hitInfo.material.IOR, rayDir, hitInfo.normal,
hitInfo.material.percentSpecular, 1.);
let doSpecular = (RandomFloat01(rngState) < specularChance);
let rayProbability = select(1. - specularChance, specularChance, doSpecular);
let diffuseRayDir = normalize(hitInfo.normal + RandomUnitVector(rngState));
var specularRayDir = reflect(rayDir, hitInfo.normal);
specularRayDir = normalize(mix(specularRayDir, diffuseRayDir, hitInfo.material.roughness));
rayDir = select(diffuseRayDir, specularRayDir, doSpecular);
ret += hitInfo.material.emissive * throughput;
throughput *= select(hitInfo.material.albedo, hitInfo.material.specular, doSpecular);
throughput /= max(1e-3, rayProbability);
let p = max(throughput.r, max(throughput.g, throughput.b));
if (RandomFloat01(rngState) > p) {
throughput /= max(1e-3, p);
return ret;
@stage(compute) @workgroup_size(16, 16)
fn main_image(@builtin(global_invocation_id) id: uint3) {
// Viewport resolution (in pixels)
let screen_size = uint2(textureDimensions(screen));
// Prevent overdraw for workgroups on the edge of the viewport
if (id.x >= screen_size.x || id.y >= screen_size.y) { return; }
// Pixel coordinates (centre of pixel, origin at bottom left)
let fragCoord = float2(float(id.x) + .5, float(screen_size.y - id.y) - .5);
// Normalised pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)
let uv = fragCoord / float2(screen_size);
// initialize a random number state based on frag coord and frame
var rngState = (id.x * 1973u + id.y * 9277u + time.frame * 26699u) | 1u;
// The ray starts at the camera position (the origin)
let rayPosition = float3(0.);
// calculate the camera distance
let cameraDistance = 1. / tan(FOV_DEGREES * .5 * PI / 180.);
// calculate subpixel camera jitter for anti aliasing
let jitter = float2(RandomFloat01(&rngState), RandomFloat01(&rngState)) - .5;
// calculate coordinates of the ray target on the imaginary pixel plane.
// -1 to +1 on x,y axis. 1 unit away on the z axis
var rayTarget = float3((fragCoord + jitter) / float2(screen_size) * 2. - 1., cameraDistance);
// correct for aspect ratio
let aspectRatio = float(screen_size.x) / float(screen_size.y);
rayTarget.y /= aspectRatio;
// calculate a normalized vector for the ray direction.
// it's pointing from the ray position to the ray target.
let rayDir = normalize(rayTarget - rayPosition);
// raytrace for this pixel
var col = float3(0.);
for (var index = 0; index < NUM_RENDERS_PER_FRAME; index += 1)
col += GetColorForRay(rayPosition, rayDir, &rngState) / float(NUM_RENDERS_PER_FRAME);
// average the frames together
let lastFrameCol = textureLoad(pass_in, int2(id.xy), 0, 0).rgb;
col = mix(lastFrameCol, col, 1. / float(time.frame + 1u));
// Store to Buffer 0
textureStore(pass_out, int2(id.xy), 0, float4(col, 1.));
// apply exposure (how long the shutter is open)
col *= EXPOSURE;
// convert unbounded HDR color range to SDR color range
col = ACESFilm(col);
// Output to screen (linear colour space)
textureStore(screen, int2(id.xy), float4(col, 1.));
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