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Created May 9, 2022 09:28
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fn pcg_random(seed: ptr<function, uint>) -> float {
*seed = *seed * 747796405u + 2891336453u;
let word = ((*seed >> ((*seed >> 28u) + 4u)) ^ *seed) * 277803737u;
return float((word >> 22u) ^ word) / float(0xffffffffu);
// weighted coin flip (bernoulli)
fn flip(state: ptr<function, uint>, p: float) -> bool {
return pcg_random(state) <= p;
// relative weight of given region of image
fn weight(pos: int2, mip: int) -> float {
return length(textureLoad(channel0, pos, mip).rgb);
// sample location from image according to pixel weights
fn sample(state: ptr<function, uint>, mipmax: int) -> int2 {
var pos = int2(0,0);
for (var mip = mipmax - 1; mip >= 0; mip -= 1) {
pos *= 2;
let w00 = weight(pos + int2(0,0), mip);
let w01 = weight(pos + int2(0,1), mip);
let w10 = weight(pos + int2(1,0), mip);
let w11 = weight(pos + int2(1,1), mip);
let w0 = w00 + w01; // weight of column 0
let w1 = w10 + w11; // weight of column 1
let w = w0 + w1; // total weight
pos += select(
int2(0, select(0, 1, flip(state, w01 / w0))), // cond prob of row 1 given col 0
int2(1, select(0, 1, flip(state, w11 / w1))), // cond prob of row 1 given col 1
flip(state, w1 / w)); // prob of col 1
return pos;
@stage(compute) @workgroup_size(16, 16)
fn blank(@builtin(global_invocation_id) id: uint3) {
textureStore(screen, int2(id.xy), float4(0.,0.,0.,1.));
@stage(compute) @workgroup_size(16, 16)
fn main_image(@builtin(global_invocation_id) id: uint3) {
let screen_size = uint2(textureDimensions(screen));
var seed = id.x + id.y * screen_size.x + time.frame * screen_size.x * screen_size.y;
let mipmax = int(textureNumLevels(channel0)) - 1;
var pos = float2(sample(&seed, mipmax));
pos /= float2(textureDimensions(channel0));
pos *= float2(textureDimensions(screen));
if (flip(&seed, .25)) { // splat 25% of sampled points to screen
textureStore(screen, int2(pos), float4(1.));
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