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Last active January 15, 2023 13:22
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luasnip+treesitter snippet that fills in prop names when creating new react component
local ls = require("luasnip")
local fmt = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmt
local s = ls.snippet
local i = ls.insert_node
local f = ls.function_node
local d = ls.dynamic_node
local sn = ls.snippet_node
local rep = require("luasnip.extras").rep
-- Get a list of the property names given an `interface_declaration`
-- treesitter *tsx* node.
-- Ie, if the treesitter node represents:
-- interface {
-- prop1: string;
-- prop2: number;
-- }
-- Then this function would return `{"prop1", "prop2"}
---@param id_node {} Stands for "interface declaration node"
---@return string[]
local function get_prop_names(id_node)
local object_type_node = id_node:child(2)
if object_type_node:type() ~= "object_type" then
return {}
local prop_names = {}
for prop_signature in object_type_node:iter_children() do
if prop_signature:type() == "property_signature" then
local prop_iden = prop_signature:child(0)
local prop_name = vim.treesitter.query.get_node_text(prop_iden, 0)
prop_names[#prop_names + 1] = prop_name
return prop_names
ls.add_snippets("typescriptreact", {
{}interface {}Props {{
{}function {}({{{}}}: {}Props) {{
i(1, "export "),
-- Initialize component name to file name
d(2, function(_, snip)
return sn(nil, {
i(1, vim.fn.substitute(snip.env.TM_FILENAME, "\\..*$", "", "g")),
end, { 1 }),
i(3, "// props"),
f(function(_, snip, _)
local pos_begin = snip.nodes[6].mark:pos_begin()
local pos_end = snip.nodes[6].mark:pos_end()
local parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(0, "tsx")
local tstree = parser:parse()
local node = tstree[1]
:named_descendant_for_range(pos_begin[1], pos_begin[2], pos_end[1], pos_end[2])
while node ~= nil and node:type() ~= "interface_declaration" do
node = node:parent()
if node == nil then
return ""
-- `node` is now surely of type "interface_declaration"
local prop_names = get_prop_names(node)
-- Does this lua->vimscript->lua thing cause a slow down? Dunno.
return vim.fn.join(prop_names, ", ")
end, { 3 }),
i(5, "return <div></div>"),
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Thank you @Decodetalkers ! What would I do without you joy? I've added those imports.

lol , and you have miss the last one

local sn = ls.snippet_node

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davidatsurge commented May 21, 2022

This is genuinely embarrassing 😂! Thanks @Decodetalkers, it's fixed.

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