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Last active February 4, 2024 17:54
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UTType graphviz
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
// As of macOS 14.3
extension UTType {
static var allTypes: [UTType] {
func escape(identifier: String) -> String {
identifier.replacingOccurrences(of: ".", with: "\\.")
func dot(root baseType: UTType) -> String {
var graph = "digraph UTTypeHierarchy {\n"
graph += " node [shape=box];\n"
func addDescendants(of type: UTType) {
for childType in UTType.allTypes where childType.supertypes.contains(type) {
graph += " \"\(escape(identifier: type.identifier))\" -> \"\(escape(identifier: childType.identifier))\";\n"
addDescendants(of: childType)
addDescendants(of: baseType)
graph += "}"
return graph
print(dot(root: .data))
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