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Last active May 5, 2017 21:13
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GearUp Week 1 - Growth Mindset

##Gear Up Week 1 "Coding is to software developers what chopping vegetables is to chefs. You have to be able to do this to do the more important stuff." - Jeff (paraphrased)

Carol Dweck TED "The Power of the growth mindset"

  • "Not Yet" instead of failing grade of 'F'
  • "Praising wisely"- rewarding "Yet"
  • transforming the meaning of effort and difficulty

How have your experiences this week put you into a growth or fixed mindset?

  • To be honest, I'm not sure quite yet. Carol Dweck talks about the idea of putting challenging things in front of you to see whether you have one or the other mindset. And I haven't seen anything yet (mostly due to the amount of prework I did on top of the required prework) that is very challenging for me. That said, I have seen other students engaged in a growth mindset. Starting from zero coding background or even a mathmateical/logical though process, they have taken on the challenge and succeeded.

What do you believe can cause a person to get stuck in a fixed mindset?

  • Failing often and not knowing how to take that failure as growth

What strategies can you use to move into and stay in a growth mindset?

  • dialing things down- picking apart in pieces -finding the little successes

What supports can you ask for from peers and instructors to support a growth mindset? Process of learning - Why? Why isn't something working how I expected it to? Using a process to go through this. Trying things. Why doesn't each thing work like you expected it to?

Turing Success and Failure

StrengthsFinder Reflection

  • Strength - consistently producing psoitivie outcome through near-perfect performance
  • skills- basic abilities to perform the fundamental steps of a task
  • Knowledge -
  • Talents -

Skills, Knowledge, Talents make up Strengths

Talents represent the best of your inner self

  • Dominant talents - frequent and powerful
  • supporting talent -
  • lesser talents -

Directions: Copy this template into your own gist.

Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request

  • Achiever
  • Learner
  • Discipline
  • Analytical
  • Individualization

Read Through Your Theme Definitions

  1. What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?

  2. Do these top 5 talent themes resonate with you? Why or why not?

  3. How have you seen yourself using each of these talents? How often do you see yourself using these talents?

  • Achiever- one of the quotes states, " First, it’s good because you live in pursuit of the perpetual challenge. But in the second place, you never feel as though you’ve reached your goal. It can keep you running uphill at seventy miles an hour for your whole life. You never rest because there’s always more to do." - I'm always running uphill, but I know how to take the time to rest (maybe not in my head sometimes). Once my head gets into a space, it's hard for me to to get out before finishing the thought process.
  1. When has it been difficult for me to be aware of this talent?

  2. What talents could you develop further that would help you in your growth at Turing and in your new career as a software developer?

  3. How would you like to build more awareness around these themes?

  4. In which situations would developing these themes be beneficial?

8. When might you overuse any of these themes? How might you benefit from dialing it down in a certain situation?

  • Discipline!
  1. How could you use these themes to help you manage an area in which you might struggle?

  2. How can you do more of what you do best every day?

Look at the Suggested Action Items

  1. What options sound doable?

  2. What are some new ways to use these themes that you haven't utilized before?

  3. What obstacles are there to trying out any of these options?

  • "Partner with other hard workers. Share your goals with them so they can help you to get more done." (Disciplined people versus non-disciplined people or ways in which we keep discipline might differ)
  • "Make sure that in your eagerness to do more at work, you do not skimp on quality. Create measurable outcome standards to guarantee that increased productivity is matched by enhanced quality."
  • You may remain skeptical until you see solid proof. Your skepticism ensures validity, but others may take it personally. Help others realize that your skepticism is primarily about data, not people.
  • Help others understand that your analytical approach will often require data and other information to logically back up new ideas that they might suggest.
  • Help others understand that true diversity can be found in the subtle differences between each individual — regardless of race, sex, or nationality.
  • Explain that it is appropriate, just, and effective to treat each person differently. Those without strong Individualization talents might not see the differences among individuals and might insist that individualization is unequal and therefore unfair. You will need to describe your perspective in detail to be persuasive.
  • Don’t hesitate to check as often as necessary to ensure that things are right. You feel an urge to do it anyway, and soon others will come to expect it from you.
  • Recognize that others may not be as disciplined as you are. More than likely, their clumsy process will frustrate you, so try to look beyond it, and focus on their results, not on their process.
  • Timelines motivate you. When you have a task to complete, you like to know the deadline so you can plan your schedule accordingly. Apply your Discipline talents by outlining the step-by-step plan you will use. Others will appreciate your cues because they will help keep everyone “on task.”
  1. Shortterm: What is an action step you'd like to commit to help you develop your themes further today? Next week? "As an achiever, you relish the feeling of being busy, yet you also need to know when you are “done.” Attach timelines and measurement to goals so that effort leads to defined progress and tangible outcomes."

  2. Longterm: What do you want to learn this module to turn your talents into greater strengths? How will this help you with your professional or personal goals?

Next Steps

This reflection is for your own growth, and you do not need to turn this in.

However, if you would like to have a follow-up coaching session with Allison, please DM this gist to her when you set up your 1-on-1 with her. You can schedule that here or by sending her a DM.

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