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Created July 31, 2017 02:14
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Feedback II Reflection • Date of feedback conversation:
7/20/2017 • How did you prepare for the conversation? 
- During the project, I took a few notes on things that were working as a pair and things that were not. I also took some time after the project was finished to collect my thoughts and figure out which were important to present to Jack. • How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?
- The conversation went very well. I think both of us are very open people both in receiving feedback and giving it. So the conversation as a whole was easy. I always have a hard time when pairings go really well finding things to talk about. But Jack helped spur that conversation. We agreed that most everything went well. There were two major takeaways: first, that I definitely like to be a driver, but sometimes I need to allow for that to switch and second, because Jack and I were committed to the project fully, we did some amazing work. I think that what was very difficult for me was actually realizing more that I might have put the thought aside that we should be patient and slow down because I was stressed about the time constraint. And this definitely affected the amount of driving force I had (not in the most beneficial way, albeit it still worked pretty well). • What principles of feedback did you use in the conversation?
 We definitely used Appreciation a lot in this conversation. We both talked about many of the good things because there were so many. Coaching was also involved. More on the side of Jack coaching me (because I needed it in this case). I think we covered almost all of the principles in our feedback fairly well. We definitely skipped around and didn't really go in any particular order, but I think that it worked fairly well. The appreciation was pretty on point, I believe. We each took turns pointing out good aspects of our pairing and things that we should absolutely take forward with us.

•	Any other comments:

My only other comment would be I hope to get to work with Jack again!

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