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Last active May 15, 2017 17:58
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Pairing with Allison

##Pairing Woopee!

Pairing styles

Succesful pairing - Trust relationship and open communication

Driver-Navigator = Driver is typing/Navigator is talking through the code (guiding the driver)/ need to switch roles frequently to work well and both parties engaged

Ping Pong Pairing = Sitting side by side but looking at own screen / passing tasks back and forth

Distributed Pairing (remote pairing) = working alone but sharing work

#####DTR - Define the Relationship

  • My expectations

    • Strengths - getting things done on time and open communication
    • Ideally, working with someone else means a few things: enough collaboration that allows for a result better than you could do on your own, but not too much that you yourself don't learn as much as you could
    • Communication needs to be clear and open, I don't want my partner to be afraid to say something because they think I might not agree or it might offend me
    • As long as both parties are following the git workflow, it seems to be a great way to work on code bases collaboratively, but definitely necessary to work on feature branches as much as possible
    • working with someone with a very different personality- We would just have to be clear with each other about not understanding the other
  • Compromising

  • Holding each other accountable

Fundamental Attribution Error - No enabling! Humanize our reactions and analyze the situation

  • 6 Sources of Influence:
    • Personal Motivation
    • Personal Ability
    • Social Motivation
    • Social Ability
    • Structural Motivation
    • Structural Ability
  • Conversation
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