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Forked from mbostock/.block
Last active February 9, 2018 19:37
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Lab Notebook Meta-data. A look at prices charged at the Duke University Bookstore over 20 years.
license: gpl-3.0

This simple line chart is constructed from a TSV file storing the price of lab notebooks at Duke University Store over the years.

date close
Oct-1988 7.95
Mar-1989 7.95
Apr-1990 8.50
Mar-1991 8.50
Sep-1991 8.50
Mar-1992 8.50
Jan-1993 8.50
Jul-1993 8.50
Sep-1993 8.50
May-1994 8.50
Jun-1994 8.50
Aug-1994 8.50
Jul-1998 7.95
Aug-1998 7.95
Feb-1999 7.95
Sep-1999 7.95
Oct-1999 10.25
Nov-1999 10.25
Jan-2000 10.25
Apr-2000 10.25
May-2000 10.25
Oct-2000 11.95
Feb-2001 11.95
Sep-2001 11.95
Jan-2002 11.95
Mar-2003 11.95
Jun-2003 11.95
Mar-2004 11.95
Oct-2004 11.95
Sep-2007 11.95
Jun-2008 11.95
Oct-2009 11.95
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d.close = +d.close;
return d;
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if (error) throw error;
x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return; }));
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