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Last active March 15, 2024 15:36
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Run hysplit function
#' Function to command HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated
#' Trajectory Model) from R.
#' \code{run_hysplit} will return a data frame which is ready for use in
#' \strong{openair}'s \code{traj*} functions.
#' @param latitude Latitude of a receptor location.
#' @param longitude Longitude of a receptor location.
#' @param start What is the start date of data to be returned? Ideally, the
#' date format should be \code{yyyy-mm-dd}, but the UK locale convention of
#' \code{dd/mm/yyyy} will also work. Years as strings or integers work too and
#' will floor-rounded.
#' @param end What is the end date of data to be returned? Ideally, the
#' date format should be \code{yyyy-mm-dd}, but the UK locale convention of
#' \code{dd/mm/yyyy} will also work. Years as strings or integers work too and
#' will be ceiling-rounded.
#' @param interval What interval should the trajectories be run at? Default is
#' \code{"3 hour"}, as in \strong{openair}.
#' @param runtime How many hours from time zero should the trajectory be run?
#' Default is \code{-96}, i.e., a back trajectory of 96 hours, as in
#' \strong{openair}.
#' @param start_height Height of receptor location. Default is \code{10} metres,
#' as in \strong{openair}.
#' @param model_height Height of model domain. Default is \code{10000} metres,
#' as in \strong{openair}.
#' @param hysplit_exec Location of HYSPLIT's executable files. Ensure executable
#' permisions have been set for the \code{hyts_std} application if on a Unix
#' system. HYSPLIT's \code{bdyfiles} directory with the \code{ASCDATA.CFG} will
#' also need to be in the correct location.
#' @param hysplit_input Location of input meteorological files for HYSPLIT.
#' @param hysplit_output Location of where HYSPLIT should write its trajectory
#' outputs while working.
#' @param delete Should temporary files be silently deleted before and after the
#' model runs? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param drop Should the \code{"year"}, \code{"month"}, \code{"day"},
#' \code{"hour"}, and \code{"receptor"} variables be dropped from the bound
#' object? Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param site An optional site string to be added to the returned data frame.
#' @param source An optional source string to be added to the returned data frame.
#' @param verbose Should the function give messages on what trajectory is being
#' processed. Default is \code{FALSE} and will estimate the time until
#' completion.
#' @seealso \code{\link{importTraj}}, \code{\link{trajPlot}},
#' \url{}
#' @author Stuart K. Grange and David Carslaw
#' @import lubridate
#' @import stringr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Run back trajectories for first 10 days at 1500 metres and extended run time for
#' # analysis of air aloft or Gibraltar
#' data_gibraltar <- run_hysplit(
#' latitude = 36.134,
#' longitude = -5.347,
#' runtime = -96,
#' start_height = 1500,
#' model_height = 10000,
#' start = 2015,
#' end = "2015-01-10",
#' hysplit_exec = "~/Hysplit/exec",
#' hysplit_input = "~/TrajData",
#' hysplit_output = "~/temp",
#' site = "gibraltar")
#' # On a Windows system with a default hysplit installation
#' data_gibraltar <- run_hysplit(
#' latitude = 36.134,
#' longitude = -5.347,
#' runtime = -96,
#' start_height = 10,
#' model_height = 10000,
#' start = 2015,
#' end = "2015-01-10",
#' hysplit_exec = "~/hysplit4/exec",
#' hysplit_input = "~/trajData",
#' hysplit_output = "~/temp",
#' site = "gibraltar")
#' }
#' @export
run_hysplit <- function (latitude = 51.5,
longitude = -0.1,
start = NA,
end = NA,
interval = "3 hour",
runtime = -96,
start_height = 10,
model_height = 10000,
hysplit_exec = "exec/",
hysplit_output = "hysplit_output/",
delete = TRUE,
drop = TRUE,
site = NA,
source = NA,
verbose = FALSE) {
# Parse arguments
# Expand paths
hysplit_exec <- path.expand(hysplit_exec)
hysplit_input <- path.expand(hysplit_input)
hysplit_output <- path.expand(hysplit_output)
# check these places exist
if (file.access(hysplit_exec, mode = 0) != 0)
stop(paste("File path", hysplit_exec, "does not exist"))
if (file.access(hysplit_input, mode = 0) != 0)
stop(paste("File path", hysplit_input, "does not exist"))
if (file.access(hysplit_output, mode = 0) != 0)
stop(paste("File path", hysplit_output, "does not exist"))
if (file.access(hysplit_exec, mode = 2) != 0)
stop(paste("File path", hysplit_exec, "is not writable"))
# write default config file that returns met data
set_config() %>%
write_config_list(dir = hysplit_exec)
# Add final path separator
hysplit_exec <- str_c(hysplit_exec, .Platform$file.sep)
hysplit_input <- str_c(hysplit_input, .Platform$file.sep)
hysplit_output <- str_c(hysplit_output, .Platform$file.sep)
# Selection after testing if directory is empty
files_old <- list.files(hysplit_output, full.names = TRUE,
pattern = "hysplit_output.txt")
# Delete old files
if (delete) {
# Delete
message("Deleting old files...")
} else {
# Selection control
while (length(files_old) > 1) {
# Get input
input <- readline("There are hysplit output files in the output directory. \nShould these be deleted (y/n)? \n")
# Parse
input <- str_to_upper(input)
input <- ifelse(
input %in% c("YES", "Y", "T", "TRUE", "TR", "TRU"), TRUE, FALSE)
if (input) {
message("Deleting old files...")
} else {
# Dates
# Start and end dates
start <- parse_date_arguments(start, "start")
end <- parse_date_arguments(end, "end")
# Receptor location and starting height
coordinates <- str_c(latitude, longitude, start_height, sep = " ")
# Set up where the control file is to be written
control_file <- file.path(hysplit_exec, "CONTROL")
# Store working directory because this will be changed
wd <- getwd()
# Create date sequence
date_sequence <- seq(start, end, interval)
# Apply function which runs the model multiple times
message(str_c("Running ", length(date_sequence), " HYSPLIT trajectories..."))
# For plyr's progress bar
#progress <- ifelse(verbose, "none", "time")
# Run model
purrr::walk(date_sequence, run_trajectory,
hysplit_exec = hysplit_exec,
hysplit_input = hysplit_input,
hysplit_output = hysplit_output,
control_file = control_file,
coordinates = coordinates,
runtime = runtime,
model_height = model_height)
# Change working directory back to original after system calls
# Bind output files
message("Binding HYSPLIT files...")
# Get file list
file_list <- list.files(hysplit_output, "hysplit_output.txt", = TRUE)
# Load files as in openair, but drop some things usually
df <- purrr::map_df(file_list, read_hysplit_file, drop = drop)
# Add variables which are not in openair's files
df$start_height <- start_height
if (! df$site <- site
if (! df$source <- source
# Delete files
if (delete) file.remove(file_list)
# Return
# Define the function which creates a control file and calls the hy_std
# application.
# No export
run_trajectory <- function (date,
model_height) {
# Get pieces of the date
date_year <- year(date)
date_month <- month(date)
date_day <- day(date)
date_hour <- hour(date)
# Pad zeros
date_month <- str_pad(date_month, width = 2, pad = "0")
date_day <- str_pad(date_day, width = 2, pad = "0")
date_hour <- str_pad(date_hour, width = 2, pad = "0")
# Format for control file
date_control <- str_c(date_year, date_month, date_day, date_hour, sep = " ")
# Use date to create a file name
file_name_export <- str_c(
str_replace_all(date_control, " ", ""), "_hysplit_output.txt")
# Get date string
current_month_pattern <- str_c(date_year, date_month)
past_month_pattern <- get_year_and_month(current_month_pattern, - 1)
future_month_pattern <- get_year_and_month(current_month_pattern, 1)
# Add other pieces of the file names
past_month_pattern <- str_c("RP", past_month_pattern , ".gbl")
current_month_pattern <- str_c("RP", current_month_pattern , ".gbl")
future_month_pattern <- str_c("RP", future_month_pattern , ".gbl")
# Create the file and directory list for the control file
file_list <- c(past_month_pattern, current_month_pattern, future_month_pattern)
# For back trajectories, do not use the future month
if (runtime < 0) {
# But only if not the final day of the month, otherwise a stop error occurs
if (!floor_date(date, "day") == ceiling_date(date, "month") - days(1))
file_list <- file_list[1:2]
# Add directory to file names
file_dir_list <- str_c(hysplit_input, file_list, sep = "\n")
# Write control file
# This will replace the contents of the current file if it exists
write_to_control_file(date_control, control_file, append = FALSE)
# Starting locations
write_to_control_file("1", control_file)
# Write coordinates and starting height of model
write_to_control_file(coordinates, control_file)
# Write runtime of model, hours forward or backwards for trajectories
write_to_control_file(runtime, control_file)
# Vertical motion option, top of model, and input grids (number of files)
write_to_control_file(str_c("0\n", model_height, "\n", length(file_list)),
# Write input directory and file names
write_to_control_file(file_dir_list, control_file)
# Output directory
write_to_control_file(hysplit_output, control_file)
# Output file
write_to_control_file(file_name_export, control_file)
# Change working directory to hysplit application
# Message file name
# if (verbose) message(file_name_export)
# System call, quiet arguments are os specific
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
# Run
system("./hyts_std", show.output.on.console = FALSE)
} else {
# Run, ensure executable permissions are set
system("./hyts_std", ignore.stdout = TRUE)
# Three files are needed for the model to create a back trajectory,
# the current month, previous month, and future month
get_year_and_month <- function (pattern, difference = 1) {
# Do some date things
date <- ymd(str_c(pattern, "01")) + months(difference)
year <- year(date)
month <- month(date)
month <- str_pad(month, 2, pad = "0")
# Combine
pattern <- str_c(year, month)
# Return
# Write table function
write_to_control_file <- function(string, file, append = TRUE) {
# Write to file
write.table(string, file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE,
append = append)
# Function to read hysplit files
# Taken from openair manual to keep bound trajectory files in the same format
# as the openair package.
# No export
read_hysplit_file <- function (file, drop) {
# Load file, error catching is for when two or three input met files are used
# and results in a different length file header
if (grep("PRESSURE", read_lines(file)[6]) == 1) {
df <- read.table(file, header = FALSE, skip = 6)
if (grep("PRESSURE", read_lines(file)[7]) == 1) {
df <- read.table(file, header = FALSE, skip = 7)
}, error = function (e) {
if (is.null(nrow(df))) return()
# Drop
# df <- subset(df, select = -c(V2, V7, V8))
df <- df %>%
select(!any_of(c("V2", "V7", "V8")))
# Rename
df <- dplyr::rename(df, c(receptor = V1, year = V3, month = V4,
day = V5, hour = V6, = V9,
lat = V10, lon = V11,
height = V12, pressure = V13,
theta = V14, air_temp = V15,
rainfall = V16, mixdepth = V17,
rh = V18, sp_humidity = V19,
h2o_mixrate = V20, terr_msl = V21,
sun_flux = V22))
# Clean two digit years
df$year <- ifelse(df$year < 50, df$year + 2000, df$year + 1900)
# Transform pieces of date to date
df$date2 <- with(df, ISOdatetime(year, month, day,
hour, min = 0, sec = 0,
tz = "GMT"))
# Drop variables
if (drop) df <- subset(df, select = -c(year,
# Transform arrival time, minus hours from variable
df$date <- df$date2 - 3600 * df$
# Return
# No export
parse_date_arguments <- function (date, what) {
if (what == "start") {
if (! & nchar(date) == 4)
date <- stringr::str_c(date, "-01-01")
date <- ifelse(, as.character(lubridate::floor_date(Sys.Date(),
"year")), date)
if (what == "end") {
if (! & nchar(date) == 4)
date <- stringr::str_c(date, "-12-31 18:00")
date <- ifelse(, as.character(lubridate::ceiling_date(Sys.Date(),
"year")), date)
date <- lubridate::parse_date_time(date, c("ymd", "dmy", "dmy_HM", "ymd_HM"))
# Hysplit config settings from, modified to return met variables by default
#' Create a configuration list for a trajectory or dispersion model
#' @param tratio The advection stability ratio. By default, this is set to
#' `0.75`.
#' @param initd The initial distribution. Set to `0` by default.
#' @param kpuff The horizontal puff dispersion growth. Setting to `0` results in
#' linear growth whereas option `1` uses an empirical growth scheme. By
#' default, this is set to `0` (linear growth).
#' @param khmax The maximum duration (in hours) for a particle or trajectory.
#' This is set to the absolute maximum by default, which is `9999` hours.
#' @param kmixd The methodology for modeling the mixed layer depth. There are
#' three options: `0` for using the input (the default), `1` for using
#' temperature, and `2` for using the TKE.
#' @param kmix0 The minimum mixing depth in meters. This is `250` by default.
#' @param kzmix How to perform vertical mixing adjustments. There are three
#' options: `0` for not doing this at all (the default), `1` uses the PBL
#' average, and `3` scales with *TVMIX*.
#' @param kdef The modeling method for horizontal turbulence. We can use the
#' vertical with option `0` (the default), or, use the deformation method with
#' option `1`.
#' @param kbls How to derive the boundary layer stability. Two options are
#' available for this. We can use fluxes (option `1`, default) or use wind
#' temperature (option `2`).
#' @param kblt The boundary layer turbulence parameterization to use. This can
#' either be Beljaars (option `1`), Kanthar (option `2`, default), or TKE
#' (option `3`).
#' @param conage Particle to- or from-puff conversion at *CONAGE*. In units of
#' hours, with a default of `48`.
#' @param numpar The number of puffs or particles released per cycle. By default
#' this is set to `2500`.
#' @param qcycle An optional cycling of emissions, in units of hours.
#' @param efile An absolute path to an optional temporal emissions file.
#' @param tkerd The unstable turbulent kinetic energy ratio. This is set to
#' `0.18`.
#' @param tkern The stable turbulent kinetic energy ratio. This is set to
#' `0.18`.
#' @param ninit How to do particle initialization; with `0` no particle
#' initialization is done, with `1` this is done once, options `2` and `3` are
#' the *add* and *replace* methods.
#' @param ndump Should the particles be dumped to a file and, if so, how often?
#' Using `0` results in no writing particles to file (the default), and any
#' non-zero value performs this writing once per number of hours specified.
#' @param ncycl The *PARDUMP* output cycle time.
#' @param pinpf The particle input file name (default is `"PARINIT"`). This is
#' useful for initialization or boundary conditions.
#' @param poutf The particle output file name (default is `"PARDUMP"`).
#' @param mgmin The minimum meteorological subgrid size. The default value is
#' `10`.
#' @param kmsl The starting height reference. If it is to signify a distance
#' above ground level (AGL) then use option `0` (the default). If it is
#' instead relative to mean sea level, then option `1` should be used.
#' @param maxpar The maximum number of particles to be carried in simulation. By
#' default this is `10000`.
#' @param cpack The binary concentration packing. Here are the options: `0` for
#' none, `1` for nonzero, `2` for points, and `3` for polar. Option `1` is the
#' default option.
#' @param cmass Informs grid computation. The two options are to compute grid
#' concentrations (with `0`, the default) or to compute grid mass (option
#' `1`).
#' @param dxf,dyf The horizontal x- and y-grid adjustment factors for an
#' ensemble. By default, these are both set to `1.0`.
#' @param dzf The vertical factor for an ensemble. This is `0.01` by default.
#' @param ichem The chemistry conversion module to employ. Option `0` does no
#' chemistry (the default). With option `1` we use a matrix method, option `2`
#' does conversion, and option `3` works on dust.
#' @param maxdim The maximum number of pollutants to carry on one particle. By
#' default, this is `1`.
#' @param kspl The standard splitting interval in units of hours. By default,
#' this is `1` hour.
#' @param krnd The enhanced merge interval in hours. By default this is `6`
#' hours.
#' @param frhs The standard horizontal puff rounding fraction for the merge
#' process. This is `1.0` by default.
#' @param frvs The vertical puff rounding fraction, which is `0.01` by default.
#' @param frts The temporal puff rounding fraction, which is `0.10` by default.
#' @param frhmax The maximum value for the horizontal rounding parameter. This
#' is `3.0` by default.
#' @param splitf The automatic size adjustment factor for horizontal splitting.
#' By default, the value is `1.0`.
#' @param tm_pres,tm_tpot,tm_tamb,tm_rain,tm_mixd,tm_relh,tm_sphu,tm_mixr,tm_dswf,tm_terr
#' Options to include meteorology along trajectory points. These are the
#' pressure variable marker flag (`tm_pres`), the potential temperature
#' (`tm_tpot`), the ambient temperature (`tm_tamb`), the rainfall rate
#' (`tm_rain`), the mixed layer depth (`tm_mixd`), the relative humidity
#' (`tm_relh`), the specific humidity (`tm_sphu`), the mixing rate
#' (`tm_mixr`), the downward short-wave flux (`tm_dswf`), and the terrain
#' height (`tm_terr`). Setting any of these to `0` disables output, whereas
#' `1` will enable output of these data points. By default, all are set to
#' `0`.
#' @export
set_config <- function(tratio = 0.75,
initd = 0,
kpuff = 0,
khmax = 9999,
kmixd = 0,
kmix0 = 25,
kzmix = 0,
kdef = 0,
kbls = 1,
kblt = 2,
conage = 48,
numpar = 2500,
qcycle = 0.0,
efile = NULL,
tkerd = 0.18,
tkern = 0.18,
ninit = 1,
ndump = 1,
ncycl = 1,
pinpf = "PARINIT",
poutf = "PARDUMP",
mgmin = 10,
kmsl = 0,
maxpar = 10000,
cpack = 1,
cmass = 0,
dxf = 1.0,
dyf = 1.0,
dzf = 0.01,
ichem = 0,
maxdim = 1,
kspl = 1,
krnd = 6,
frhs = 1.0,
frvs = 0.01,
frts = 0.10,
frhmax = 3.0,
splitf = 1.0,
tm_pres = 1,
tm_tpot = 1,
tm_tamb = 1,
tm_rain = 1,
tm_mixd = 1,
tm_relh = 1,
tm_sphu = 1,
tm_mixr = 1,
tm_dswf = 1,
tm_terr = 1) {
arg_names <- formals(set_config) %>% names()
arg_vals <- mget(arg_names)
if (is.null(arg_vals$efile)) {
arg_vals$efile <- "''"
} else if (!is.null(arg_vals$efile)) {
arg_vals$efile <- paste0("'", arg_vals$efile, "'")
if (is.null(arg_vals$pinpf)) {
arg_vals$pinpf <- "''"
} else if (!is.null(arg_vals$pinpf)) {
arg_vals$pinpf <- paste0("'", arg_vals$pinpf, "'")
if (is.null(arg_vals$poutf)) {
arg_vals$poutf <- "''"
} else if (!is.null(arg_vals$poutf)) {
arg_vals$poutf <- paste0("'", arg_vals$poutf, "'")
arg_vals[!vapply(arg_vals, FUN = is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
write_config_list <- function(config_list, dir) {
paste0(names(config_list), " = ", config_list, ",\n", collapse = ""),
) %>%
cat(file = file.path(dir, "SETUP.CFG"))
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You can try the following:

edit line:
hysplit_output = "G:/trajoutput",
hysplit_output = "~/Trajectory_out",

you need to create directory: Trajectory_out

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@luanvnvea Thank you for your advice, I had tried it, unfortunately it still didn't work, and my folder was empty without any file in it.

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have you created a Trajectory_out folder?
In the Documents folder, right click --->New --->Folder (Trajectory_out)

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xiangyunongcao commented Jan 11, 2022

@luanvnvea yes, I create it before running, but it didn't work

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have you downloaded the meteorological data file and put it in the folder G:/Program Files?

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@luanvnvea yes, I had already put them into it. and the exec had been put into the right file.

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you need more file of meteorological data for December 2019.

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@luanvnvea I tried to change the month from Jan to Sept, and it works. Thank you for your help and I will download the 2019 file.

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metbman commented Apr 1, 2022

I get the error" Error in seq.default(start, end, interval) :
'from' must be a finite number"

I have all the .gbl files.
data_out <- run_hysplit(
latitude = 36.134,
longitude = -5.347,
runtime = -96,
start_height = 1500,
start = "2021-09-01",
end = "2021-09-10",
model_height = 10000,
hysplit_exec = "C:/hysplit/exec",
hysplit_input = "G:\airquality\NATTS\TrajData",
hysplit_output = "G:\airquality\NATTS\temp",
site = "gibraltar")

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you need to edit the function: parse_date_arguments with the command:
trace("parse_date_arguments", edit = TRUE)


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metbman commented Apr 5, 2022

you need to edit the function: parse_date_arguments with the command: trace("parse_date_arguments", edit = TRUE)


@luanvnvea Thank you so much. I will try this next time. I restarted the session and it worked just fine. Perhaps it had something to do with how I was loading libraries.

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I had not looked at this script for ages - so apologies to everyone that has been using it and it has not been working. I have made some updates to the code and will do some more testing.


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Dear David Carslaw,
Thank you so much for your great work.
If you could help me, I have a question.
Could you please confirm if the dates in the hysplit output are in UTC?
Thank you.

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Hi Jessica - all hysplit times are in UTC…

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Thank you, I really appreciate your quick response. Have a great week!

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morshedahmed17 commented Feb 9, 2023


All my code was run but the "data_out" is empty. Any idea?

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Yu-Liu96 commented May 8, 2023

Dear David Carslaw,
Thank you for your great work.
If you could help me, I have a question.

When i modeled whole February, i found that the result of end day of February was missing.
I checked output in the directory (hysplit output), i found the the result of end day (for example: 2012-02-28 0:00). But they didn't combine together as we thought.

Therefore, i suspected that there were somthing woring in the function(read_hysplit_file).

The error might in line 400-406

    if (grep("PRESSURE", read_lines(file)[6]) == 1) {
      df <- read.table(file, header = FALSE, skip = 6) 
    if (grep("PRESSURE", read_lines(file)[7]) == 1) {
      df <- read.table(file, header = FALSE, skip = 7) 
  }, error = function (e) {

grep("PRESSURE", read_lines(file)[6]) == 1 , it will return logical(0) when results in a different length file header.

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vrinanand commented Jun 22, 2023

Hi all,

I am using the following script to download met data
getMet <- function(year = 2014, month = 1,
path_met = "E:/TrajData/") {
for (i in seq_along(year)) {
for (j in seq_along(month)) {
url = paste0("",
year[i], sprintf("%02d", month[j]), ".gbl"),
destfile = paste0(path_met, "RP", year[i],
sprintf("%02d", month[j]), ".gbl"), mode = "wb")

getMet(year = 2014, month = 8)

and then the following to get hysplit trajectories
data_out <- run_hysplit(
latitude = 18.53,
longitude = 73.852,
runtime = -120,
start_height = 10,
model_height = 10000,
start = 2014,
end = "2014-01-10",
hysplit_exec = "C:/hysplit/exec",
hysplit_input = "E:/TrajData",
hysplit_output = "~/Trajectory_out",
site = "pune")

However I do not get any output files in Trajectory_out

Can Someone help please?

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BlaiseKelly commented Jul 22, 2023

@vrinanand as the model runs a txt file is generated for each 3 hour period in the output file. At the end of the function it collects these, combines and is returned into the environment under the variable called data_out (in your case) and the original files are delated

# Get file list
  file_list <- list.files(hysplit_output, "hysplit_output.txt", = TRUE)
  # Load files as in openair, but drop some things usually
  df <- purrr::map_df(file_list, read_hysplit_file, drop = drop)
  # Add variables which are not in openair's files
  df$start_height <- start_height
  if (! df$site <- site
  if (! df$source <- source
  # Delete files
  if (delete) file.remove(file_list)

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@vrinanand as the model runs a txt file is generated for each 3 hour period in the output file. At the end of the function it collects these, combines and is returned into the environment under the variable called data_out (in your case) and the original files are delated

# Get file list
  file_list <- list.files(hysplit_output, "hysplit_output.txt", = TRUE)
  # Load files as in openair, but drop some things usually
  df <- purrr::map_df(file_list, read_hysplit_file, drop = drop)
  # Add variables which are not in openair's files
  df$start_height <- start_height
  if (! df$site <- site
  if (! df$source <- source
  # Delete files
  if (delete) file.remove(file_list)

@BlaiseKelly Thank you for solving my query, I was able to get the trajectories.

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BlaiseKelly commented Aug 21, 2023

I was getting an error with the read_hysplit_file function which wasn't recognising the logic test

(grep("PRESSURE", read_lines(file)[6]) == 1) and
(grep("PRESSURE", read_lines(file)[7]) == 1)

was solved by adding 'isTRUE' before grepl:

read_hysplit_file <- function (file, drop) {
  # Load file, error catching is for when two or three input met files are used
  # and results in a different length file header
    if (isTRUE(grep("PRESSURE", read_lines(file)[6]) == 1)) {
      df <- read.table(file, header = FALSE, skip = 6) 
    if (isTRUE(grep("PRESSURE", read_lines(file)[7]) == 1)) {
      df <- read.table(file, header = FALSE, skip = 7) 
  }, error = function (e) {

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adocenit commented Sep 3, 2023

I hope you are doing all right, I am attaching my code. I could get the 3-hour txt files in the Trajectory_out folder, however; an error occurs at the end of the processing and consecutively I can't save the data_out for the next operations. It seems nothing is created called data_out. Thanks in advance for sharing your ideas.

data_out <- run_hysplit(
latitude = 35.46,
longitude = 51.25,
runtime = -96,
start_height = 10,
model_height = 10000,
start = 2020,
end = "2020-3-30",
hysplit_exec = "C:\HYSPLIT\exec",
hysplit_input = "C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\application\metdata for traj\TrajData",
hysplit_output = "C:\Users\DELL\Documents\Trajectory_out", site = "sdr")

Deleting old files...
Running 713 HYSPLIT trajectories...
Binding HYSPLIT files...
Error during wrapup: i In index: 241.
Caused by error in dplyr::rename() at Temp/RtmpQHAHs9/file15086fbd5836:428:2:
! Can't rename columns that don't exist.
x Column V1 doesn't exist.
Error: no more error handlers available (recursive errors?); invoking 'abort' restart

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BlaiseKelly commented Sep 4, 2023 via email

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Hello, how should I add the code to calculate the length of the backward trajectory in the script?

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I can't adjust my map to a proper angle when I'm mapping a backward trajectory; and I can't change the basemap, it's confusing me, I hope someone can help me!
Here's my code, please.

trajPlot(traj, pollutant = "PM2.5",  
         type = "cluster",
         layout = c(4,1), 
         limits = c(0, 100),
         orientation = c(0, 0, 30), projection ="lambert", parameters = c(31, 121), 
         map = TRUE, xlim=c(95,135), ylim=c(20,60),
         map.fill = FALSE, col = "turbo")

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oijun33 commented Jan 30, 2024

getMet <- function(year = 2022, month = 1) {
for (i in seq_along(year)) {
for (j in seq_along(month)) {
url = paste0(
year[i], sprintf("%02d", month[j]), ".gbl"
destfile = paste0(
"C:/hysplit/TrajData/TrajData", "RP", year[i],
sprintf("%02d", month[j]), ".gbl"
mode = "wb"

getMet(year = 2022, month = 1:12)

filename = "run_hysplit.R")

data_out <- run_hysplit(
latitude = 36.7769,
longitude = 126.4939,
runtime = -96,
start_height = 10, )
model_height = 10000,
start = 2021,
end = "2021-12-31",
hysplit_exec = "C:/hysplit/exec",
hysplit_input = "C:/hysplit/trajData",
hysplit_output = "C:/hysplit/hysplit_output",
site = "seosan" )

However I do not get any output files in Trajectory_out

Can Someone help please?

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