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Last active March 2, 2016 01:27
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Calculates overall statistical uncertainty in a TOPAS distribution using the batch method
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Author: David Hall
## Email: david(dot)hall(dot)physics(at)gmail(dot)com
## Date: March 1st, 2016
## Program: topas_batch_uncertainty
## This program reads a set of TOPAS result files and uses
## the batch method to compute the relative statistical
## uncertainty in the scored distribution.
## Generally the high-dose region is used to compute an
## overall uncertainty, and this can be controlled by setting
## the threshold from the command-line.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from topas2numpy import BinnedResult
def main():
desc = 'Calculates overall statistical uncertainty in a TOPAS distribution using the batch method'
parser = ArgumentParser(description=desc)
parser.add_argument('infile', nargs='+', help='TOPAS result files')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', type=float, default=50.0,
help='Percentage of maximum value above which voxels contribute [default=50]')
parser.add_argument('--plot', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
data = [BinnedResult(path) for path in args.infile]
# input validation
if len(data) <= 1:
logging.critical('Cannot employ batch method with only one simulation')
return 1
for d in data[1:]:
assert d.quantity == data[0].quantity
assert d.unit == data[0].unit
assert d.dimensions == data[0].dimensions
except AssertionError:
logging.critical('Input files are incomparable (e.g. different dimensions)')
return 1
if all('Mean' in d.statistics for d in data):
stat_name = 'Mean'
elif all('Sum' in d.statistics for d in data):
stat_name = 'Sum'
logging.critical('Not all files contain the same first moment statistic')
return 1
# compute aggregated mean and standard deviation from sub-samples
N_samples = len(data)
mu_tot = np.zeros_like(data[0].data[stat_name])
for d in data:
mu_tot = np.add(mu_tot,[stat_name])
mu_tot /= N_samples
sigma_tot = np.zeros_like(data[0].data[stat_name])
for d in data:
sigma_tot = np.add(sigma_tot, np.square([stat_name] - mu_tot))
sigma_tot = np.sqrt(sigma_tot / (N_samples * (N_samples-1)))
# compute average statistical uncertainty
# Rogers and Mohan 2000 Questions for comparison of clinical Monte Carlo codes. The use of computers in radiation therapy,
# 13th int Conf ICCR. ed T Bortfgld and W Schlegel (Heidelberg Springer) 120-122
abs_threshold = args.threshold * np.amax(mu_tot) / 100.
mask = mu_tot >= abs_threshold
rel_unc = sigma_tot[mask] / mu_tot[mask]
average_sigma = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(rel_unc)))
print('Threshold of {0}% yields {1}/{2} voxels'.format(args.threshold, mu_tot[mask].size, mu_tot.size))
print('Average statistical uncertainty = {0:.2%}'.format(average_sigma))
if args.plot:
# find centroid of high-dose region
sh = mu_tot.shape
x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sh[0]), np.arange(sh[1]), np.arange(sh[2]), indexing='ij')
x0 = round(np.mean(x[mask]))
y0 = round(np.mean(y[mask]))
z0 = round(np.mean(z[mask]))
# plot 2D slice of mean and standard deviation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.imshow(mu_tot[:,y0,:])
plt.savefig('mean.eps', bbox_inches='tight')
fig = plt.imshow(sigma_tot[:,y0,:])
plt.savefig('std.eps', bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
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