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Last active December 11, 2015 10:19
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Save davidchase/4586238 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
shortcode using param, and heredoc
# This is a shortcode that uses an anonymous fuction
# with atts as a single param
add_shortcode('theForm', function($atts){
# Below are some default values for the forms
'submitBtn' => 'Get Info'
'noThanksBtn' => 'No Thanks',
'formError' => 'Sorry, could not the submit form, please try again.',
'eMessage' => 'Please fill in required fields',
'emailError' => 'Please enter valid email address'
), $atts ));
# Use a herebloc so you can store both type of quotes in a variable
$data =<<<EOI
<div class="formHolder">
<h4>Sign Up</h4>
<div class="loading"></div>
<form class="theForm" action="">
<input type="text" title="Enter your First Name (required)" placeholder="First Name (required)" name="firstname" class="layoutForm required"/>
<input type="text" title="Enter your Last Name (required)" placeholder="Last Name (required)" name="lastname" class="layoutForm required"/>
<input type="text" title="Enter your E-mail (required)" placeholder="Email (required)" name="email" class="layoutForm required email"/>
<input type="text" title="Enter your Phone Number (optional)" placeholder="Phone" name="phone" class="layoutForm" />
<span class="formError">$formError</span>
<span class="eMessage">$eMessage</span>
<span class="emailError">$emailError</span>
<input type="submit" value="$submitBtn" class="layoutForm sendForm"/>
<input type="button" value="$noThanksBtn" class="layoutForm closeForm" />
# Return the data variable not echo!
return $data;
# Use the shortcode like this [theForm] inside the editor or echo do_shortcode('[theForm]'); outside the editor
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