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Last active June 23, 2016 11:27
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Exploring eLife Lens

Setting up Lens

This is a work in progress, and is not a finished document.

This post douments how I've managed to set up Lens to run locally, and how I've been able bring into my Lens document a new node type, populated by the content of a custom element in the XML. It also includes some description and examples of what constitutes a Lens article node, and some more general notes on ways in to the code.


The top level prerequisites to get you started are listed below. There will be some more you'll come across along the way, for specific, optional tasks.

  • git
  • nodejs

Get the core repos and install dependancies

git clone


git clone (the Lens helper).

cd to the screwdriver directory and build Lens with sudo python install. Among other things this has created a lens/.screwdriver directory. In here you can find project.json that describes the submodules required for Lens, and module.json, which is in the format of an npm package.json file.

Install everything else you'll need for the codebase by cd to the lens directory, then substance --update.

Because there are many git repositories that together comprise Lens, you need to make sure that your Git operations are working on the correct branch, etc, for all of the repos concerned. The substance tool can help with this. To get a list of commands, type substance --help. You've already used --update to get hold of everthing. Some other useful commands are:

  • substance --checkout
  • substance --push
  • substance --pull
  • substance --git -- ... runs the provided git command on all submodules, for example substance --git -- reset
  • substance --each -- ... similar to --git, but runs the (not-necessarily git) command on all submodules. For example substance --each -- git remote add mine{{repoName}} adds remotes to my forks for all sub modules```

There are more commands. Consult the substance help for up-to-date info on behaviour and useage for all of them.

Set up Sublime Text 2 (optional)

Substance provide a Sublime Text 2 package to make it a bit easier to handle Git interactions for Lens when you're dealing with multiple submodules at once. It provides easy key bindings to (as a minumum) check git status, to run the Git GUI client git-gui and the Git repository browser gitk (some useful docs on gitk) from within Sublime Text 2 itself. (The latter two only work if they're installed, get 'em if you want 'em.)

To install the Substance Sublime package, cd to where ST2 keeps its packages. On my Mac, that's ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/, on Ubuntu it's ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/. I've no idea where it is on a PC, but I'm sure you'll find it. Then clone the package with git clone substance.

Once cloned, cd into substance and open the appropriate .sublime-keymap file for your OS to check what the keybindings are. There are a bunch in there, the ones I find most useful are:

Check git status:

{ "keys": ["key_binding"], "command": "git_status" },

Once in the git status view, if there are any modified files this line handles firing up the git-gui:

{ "keys": ["key_binding"], "command": "git_gui", "context": [{"key": "git_status"}]},

Also when in the status view, this brings up gitk:

{ "keys": ["key_binding"], "command": "git_log", "context": [{"key": "git_status"}]}

Where key_binding is the key binding for the respective command. To use these commmands, set the key bindings to be unique: you may have to manage key binding conflicts with other modules if they use the same ones.

Verify the key bindings

Open lens as a project in ST2.

Make an edit to any file within lens (for example lens/index.html).

Once your change is saved, use the key combination that should trigger git status (see key bindings above). You should see a tab opened named .Git.Status, which contains your git status for this project: you should see the file you just modified coming up as, well, modified!

To call up the diff in git-gui, hit the key combo for that one and verify git-gui opens.

To bring up gitk, hit the key combo for that one and verify gitk opens.

If they don't work, check you have the relavent tool installed, and that the keybinding is not being used for something else.

Once you've verified that these key bindings work as expected, commit or discard your change, then check git status again. You should now see the message "Everything committed. Yeaah!"


  • Lens server runs by default on port 4001, this can be changed in lens/server.js
  • The default document provided by the lens server is defined in lens/index.html, it is set with the JavaScript variable documentURL. This can be modified as required.


  • Spin up with node server and verify that the default document loads on http://localhost:4001 (or whatever port you've reset it to).

Contributing code

If you are going to write code that you want to contribute back to the lens communtiy, then you're going to be putting in pull requests to three repos: lens, lens-article[? TODO: verify this, and confirm specificity order], and lens-converter. When you have PRs into >1 repo that are for the same feature, make sure that you reference the least specific repo in the PRs for the other more-specific repo(s).

Obviously fork what you need to, and make sure you push to your forks, not the origin.

Building Lens

You've made some super updates to Lens, you now want to deploy them onto your website, so you'll need to re-bundle Lens: there are a lot of JavaScript files that need concatonating, which Lens does using browserify.

The bundling settings are found at the bottom of lens/.screwdriver/project.json

You'll need to install node modules browserify and uglify-js if you don't already have them on your system. Do this with sudo npm install -g browserify uglify-js.

Then bundle with substance --bundle. You should find a newly-created file at the location specified in the project.json file. By default this is within lens/dist/ [TODO: THIS LAST STEP DOESN'T WORK: ./dist is generated, along with css & various other files, but the ./dist/lens.js file is not generated.]

Some notes on the general architecture

This is an incomplete picture of how Lens is put together, based on my current understanding.


  • Uses commonjs pattern for dependancy management
  • Icons are from Font Awesome
  • The view is controlled via the URI, or the model is updated to reflect the state implied by the URI (similar to Backbone)
  • MVC: see lens/src/lens_controller.js and lens/src/lens_view.js
  • Top level application: Lens, found in lens/src/lens.js
  • Top level controller is LensController in lens/src/lens_controler.js. Currently this has only one child: reader; ReaderController is a second level controller.
  • There are respective corresponding views, see LensView in lens/src/lens_view.js, and ReaderView in lens/src/reader_view.js. The way in to the view is the render function.
  • Use a constructor on a Prototype object, for example in lens/src/reader_view.js:
ReaderView.Prototype = function () {
  // set some properties on ReaderView using 'this'
ReaderView.Prototype.prototype = View.prototype;
ReaderView.prototype = new ReaderView.Prototype();
ReaderView.prototype.constructor = ReaderView;
  • The right hand panels are set up outside of the reader in lens/src/panel_specification.js Add to the panelSpecs object to add more panels. This is used by PanelFactory in lens/src/panel_factory.js

  • Be aware of strict data typing. If a property has the value ["array", "object"], this states that it is an array of objects.

Misc notes

The index is generated using document.js API, this gives access to all annotations to a reference, figures etc.

lens outline controls the scroll bar document maps.

A Lens article

A Lens article is a collection of nodes. There are 2 types of nodes.

substance nodes

These are found in lens/node_modules/substance-nodes/src/.

They are the base nodes.

lens article nodes

These are found in lens/node_modules/lens-article/nodes/.

These nodes are used to build the Lens article. If a corresponding substance node exists, and there is no change to it, the lens article node just uses the respective underlying substance node. If a change from the respective substance node is required, that the new node definition is found here.

registering lens article nodes

For lens to know about the lens-article nodes available, they must be registered as dependencies; this happens in lens/node_modules/lens-article/nodes/index.js. If you're creating a new node, you must register it in this file for it to take.

What's in a name node?

  • A node is defined within a directory that has the name of the node, so the definition of the substance base image node is found at the path lens/node_modules/substance-nodes/src/image/.
  • A node definition always contains index.js. This file manages the dependancices for the guts of the node definition (the model and the view). Continuing the previous example, the full contents of lens/node_modules/substance-nodes/src/image/index.js is:
"use strict";

module.exports = {
  Model: require("./image"),
  View: require("./image_view")

Here we can see that the image node's model is defined in image.js, and the its view is defined in image_view.js.

If a lens article is just using the base substance node with no changes, the lens-article definition of the node references that underlying substance node. For example the lens article image node found at lens/node_modules/lens-article/nodes/image only contains index.js. This index.js references the underlying substance node:

"use strict";

var SubstanceNodes = require("substance-nodes");
module.exports = SubstanceNodes["image"];

The model

Looking inside image.js at the definition of the image node's model, ImageNode, like all nodes, has a type definition.

ImageNode.type = {
  "id": "image",
  "parent": "webresource",
  "properties": {
    "source_id": "string"

(Note: it looks to me that ImageNode should be called Image to be consistent with how the other nodes are put together.)

This is a quite a simple node as it's just for an image. Its parent is "webresource" but many nodes often have the parent of "content".

The Table lens article node is an example of a node with content as a parent. Its object model has more properties and is more complex than ImageNode. Let's break down the Table node model (see lens/node_modules/lens-article/nodes/table):

Dependencies are established, Table will be a Node:

var _ = require('underscore');
var Node = require('substance-document').Node;

Then the actual Lens.Table is created. Each node has a similar setup to this (with a slight difference if the type is composite document (Document.Composite) rather than a node).

var Table = function(node, doc) {, node, doc);

Next the Table type is defined. Each node type has a similar structure, with id, parent and properties. JavaScript Table.type = { "id": "table", "parent": "content", "properties": { "source_id": "string", "label": "string", "content": "string", "footers": ["array", "string"], "caption": "caption" } };

Note that ```"footers": ["array", "string"]``` means that the ```footer``` property takes an array of strings.

Next a configuration option. Some node types have extra configuration like this, others don't.
Table.config = {
  "zoomable": true

Then there's the setting of a couple of documentation/example related properties Table.description and Table.example that we won't worry about here.

Then the prototype is set up. Each node type has a prototype defined in the same way (although what it exposes depends on the type, of course), except that in the case of composite documents, the object's Prototype.prototype is set to Document.Composite.prototype rather than Node.prototype.

Table.Prototype = function() {
  this.getCaption = function() {
    if ( {
      return this.document.get(;

Table.Prototype.prototype = Node.prototype;
Table.prototype = new Table.Prototype();
Table.prototype.constructor = Table;

Finally any getters are set up

var getters = {
  header: {
    get: function() {

_.each(, function(prop, key) {
  getters[key] = {
    get: function() {

Object.defineProperties(Table.prototype, getters);

Then we expose Table to the world, and we're done:

module.exports = Table;

The view

Let's take a look at the corresponding view for a table, which as you'll remember is held in table_view.js.

Dependancies first:

"use strict";

var _ = require("underscore");
var util = require("substance-util");
var html = util.html;
var NodeView = require("../node").View;
var $$ = require("substance-application").$$;

($$ is a substance helper to create elements, you can pass properties to be attribute values. It's a wrapper around ElementRenderer)

Next create what will become the actual view, note that this uses viewFactory [TODO: track down viewFactory!]

var TableView = function(node, viewFactory) {, node);
  this.viewFactory = viewFactory;

  this.$el.addClass("content-node table");

Add its prototype. In the prototype, the render function is where most of the action happens. If you're building a new type, this is where you'll control how it displays.

TableView.Prototype = function() {

  this.render = function() {
    var node = this.node;;

    // The actual content
    // --------

    var tableWrapper = $$('.table-wrapper', {
      html: node.content // HTML table content


    // Display footers (optional)
    // --------

    var footers = $$('.footers', {
      children:, function(footer) {
        return $$('.footer', { html: "<b>"+footer.label+"</b> " + footer.content });

    // Display caption

    var caption = this.node.getCaption();
    if (caption) {
      var captionView = this.viewFactory.createView(caption);
      var captionEl = captionView.render().el;
      // this.childrenViews.push(captionView);


    // this.content.appendChild($$('.not-yet-implemented', {text: "This node type has not yet been implemented. "}));
    return this;
  TableView.Prototype.prototype = NodeView.prototype;
  TableView.prototype = new TableView.Prototype();

Then we let it loose into the world and we're done:

module.exports = TableView;

Importing the xml into Lens

See lens/node_modules/lens-converter/lens_converter.js. The converter handles the mapping of xml data into the data model provided by the lens nodes. It's where you pull out parts of the xml you want to use in your Lens document.

There are a number of different publisher configurations for the converter. Currently they are all defined as dependancies for the Importer, but as conceptually they are mutually exclusive, a refactoring to only include the required config would be useful.

Enough theory, we need an example!

Let's create an new node type, add a declarative form of it to the XML as a new custom element, and render it in a Lens article. We will call it the Raptor. In the XML, the raptor element will be defined like this:

<my_raptor img_path="" short_description="Raptor!"></my_raptor>

Add this XML element to the default document for your local Lens, just before the </article>, we will then be able to test the rendering in a browser.

In the rendered view, this XML will be transformed into an image tag, containing a reference to an image (a raptor, obviously) with alt text.

[Note that at the time of writing, NLM XML does not have a my_raptor element defined in the DTD, so the XML we create will not parse against the current NLM DTD. Clearly that's their loss :-)]

Defining the new raptor node type

raptor will be a new lens article node (we don't create new substance nodes); first we need to give it a home:

cd lens/node_modules/lens-article/nodes
mkdir raptor

Note that we're calling the lens article node type raptor, and the XML element <my_raptor>. This is to emphasise which code relates to the JavaScript and which to the XML. Normally it may make more sense to call them by the same name.

Then create the definition for the new node:

cd raptor
touch index.js

and tell the index file where to find the raptor node's model and view (we'll make those next). In index.js:

"use strict";

module.exports = {
  Model: require('./raptor'),
  View: require('./raptor_view')

Creating the model

Create the file to contain the raptor's model definition (touch raptor.js), then editing this:

First, setup the dependencies:

"use strict";
var _ = require('underscore');
var Node = require('substance-document').Node;

Make the raptor a substance document node:

// Lens.Raptor
// -----------------

var Raptor = function(node, doc) {, node, doc);

Now let's add the actual data model of the raptor node:

// Type definition
// -----------------

Raptor.type = {
  "id": "raptor",
  "parent": "content",
  "properties": {
      "img_path": "string",
      "short_description": "string"

Notice the img_path and short_description properties. These have the same names as the XML attributes from our <my_raptor> element that will populate them. These JavaScript properties don't have to have the same name as their corresponding XML attributes, but why make things needlessly complicated?

[Note that state.nextId('raptor') ensures a unique id for instances of raptor nodes when there is more than one in a document.]

Next we set up up the prototype, in a pattern that should now be familiar:

Raptor.Prototype = function() {


Raptor.Prototype.prototype = Node.prototype;
Raptor.prototype = new Raptor.Prototype();
Raptor.prototype.constructor = Raptor;

Then we augment the prototype with our raptor properties:

Node.defineProperties(Raptor.prototype, ["img_path", "short_description"]);

And we expose our new type:

module.exports = Raptor;

And the job's a good 'un. So now the full raptor.js file looks like this:

"use strict";
var _ = require('underscore');

var Node = require('substance-document').Node;

// Lens.Raptor
// -----------------

var Raptor = function(node, doc) {, node, doc);

// Type definition
// -----------------

Raptor.type = {
  "id": "raptor",
  "parent": "content",
  "properties": {
      "img_path": "string",
      "short_description": "string"

Raptor.Prototype = function() {


Raptor.Prototype.prototype = Node.prototype;
Raptor.prototype = new Raptor.Prototype();
Raptor.prototype.constructor = Raptor;

Node.defineProperties(Raptor.prototype, ["img_path", "short_description"]);

module.exports = Raptor;

Creating the view

Create the file to contain the raptor's view definition (touch raptor_view.js), then editing this:

First, setup the dependencies:

"use strict";

var _ = require("underscore");
var util = require("substance-util");
var html = util.html;
var CompositeView = require("../composite").View;
var $$ = require("substance-application").$$;

Then create the view object:

var RaptorView = function(node, viewFactory) {, node, viewFactory);

  this.$el.addClass("content-node raptor");

Now setup the prototype, including the critical render method. This is where the action happens:

RaptorView.Prototype = function() {

  // Render it
  // --------

  this.render = function () {
    var node = this.node;
    var raptorPath = this.node.img_path;
    var raptorDesc = this.node.short_description;
    var outEl;

    this.content = $$('div.content');
    outEl = document.createElement('img');
    if (raptorPath) {
      outEl.setAttribute('src', raptorPath);
       if (raptorDesc) {
          outEl.setAttribute('alt', raptorDesc);
    // this.content.appendChild($raptorEl.get(0));
    return this;

RaptorView.Prototype.prototype = CompositeView.prototype;
RaptorView.prototype = new RaptorView.Prototype();
RaptorView.prototype.constructor = RaptorView;

And finally expose the view:

module.exports = RaptorView;

The full raptor_view.js should look like this:

"use strict";

var _ = require("underscore");
var util = require("substance-util");
var html = util.html;
var CompositeView = require("../composite").View;
var $$ = require("substance-application").$$;

var RaptorView = function(node, viewFactory) {, node, viewFactory);

  this.$el.addClass("content-node raptor");

RaptorView.Prototype = function() {

  // Render it
  // --------

  this.render = function () {
    var node = this.node;
    var raptorPath = this.node.img_path;
    var raptorDesc = this.node.short_description;
    var outEl;

    this.content = $$('div.content');
    outEl = document.createElement('img');
    if (raptorPath) {
      outEl.setAttribute('src', raptorPath);
       if (raptorDesc) {
          outEl.setAttribute('alt', raptorDesc);

    return this;

RaptorView.Prototype.prototype = CompositeView.prototype;
RaptorView.prototype = new RaptorView.Prototype();
RaptorView.prototype.constructor = RaptorView;

module.exports = RaptorView;

Registering the node

Now we have defined raptor, our new lens article node type, we need to register it so it can be used. We do this in lens/node_modules/lens-article/nodes/index.js:

"use strict";
module.exports = {
  "raptor": require("./raptor"), // <-- registering our raptor
  "publication_info": require("./publication_info"),
  "box": require("./box"),
  "cover": require("./cover"),
  "text": require("./text"),
  "paragraph": require("./paragraph"),
  "heading": require("./heading"),
  "figure": require("./figure"),
  "caption": require("./caption"),
  "image": require("./image"),
  "webresource": require("./web_resource"),
  "table": require("./table"),
  "supplement": require("./supplement"),
  "video": require("./video"),
  "contributor": require("./contributor"),
  "definition": require("./definition"),
  "citation": require("./citation"),
  "formula": require('./formula'),
  "list": require("./list"),
  "codeblock": require("./codeblock"),
  "affiliation": require("./_affiliation"),
  "footnote": require("./footnote"),

Quick recap

Okay, so far we have:

  • a new xml element <my_raptor>
  • a new lens article node definition for raptor
  • a model for raptor
  • a view for raptor
  • and we've registered the new raptor node with Lens

Update the converter

To actually populate our raptor node's model with the data from the raptor XML element, we need to update the converter. The converter is found at lens/node_modules/lens-converter/src/lens-converter.js.

To get the raptor displaying, we need to add it to the article method. I've added this almost at the bottom of this method, just above:

    // Give the config the chance to add stuff
    state.config.enhanceArticle(this, state, article);

There is a lot of undocumented institutional knowledge in the converter, so tread carefully here. This is the code to add:

    // Grab the raptors and put them in the  in the content (left hand side),
    // and the figures panel on the right hand side.
    var Raptor = {
      type: 'raptor',
      id: state.nextId('raptor'),
      img_path: article.querySelector('my_raptor').getAttribute('img_path'),
      short_description: article.querySelector('my_raptor').getAttribute('short_description')

    doc.create(Raptor);'content',;'figures',, 0);

Note how the JavaScript Raptor object's properties are populated using DOM methods, querying off of our new <my_raptor> element in the XML. The arguments to querySelector are just CSS selector strings, so if you're used to using querySelector in HTML, or are used to jQuery selectors, this syntax should be familiar. If it's not, check out this illustrative use of css selectors.

The last two lines cause the raptor be displayed in the content panel (left hand side), and the figures panel. The names 'content' and 'figures' refer to types of panel, defined in len/src/panel_specification.js.

Test it!

There you have it. Make sure the lens server is running, and go to http://localhost:4001 (or whichever port you're using). Scroll down and you will find your raptor looming out of the main content; click on the Figures icon, and you should see your raptor menacing you from the top of the images list.

And that's one way you can create a custom node in Lens.

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