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columns=[{"name": i, "id": i, 'deletable': True} for i in dt_columns]
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'Sessions YoY (%)', 'Bookings - TY', 'Bookings - LP', 'Bookings PoP (%)', 'Bookings PoP (Abs)', 'Bookings - LY', 'Bookings YoY (%)', 'Bookings YoY (Abs)', 'Revenue - TY', 'Revenue - LP', 'Revenue PoP (Abs)', 'Revenue PoP (%)', 'Revenue - LY', 'Revenue YoY (%)', 'Revenue YoY (Abs)',]]
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+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Spend PoP (%)', 'filter': 'Spend_PoP_percent_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Spend YoY (%)', 'filter': 'Spend_YoY_percent_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Sessions PoP (%)', 'filter': 'Sessions_PoP_percent_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Sessions YoY (%)', 'filter': 'Sessions_YoY_percent_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Bookings PoP (Abs)', 'filter': 'Bookings_PoP_abs_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Bookings YoY (Abs)', 'filter': 'Bookings_YoY_abs_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Bookings PoP (%)', 'filter': 'Bookings_PoP_percent_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Bookings YoY (%)', 'filter': 'Bookings_YoY_percent_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Revenue PoP (Abs)', 'filter': 'Revenue_PoP_abs_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Revenue YoY (Abs)', 'filter': 'Revenue_YoY_abs_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Revenue PoP (%)', 'filter': 'Revenue_PoP_percent_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}]
+ [{'if': {'column_id': 'Revenue YoY (%)', 'filter': 'Revenue_YoY_percent_conditional < num(0)'}, 'color': 'red'}],
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