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Last active May 13, 2022 04:36
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Data Structures Summary

General purposes data structures

Linked Lists

  • small amount of data, not predictable
  • used when data is frequently inserted and deleted
  • searching is slow
  • the insertion order matters when searching


  • searching and deletion are slow
  • delete is slow because an average of half the items must be moved to fill in the newly vacated cell
  • fast access if index is known
  • Ordered Array: small amount of data, predictable, search faster than insertion
  • Unordered Array: small amount of data, predictable, insertion faster than search

Binary Search Trees

  • first choice when arrays and linked lists seems slow for solving the problem
  • large amount of data, key distribution is random
  • searching, insertion and deletion can be slow (in worst case)
  • unbalanced trees reduce the performance

Balanced Trees

  • large amount of data, key distribution is not random
  • complex and always balanced
  • quick search, insertion and deletion whether the input data is ordered or not
  • red-black trees (most used), 2-3-4 trees, AVL trees, splay trees, 2-3 trees
  • sometimes a hash table may be a better choice than a balanced tree

Hash tables

  • large amount of data, fast search and insertion
  • fastest data storage structure
  • not sensitive to the order in which data is inserted
  • simple than balanced trees
  • if ordered traversal is necessary, a binary search tree is a better choice

Summary (time complexity)

Data Structure Search Insertion Deletion Traversal
Array O(N) O(1) end of array O(N) -
Ordered Array O(logN) binary search O(N) O(N) O(N)
Linked List O(N) O(1) O(N) -
Ordered Linked List O(N) O(N) O(N) O(N)
Binary tree (average) O(logN) O(logN) O(logN) O(N)
Binary tree (worst case) O(N) O(N) O(N) O(N)
Balanced tree (average and worst case) O(logN) O(logN) O(logN) O(N)
Hash table O(1) O(1) O(1) -

Special purposes data structures

  • Stacks, queues, and priority queues are Abstract Data Types (ADTs) implemented by fundamental data structures as arrays, linked lists or heaps


  • use only to access last data item inserted (LIFO)
  • implemented as an array or a linked list
  • linked lists are a better choice when the amount of data that the stack will contain can’t be predicted in advance
  • linked lists are a better choice because items can be inserted and deleted quickly from the head


  • use only to access first data item inserted (FIFO)
  • implemented as an array or a linked list
  • situations in which queue wraps around requires additional logic for an array, and double-ended linked lists
  • linked lists are a better choice when the amount of data that the queue will contain can’t be predicted in advance

Priority Queues

  • use only to access first data with the highest priority
  • implemented as an ordered array or a heap
  • heaps are a better choice for faster insertion and deletion

Summary (time complexity)

Data Structure Insertion Deletion
Stack O(1) O(1)
Queue O(1) O(1)
Priority Queue (ordered array) O(N) O(1)
Priority Queue (heap) O(logN) O(logN)
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