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Created October 15, 2013 12:35
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A "one step" way to start Manet Manager
package arl.activityselector;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import org.span.service.ManetHelper;
import org.span.service.ManetObserver;
import org.span.service.core.ManetService.AdhocStateEnum;
import org.span.service.routing.Node;
import org.span.service.system.ManetConfig;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
/** This class is designed to be run once at the beginning of an application that needs
* ad-hoc networking.
public class ManetStarter
private static ManetStarter instance = null;
protected ManetStarter()
Log.w("ManetStarter", "Non-singleton instantiation is not allowed.");
public static ManetStarter createInstance(Activity activity)
if (instance == null)
instance = new ManetStarter(activity);
Log.w("ManetStarter.createInstance()", "Cannot create instance, an instance already exists.");
return instance;
public static ManetStarter getInstance()
if (instance == null)
Log.w("ManetStarter.getInstance()", "Instance is null...");
return instance;
private ManetHelper mManetHelper = null;
public ManetHelper getManetHelper()
return mManetHelper;
Activity mActivity = null;
Context mContext = null;
boolean mStarted = false;
// ManetStarter(Activity activity)
// {
// mManetHelper = new ManetHelper(activity);
// mActivity = activity;
// }
protected ManetStarter(Activity activity)
mManetHelper = ManetHelper.createInstance(activity.getApplicationContext());
mActivity = activity;
* This class is designed to display a message if the run() function is ever
* executed. That is, we use a timeoutTimer.schedule(timeoutTask, timeout);
* and if 'timeout' time has elapsed before the timer is canceled, the
* message is displayed.
class TimeoutTask extends TimerTask
private String mMessage;
public void setMessage(final String message)
mMessage = message;
public void run()
Log.i("TimeoutTask:run", mMessage);
* This class tries to connect to the MANET Manager service. It it can
* connect to the service, it uses StartAdhocThread to try to start adhoc
* mode. Both of these steps are protected by timeout timers to prevent
* infinite loops if something goes wrong.
public class ConnectToServiceAndStartAdhocThread extends Thread implements
// This timer is used to declare connection impossible if a connection
// has not been made
// after a timeout period has elapsed.
Timer timeoutTimer = new Timer();
int timeout = 2000; // milliseconds
// This thread attempts to start adhoc mode once the connection to the
// service is verified.
StartAdhocThread startAdhocThread = new StartAdhocThread();
public void run()
// For some reason the connection to the service is not valid until
// after a second or so
// Log.i("ConnectToServiceAndStartAdhocThread:run",
// "Checking status immediately...");
// CheckStatus();
// Can't do this -
// "RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()"
// mManetHelper.connectToService();
mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
public void run()
TimeoutTask timeoutTask = new TimeoutTask();
.setMessage("Unable to connect to service before timeout!");
timeoutTimer.schedule(timeoutTask, timeout);
* If we connected to the service successfully, then try to start adhoc
* mode.
public void onServiceConnected()
Log.i("ConnectToServiceAndStartAdhocThread", "onServiceConnected()");
if (mStarted == true)
"Connected to service, so starting adhoc...");
// isAlive may return a false negative if not enough time has
// elapsed since the thread was started
// if(!startAdhocThread.isAlive())
// {
// startAdhocThread.start();
// }
// Potentially use this: if(mythread.getState() == Thead.State.NEW)
// instead
catch (Exception e)
// do nothing (the thread was probably already started)
public void onServiceDisconnected()
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onServiceStarted()
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onServiceStopped()
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onAdhocStateUpdated(AdhocStateEnum state, String info)
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onConfigUpdated(ManetConfig manetcfg)
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onPeersUpdated(HashSet<Node> peers)
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onRoutingInfoUpdated(String info)
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onError(String error)
// Required by ManetObserver interface
* This class starts a progress dialog and stops it after either successful
* starting of adhoc mode or a timeout.
public class StartAdhocThread extends Thread implements ManetObserver
// This is used to effectively block the UI (by displaying a dialog)
// without
// actually blocking the UI thread.
ProgressDialog progressDialog = null;
// This timer is used to declare that starting adhoc mode has failed if
// it is not started
// before a timeout period has elapsed.
Timer timeoutTimer = new Timer();
int timeout = 2000; // milliseconds
public void run()
mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
public void run()
progressDialog =, "",
"Ensuring ad-hoc mode is started. Please wait...",
TimeoutTask timeoutTask = new TimeoutTask();
.setMessage("Unable to start adhoc mode before timeout!");
timeoutTimer.schedule(timeoutTask, timeout);
public void onServiceConnected()
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onServiceDisconnected()
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onServiceStarted()
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onServiceStopped()
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onAdhocStateUpdated(AdhocStateEnum state, String info)
if (state == AdhocStateEnum.STARTED)
Log.i("WorkerThread:onAdhocStateUpdated", "Adhoc is started!");
mStarted = true;
"Adhoc is not started!");
if (progressDialog != null)
// No matter what happens, disconnect from the service
// Log.i("ManetStarter.StartAdhocThread.onAdhocStateUpdated",
// "Disconnecting from service...");
// mManetHelper.disconnectFromService();
public void onConfigUpdated(ManetConfig manetcfg)
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onPeersUpdated(HashSet<Node> peers)
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onRoutingInfoUpdated(String info)
// Required by ManetObserver interface
public void onError(String error)
// Required by ManetObserver interface
}; // end StartAdhocThread class
public void PrepareNetwork()
"Preparing network (connecting to service and starting adhoc)...");
ConnectToServiceAndStartAdhocThread connectToServiceAndStartAdhocThread = new ConnectToServiceAndStartAdhocThread();
// We have to register this here as well or sometimes we get
// ConcurrentModificationException from
// ManetHelper.ManetServiceConnection.onServiceConnected
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