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Last active September 17, 2023 06:11
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Use TF SIG Build image to compile Tensorflow without AVX (for Celeron on NAS)
# See
# clonse sources
git clone --depth 1 --branch $TF_TAG
# output folder
mkdir packages
# cache folder
mkdir bazelcache
# start the builder container
docker run --name tf -w /tf/tensorflow -it -d \
-v "$(pwd)/packages:/tf/pkg" \
-v "$(pwd)/tensorflow:/tf/tensorflow" \
-v "$(pwd)/bazelcache:/tf/cache" \
tensorflow/build:$BUILDER_TAG \
# adapt config
docker exec tf /bin/bash cp /usertools/cpu.bazelrc /usertools/cpu.bazelrc.mine
# alt: simply remove avx-related flags
#docker exec tf /bin/bash -c 'sed -i s/build\ --copt=-mavx\ --host_copt=-mavx/build\ --copt=\ --host_copt=/g /usertools/cpu.bazelrc.mine'
# alt: supply specific flags to activate available optimizations e turn off missing ones (i.e. avx instruction set)
docker exec tf /bin/bash -c 'sed -i s/build\ --copt=-mavx\ --host_copt=-mavx/build\ --copt=-march=core2\ --copt=-mno-avx\ --copt=-mno-avx2\ --copt=-mno-fma\ --copt=-msse4.1\ --copt=-msse4.2\ --copt=-mno-bmi\ --copt=-mno-bmi2\ --host_copt=-march=core2\ --host_copt=-mno-avx\ --host_copt=-mno-avx2\ --host_copt=-mno-fma\ --host_copt=-msse4.1\ --host_copt=-msse4.2\ --host_copt=-mno-bmi\ --host_copt=-mno-bmi2=/g /usertools/cpu.bazelrc.mine'
# cleanup Bazel stuff (if changes result in incompatible cached stuff)
#docker exec tf bazel clean
# build the sources with Bazel
docker exec tf bazel --bazelrc=/usertools/cpu.bazelrc \
build --config=sigbuild_local_cache \
# construct the pip package
docker exec tf \
./bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package \
/tf/pkg \
# rename the wheels
docker exec tf /usertools/
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